android Programming Glossary: similarly
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) topic for more information. In general I would treat it similarly to using onConfigurationChanged with an Activity ... don't use..
How to make an Android SlidingDrawer slide out from the left? making changes to it and using your modified version. You similarly cannot make a SlidingDrawer that descends from the top. share..
Android SQLite Example [closed] The create records will help you to insert the values similarly you can have your own functions for update and delete. share..
Shared Preferences in Android? put your Key and Value as savePreferences is based on XML similarly call Load with your Key. And lastly don't forgot to call deletePreferences..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame returned by the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and similarly for a . In android the rotation matrix is obtained by calling..
Adding a vertical scrollbar to an AlertDialog in Android?
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off the screen should wake via Lock mediator replacement similarly to how you could program an alternative Home Launcher app ..
How to align views at the bottom of the screen? the bottom and the text view to fill the rest of the space similarly in the horizontal Linear layout I want the submit button to..
Detect application heap size in Android as high as 24MB although I haven't tried this . But other similarly large ish apps may get flushed from memory as a result of my..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity mlam.dispatchCreate savedInstanceState tabHost.setup mlam similarly you need to add for onResume mlam.dispatchResume onPause mlam.dispatchPause..
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) I have read through a chunk of the answers to various similarly worded questions here on Stack Overflow and I just to assure..
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot? catch Exception e Log.v IO Exception e.getMessage you can similarly read it by deserializing it.... Thanks.... share improve this..
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? a small number on the right top corner of the icon and similarly I would like to know if we have method to update a ImageView..
Best practice for defining button events in android newPicButton.setOnClickListener btnListener ..... similarly for other buttons too ..... Inside of the Button 's onClick.. newPicButton.setOnClickListener btnListener ...similarly for other buttons too I am new to android and this approach..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter B C . To goal is to reach C if we scroll right from A and similarly to reach A if we scroll left from C . To do this define your..
Android Custom Event Listener if mListener null mListener.onEvent similarly you can create a specific event that you want. examples could..
Using viewpager in my application create an adapter that specifies the pages that you want similarly to how a ListAdapter specifies items to a ListView . For that..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method has caused problems because the packages are not named similarly and some methods too. I just need documentation I haven't found..
Android “iPod wheel” seekbar one major difference I want it to be circular and operate similarly to the iPod clickwheel. I've looked everywhere online but can't..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate..
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? android layout_height 0dp android layout_weight 1 ListView Similarly it suggested changes to a ListView item . These all look the..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth intent filter And code worked fine. Now my question is Similarly I want to send a file that is created by the following line..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? generally don't force users to think of files. And so on. Similarly there is a growing movement to try to eliminate the notion of.. would appear to be for the best for you for right now. Similarly I would counsel you against attempting to port your application..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator that you can only load disk image at emulator startup. Similarly you can not remove a simulated SD card from a running emulator...
Android: How to periodically send location to a server on the phone and my server registers the user's action. Similarly the trip is closed server side upon the close trip request...
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? to change much but all of them seem to change drastically. Similarly if I rotate the phone about an imaginary line that comes out..
Android phone orientation overview including compass toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your.. until the maximum amount of rain is flowing through. Similarly if we now tip the phone onto its side the X tube will eventually..
Highlight ListView selected row becomes unselected as soon as the user enters touch mode. Similarly any focused widgets become unfocused when the user enters touch..
How to hide status bar in Android views ex compose subject send button in that screen. Similarly in my app I have one activity in that I am having some widgets..
Android detecting if an application entered the background your users would consider your Web app to be an epic fail. Similarly if the user gets a phone call with a wrong number or the alarm.. is based upon inactivity using a server session cookie. Similarly when I build a secured Android app I'll be implementing an inactivity..
difference about SAX and DOM the tagStarted event actual name of event might differ . Similarly when the end of the tag is met while parsing something it triggers..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences catch IOException e e.printStackTrace editor.commit Similarly we have to retrieve the list of tasks from the preference in..
