android Programming Glossary: simplecursoradapter
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager with Custom Adapter My class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter and implements SectionIndexer and I am using a LoaderManager.. indicates. public class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements SectionIndexer private LayoutInflater mInflater private..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader implement a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer . I was just wondering if its.. implemented a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer I set a FilterQueryProvider like..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? my SQLiteDatabase to a ListView . I'm currently using a SimpleCursorAdapter to fill in my ListView . Unfortunately this doesn't seem to.. right of the CheckBox as text. Java setListAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mylist data new String Datenbank.DB_STATE Datenbank.DB_NAME..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask this public class ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter region Constants private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX.. out public class ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter region Constants private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c.. new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml..
Android column '_id' does not exist? String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from.. int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine... persists. String from new String x int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter adapter null try adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.circle_row..
What is Context in Android? tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard Common Resources..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) isn't that much of a problem I already did it in my custom SimpleCursorAdapter but I can't sort the data because i don't have the distance..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where.. 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.setViewImage 183 01 25 05 05 49.917.. 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.setViewImage 183 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.bindView..
How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list? Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to display SimpleCursorAdapter scansdb new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.scan_row scanCursor.. and set it to display SimpleCursorAdapter scansdb new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.scan_row scanCursor from to setListAdapter scansdb..
How to call Android contacts list? import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter import android.widget.TextView public class Contacts extends.. People.NAME int names new int mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mycontacts C columns names setListAdapter mAdapter..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager about how to make this all work android adapter simplecursoradapter android cursorloader android loadermanager share improve this..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView best approach. Does anyone have any suggestions android simplecursoradapter expandablelistadapter android cursorloader share improve this..
Android: Using SimpleCursorAdapter to get Data from Database to ListView it had to be android list. android database listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question Using the database format in..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view Can anyone guide me Thanks. android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question Since op asked for the solution..
Android: How to text filter a listview based on a simplecursoradapter? How to text filter a listview based on a simplecursoradapter I have a ListView that is backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter...
android listview item height android listview row android arrayadapter simplecursoradapter share improve this question android textAppearance android..
Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data to simply show HH mm format android android listview simplecursoradapter android viewbinder share improve this question You can do..
Click Listener on ListView manifest android listview listadapter onselect simplecursoradapter share improve this question This should allow you to interact..
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter e System.out.println Exc e return null android simplecursoradapter share improve this question Overriding the getView function..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? the path in my database. java android listview cursor simplecursoradapter share improve this question Will I've actually implemented..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter ways shown of getting the cursor Thanks. android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question So a couple of points after..
Android: endless scrolling - ListView and Cursor is not updated what am I missing android listview cursor simplecursoradapter share improve this question I will post a code which I have..
How to insert extra elements into a SimpleCursorAdapter or Cursor for a Spinner? example Thanks in advance. android cursor spinner simplecursoradapter share improve this question You can use a combination of..
SimpleCursorAdapter with ImageView and TextView would I set the image if it can be done android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question When the view to bind is an..
SimpleCursorAdapter deprecated in API version 15? The other standard constructor is not deprecated. android simplecursoradapter share improve this question Only the constructor is deprecated..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? is supposed to do java android android fragments simplecursoradapter android loadermanager share improve this question Edit I've..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager with Custom Adapter like this AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter My class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter and implements SectionIndexer and I am using a LoaderManager to manage my adapter's cursor so i have overridden the swapCursor.. swapCursor method like the second answer to the example above indicates. public class ContactsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter implements SectionIndexer private LayoutInflater mInflater private Context mContext private AlphabetIndexer mAlphaIndexer..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader with this or is this simply not possible I have been able to implement a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer . I was just wondering if its possible to implement this using a CursorLoader instead since.. situation I am open to any suggestions. UPDATE 3 When I implemented a custom MultiAutoCompleteTextView backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter along with a custom Tokenizer I set a FilterQueryProvider like this mAdapter.setFilterQueryProvider new FilterQueryProvider..
Android: Binding data from a database to a CheckBox in a ListView? to a CheckBox in a ListView I'm trying to bind data from my SQLiteDatabase to a ListView . I'm currently using a SimpleCursorAdapter to fill in my ListView . Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with setting a CheckBox's checked attribute. This is how.. in the value to the text argument so the value is displayed right of the CheckBox as text. Java setListAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mylist data new String Datenbank.DB_STATE Datenbank.DB_NAME new int mylist.xml..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask setting the appropriate image. Is there anyway to avoid this public class ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter region Constants private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX 3 private static final int ID2_COLUMN_INDEX 0 private.. But you can also call the picasso code which I've commented out public class ConversationThreadsCursorAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter region Constants private static final int RECIPIENT_IDS_COLUMN_INDEX 3 private static final int ID2_COLUMN_INDEX 0 private..
RuntimeException: Your content must have a ListView whose id attribute is '' catID startManagingCursor c String from new String DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. c String from new String DBHelper.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.text_newslist c from to setListAdapter notes newslist.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns..
Android column '_id' does not exist? from the NotepadCodeLab Notepadv1Solution String from new String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just to be clear I ran.. String from new String NotesDbAdapter.KEY_TITLE int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to This code seems to work fine. But just to be clear I ran the ADB utility and run SQLite.. I've simplified and simplified my code but the problem persists. String from new String x int to new int SimpleCursorAdapter adapter null try adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.circle_row cursor from to catch RuntimeException e Log.e..
