android Programming Glossary: system.currenttimemillis
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask p.descent 2 1 p return bm public void run start System.currentTimeMillis PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER.. height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter.. String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? to distinguish them. intent.setAction actionstring System.currentTimeMillis UPDATE Also the lightly documented second parameter to getActivity..
Android and MJPEG p.descent 2 1 p return bm public void run start System.currentTimeMillis PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER.. height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter.. String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException..
Application idle time false public void run long idle 0 this.touch do idle System.currentTimeMillis lastUsed Log.d TAG Application is idle for idle ms try Thread.sleep.. Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized void forceInterrupt this.interrupt soft..
Get Path of image from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg startActivityForResult cameraIntent 0 I need to store image..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects..
Alarm Manager Example context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis 1000 60 10 pi Millisec Second Minute public void CancelAlarm..
Android timer? How? public boolean handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60.. run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60.. new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount.. while run c null limit frame rate to max 60fps timeNow System.currentTimeMillis timeDelta timeNow timePrevFrame if timeDelta 16 try Thread.sleep.. timeDelta catch InterruptedException e timePrevFrame System.currentTimeMillis try c surfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized surfaceHolder..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg .getPath I have three variables in my Activity that store..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask overlayTextColor c.drawText text b.left 1 bheight 2 p.ascent p.descent 2 1 p return bm public void run start System.currentTimeMillis PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas.. destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay.. frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e e.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch IOException hit in run..
Android keeps caching my intents Extras, how to declare a pending intent that keeps fresh extras? extras you will need to add a count or timestamp or something to distinguish them. intent.setAction actionstring System.currentTimeMillis UPDATE Also the lightly documented second parameter to getActivity and kin on PendingIntent apparently can be used to create..
Android and MJPEG overlayTextColor c.drawText text b.left 1 bheight 2 p.ascent p.descent 2 1 p return bm public void run start System.currentTimeMillis PorterDuffXfermode mode new PorterDuffXfermode PorterDuff.Mode.DST_OVER Bitmap bm int width int height Rect destRect Canvas.. destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay.. frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps String.valueOf frameCounter fps frameCounter 0 start System.currentTimeMillis ovl makeFpsOverlay overlayPaint fps catch IOException e finally if c null mSurfaceHolder.unlockCanvasAndPost..
Application idle time boolean stop public Waiter long period this.period period stop false public void run long idle 0 this.touch do idle System.currentTimeMillis lastUsed Log.d TAG Application is idle for idle ms try Thread.sleep 5000 check every 5 seconds catch InterruptedException.. here e.g. call popup or so while stop Log.d TAG Finishing Waiter thread public synchronized void touch lastUsed System.currentTimeMillis public synchronized void forceInterrupt this.interrupt soft stopping of thread public synchronized void stop stop true..
Get Path of image from ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT new File Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg startActivityForResult cameraIntent 0 I need to store image in an sdcard and retrieve the path of that image using..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging Set the icon scrolling text and timestamp Notification notification new Notification R.drawable.icon text System.currentTimeMillis The PendingIntent to launch our activity if the user selects this notification PendingIntent contentIntent PendingIntent.getActivity..
Alarm Manager Example context Alarm.class PendingIntent pi PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 i 0 am.setRepeating AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP System.currentTimeMillis 1000 60 10 pi Millisec Second Minute public void CancelAlarm Context context Intent intent new Intent context Alarm.class..
Android timer? How? the textfield final Handler h new Handler new Callback @Override public boolean handleMessage Message msg long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text.setText String.format d 02d minutes.. timer be reposting self Handler h2 new Handler Runnable run new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text3.setText String.format d 02d minutes.. TimerTask @Override public void run main.this.runOnUiThread new Runnable @Override public void run long millis System.currentTimeMillis starttime int seconds int millis 1000 int minutes seconds 60 seconds seconds 60 text2.setText String.format d 02d minutes..
How can I use the animation framework inside the canvas? its saved position only the ball bitmap was rotated not all canvas. Measure frame rate unit frames per second . now System.currentTimeMillis canvas.drawText framesCountAvg fps 40 70 fpsPaint framesCount if now framesTimer 1000 framesTimer now framesCountAvg framesCount.. return surfaceHolder @Override public void run Canvas c while run c null limit frame rate to max 60fps timeNow System.currentTimeMillis timeDelta timeNow timePrevFrame if timeDelta 16 try Thread.sleep 16 timeDelta catch InterruptedException e timePrevFrame.. timeNow timePrevFrame if timeDelta 16 try Thread.sleep 16 timeDelta catch InterruptedException e timePrevFrame System.currentTimeMillis try c surfaceHolder.lockCanvas null synchronized surfaceHolder call methods to draw and process next fame gameView.onDraw..
Deleting a gallery image after camera intent photo taken If this does not exist we can create it here. if path.exists path.mkdir return new File path String.valueOf System.currentTimeMillis .jpg .getPath I have three variables in my Activity that store information for me about a current file. A string path a..