Volume change listener? if ke .getKeyCode KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN Similarly other key codes ....... Unregister the receiver in onPause..
Get URI of .mp3 file stored in res/raw folder in android get the URI of any image file stored in drawable folder. Similarly you can get URIs of res raw folder. In my case i used 1st way..
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource layout_height wrap_content android text @string yellow Similarly colors should be stored in colors.xml and then referenced by..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android String s new String Hex.encodeHex DigestUtils.md5 data Similarly for shaHex exampl you can change it to String hash new String..
Understanding Fragment's setRetainInstance(boolean) or AsyncTask managing its operation. See my blog post on this topic for more information. In general I would treat it similarly to using onConfigurationChanged with an Activity ... don't use it as a bandaid just because you are too lazy to implement..
How to make an Android SlidingDrawer slide out from the left?
Android SQLite Example [closed]
Shared Preferences in Android? using shared preferences. Call savePreferences method and put your Key and Value as savePreferences is based on XML similarly call Load with your Key. And lastly don't forgot to call deletePreferences on LOGOUT. Method used to get Shared Preferences..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame system is just the product of the rotation matrix and the event.values returned by the TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD sensor and similarly for a . In android the rotation matrix is obtained by calling getRotationMatrix float R float I float gravity float geomagnetic..
Adding a vertical scrollbar to an AlertDialog in Android?
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off
How to align views at the bottom of the screen? submit button and the text entry to be a fixed height at the bottom and the text view to fill the rest of the space similarly in the horizontal Linear layout I want the submit button to wrap its content and for the text entry to fill the rest of..
Detect application heap size in Android is allowed to drift up toward 20MB presumably it could go as high as 24MB although I haven't tried this . But other similarly large ish apps may get flushed from memory as a result of my own app's pigginess. And conversely my app may get flushed..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity
Android Host is unresolved (strategy question) outgoing network connections until it succeeds. In any event I have read through a chunk of the answers to various similarly worded questions here on Stack Overflow and I just to assure everyone that uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET..
How to store hashmap so that it can be retained it value after a device reboot?
Android: Is it possible to update a ImageView/ImageButton with a number to show the number of new messages? app icon with the new pending messages for the user by showing a small number on the right top corner of the icon and similarly I would like to know if we have method to update a ImageView ImageButton in android Here I am not looking to update the..
Best practice for defining button events in android Button newPicButton Button findViewById newPicButton.setOnClickListener btnListener ..... similarly for other buttons too ..... Inside of the Button 's onClick event I launch a camera Intent to get a picture and inside the.. R.layout.main Button newPicButton Button findViewById newPicButton.setOnClickListener btnListener ...similarly for other buttons too I am new to android and this approach of redefining an event every time seems quite dirty to me. I..
Implementing Circular Scrolling In PagerAdapter . Consider you have three pages in this order A B C . To goal is to reach C if we scroll right from A and similarly to reach A if we scroll left from C . To do this define your to have 5 pages 3 2 and organize the pages as follows C A B..
Android Custom Event Listener method onTouchEvent MotionEvent ev if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN if mListener null mListener.onEvent similarly you can create a specific event that you want. examples could be touch down wait for exactly 2 seconds and release you would..
Using viewpager in my application 0dp android layout_weight 1 Now in your Fragment you create an adapter that specifies the pages that you want similarly to how a ListAdapter specifies items to a ListView . For that create a class you can do that inline in the Fragment code..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method ... ret getPage ... ... I don't know if that is correct. This has caused problems because the packages are not named similarly and some methods too. I just need documentation I haven't found and little help. Thank you in advance for your help. Michaƫl..
Android “iPod wheel” seekbar bit the same as the standard seekbar in Android but with one major difference I want it to be circular and operate similarly to the iPod clickwheel. I've looked everywhere online but can't seem to find the correct solution. Does anyone have an idea..