What is Context in Android? Creating New objects Creating new views adapters listeners TextView tv new TextView getContext ListAdapter adapter new SimpleCursorAdapter getApplicationContext ... Accessing Standard Common Resources Services like LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE SharedPreferences context.getSystemService..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) by function from sql because displaying the distance alone isn't that much of a problem I already did it in my custom SimpleCursorAdapter but I can't sort the data because i don't have the distance column in my DB. That would mean updating the DB everytime the..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object int to new int notes new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.notes_row c from to setListAdapter notes Where is a ButtonImage . Here is my LogCat 01.. android.widget.ImageView.setImageURI 281 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.setViewImage 183 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.bindView.. 281 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.setViewImage 183 01 25 05 05 49.917 ERROR AndroidRuntime 3896 at android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter.bindView
How can I get Android Wifi Scan Results into a list? in this case just text1 int to new int Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to display SimpleCursorAdapter scansdb new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.scan_row scanCursor from to setListAdapter scansdb java android listview.. new int Now create a simple cursor adapter and set it to display SimpleCursorAdapter scansdb new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.scan_row scanCursor from to setListAdapter scansdb java android listview android wifi share improve this..
How to call Android contacts list? import android.view.View import android.widget.ListAdapter import android.widget.ListView import android.widget.SimpleCursorAdapter import android.widget.TextView public class Contacts extends ListActivity private ListAdapter mAdapter public TextView pbContact.. null null startManagingCursor C String columns new String People.NAME int names new int mAdapter new SimpleCursorAdapter this R.layout.mycontacts C columns names setListAdapter mAdapter end onCreate Called when contact is pressed @Override protected..
AlphabetIndexer with Custom Adapter managed by LoaderManager in a ListFragment and not a ListActivity Does anyone have suggestions about how to make this all work android adapter simplecursoradapter android cursorloader android loadermanager share improve this question So I finally got this to work. Here's how i did..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView in some data structure. But i'm not sure if this is the best approach. Does anyone have any suggestions android simplecursoradapter expandablelistadapter android cursorloader share improve this question So i figured out that I needed to map loaderids..
Android: Using SimpleCursorAdapter to get Data from Database to ListView item Edit The ListView ID was wrong since it had to be android list. android database listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question Using the database format in the tutorial that you linked to every row has an _id isbn title..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view true android layout_alignParentTop true RelativeLayout Can anyone guide me Thanks. android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question Since op asked for the solution using custom adapter i have posted the below. from the comments..
Android: How to text filter a listview based on a simplecursoradapter? How to text filter a listview based on a simplecursoradapter I have a ListView that is backed by a SimpleCursorAdapter. I'd like to be able to filter the list like you would a contacts..
android listview item height a difference in row heights when using ArrayAdapter and SimpleCursorAdapter android listview row android arrayadapter simplecursoradapter share improve this question android textAppearance android attr textAppearanceLarge seemed no effect. android minHeight..
Modifying SimpleCursorAdapter's data Otherwise how else can I achieve changing the start_time field to simply show HH mm format android android listview simplecursoradapter android viewbinder share improve this question You can do something like this adapter.setViewBinder new SimpleCursorAdapter.ViewBinder..
Click Listener on ListView uses permission android name android.permission.READ_CONTACTS manifest android listview listadapter onselect simplecursoradapter share improve this question This should allow you to interact with selected item the way you want.
Android: Issue with newView and bindView in custom SimpleCursorAdapter d Drawable.createFromStream is src name return d catch Exception e System.out.println Exc e return null android simplecursoradapter share improve this question Overriding the getView function gives you the possibility of re using already inflated list..
how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text? I do not understand how to add an imageview to be filled from the path in my database. java android listview cursor simplecursoradapter share improve this question Will I've actually implemented something incredibly similar to what you are looking for...
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter if this is correct is there a difference between the two ways shown of getting the cursor Thanks. android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question So a couple of points after you fetch the cursor you want to call startManagingCursor ...
Android: endless scrolling - ListView and Cursor false New rows are added to resultCursor but the list is not updated what am I missing android listview cursor simplecursoradapter share improve this question I will post a code which I have used to populated 10 records each on scroll event. Called..
How to insert extra elements into a SimpleCursorAdapter or Cursor for a Spinner? in cursor or can someone please give a easy to follow CursorWrapper example Thanks in advance. android cursor spinner simplecursoradapter share improve this question You can use a combination of MergeCursor and MatrixCursor with your DB cursor like this..
SimpleCursorAdapter with ImageView and TextView used a custom arrayadapter but never with a cursor. How would I set the image if it can be done android listview simplecursoradapter share improve this question When the view to bind is an ImageView and there is no existing ViewBinder associated SimpleCursorAdapter.bindView..
SimpleCursorAdapter deprecated in API version 15? Does this make the whole class deprecated The other standard constructor is not deprecated. android simplecursoradapter share improve this question Only the constructor is deprecated not the whole class. SimpleCursorAdapter Context context..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? to keep it UI thread friendly which is what the CursorLoader is supposed to do java android android fragments simplecursoradapter android loadermanager share improve this question Edit I've written fairly extensively about the LoaderManager in this..