Android emulator doesn't take keyboard input - SDK tools rev 20 emulator's config.ini file and that worked Add hw.keyboard yes To ~ .android avd emulator device name .avd config.ini Similarly add hw.dPad yes if you wish to use the arrow keys to navigate the application list. Reference http
Why is 0dp considered a performance enhancement? id @android id list android layout_width match_parent android layout_height 0dp android layout_weight 1 ListView Similarly it suggested changes to a ListView item . These all look the same before and after the changes but I'm interested in understanding..
declaring mime type for a “custom file” that is to be sent via bluetooth scheme file data android mimeType image data android host intent filter And code worked fine. Now my question is Similarly I want to send a file that is created by the following line f File.createTempFile card .XCard getExternalCacheDir The name..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? typically don't force users to think of files. Android apps generally don't force users to think of files. And so on. Similarly there is a growing movement to try to eliminate the notion of terminating an app. Most Web apps don't force the user to.. developing our app for Android is not going to happen. that would appear to be for the best for you for right now. Similarly I would counsel you against attempting to port your application to the Web since some of the same problems you have reported..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator files to it and how to load it in the emulator at startup. Note that you can only load disk image at emulator startup. Similarly you can not remove a simulated SD card from a running emulator. However you can browse send files to and copy remove files..
Android: How to periodically send location to a server updates. This part works in that I can display the response on the phone and my server registers the user's action. Similarly the trip is closed server side upon the close trip request. However when I tried starting a periodic tracking method from..
How can I use SensorManager.getOrientation for tilt controls like “My Paper Plane”? its long axis shown by 1. I expected only 1 of the values to change much but all of them seem to change drastically. Similarly if I rotate the phone about an imaginary line that comes out of the screen shown in 2. I'd hope that only the roll value..
Android phone orientation overview including compass If someone shoves you in the back you will fall forward toward North and put both hands out to break your fall. Similarly if someone shoves you left shoulder you will fall over on your right hand. Your inner ear has gravitational sensors youtube.. to zero while the volume through Z will steadily increase until the maximum amount of rain is flowing through. Similarly if we now tip the phone onto its side the X tube will eventually collect the max amount of rain. Therefore depending on..
Highlight ListView selected row and no selection. Any selected item in a list of in a grid becomes unselected as soon as the user enters touch mode. Similarly any focused widgets become unfocused when the user enters touch mode. The image below illustrates what happens when the..
How to hide status bar in Android the same time the user can be able to scroll to see all remaining views ex compose subject send button in that screen. Similarly in my app I have one activity in that I am having some widgets or views. Suppose if the user clicks on Edittext which is..
Android detecting if an application entered the background If you were to do either of those things in a Web app your users would consider your Web app to be an epic fail. Similarly if the user gets a phone call with a wrong number or the alarm clock goes off they'll be rather irritated with you if they.. on the Market and nasty comments. A Web app automatic log out is based upon inactivity using a server session cookie. Similarly when I build a secured Android app I'll be implementing an inactivity based mechanism perhaps something like this Step #1..
difference about SAX and DOM and encounters a tag starting e.g. something then it triggers the tagStarted event actual name of event might differ . Similarly when the end of the tag is met while parsing something it triggers tagEnded . Using a SAX parser implies you need to handle..
Save ArrayList to SharedPreferences editor.putString TASKS ObjectSerializer.serialize currentTasks catch IOException e e.printStackTrace editor.commit Similarly we have to retrieve the list of tasks from the preference in the onCreate method public void onCreate super.onCreate if..
Volume change listener?
Get URI of .mp3 file stored in res/raw folder in android
hardcoded string “row three”, should use @string resource to a View TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text @string yellow Similarly colors should be stored in colors.xml and then referenced by using @color color_name xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources..
Method not found using DigestUtils in Android data Replace this statement with the following and it will work String s new String Hex.encodeHex DigestUtils.md5 data Similarly for shaHex exampl you can change it to String hash new String Hex.encodeHex DigestUtils.sha textToHash This works because..