android Programming Glossary: simulated
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow My second problem is that on a slow network connection simulated with the 5000ms delay in the code the ImageView in the InfoWindow..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator image at emulator startup. Similarly you can not remove a simulated SD card from a running emulator. However you can browse send.. you can browse send files to and copy remove files from a simulated SD card either with adb or the emulator. The emulator supports..
NullPointerException that doesn't point to any line in my code off of the screen. I am having an issue where if I start a simulated drag event and then manually pick up one of the other items.. whenever the it tries to call myLayout.remove on the simulated dragging view. I surrounded this line with a try catch but that..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) touchHandled function simulateMouseEvent event simulatedType use this function to simulate mouse event Ignore multi touch.. ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated.. document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY the response you got from previous tries. So if you simulated a FAILED response you probably need to wait for a while before..
Dynamic contents in Maps V2 InfoWindow marker will pop up start loading the image pop itself up etc. My second problem is that on a slow network connection simulated with the 5000ms delay in the code the ImageView in the InfoWindow will always display the last loaded image no matter if..
(re)mounting the SD card on android emulator in the emulator at startup. Note that you can only load disk image at emulator startup. Similarly you can not remove a simulated SD card from a running emulator. However you can browse send files to and copy remove files from a simulated SD card either.. remove a simulated SD card from a running emulator. However you can browse send files to and copy remove files from a simulated SD card either with adb or the emulator. The emulator supports emulated SDHC cards so you can create an SD card image of..
NullPointerException that doesn't point to any line in my code the view I am calling myLayout.remove movingImg to get it off of the screen. I am having an issue where if I start a simulated drag event and then manually pick up one of the other items I am getting a null pointer on the myLayout.remove call here.. point to anywhere inside my activity. The exception gets thrown whenever the it tries to call myLayout.remove on the simulated dragging view. I surrounded this line with a try catch but that did nothing. I know that this is the line thats giving me..
jQuery Drag and Drop on touch devices (iPad, Android) var mouseProto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit mouseProto._mouseInit touchHandled function simulateMouseEvent event simulatedType use this function to simulate mouse event Ignore multi touch events if event.originalEvent.touches.length 1 return .. event.preventDefault use this to prevent scrolling during ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent.. ui use var touch event.originalEvent.changedTouches 0 simulatedEvent document.createEvent 'MouseEvents' Initialize the simulated mouse event using the touch event's coordinates simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent simulatedType type true bubbles true cancelable..
Cannot get Android Market Licensing (LVL) working reliably. Almost always returns RETRY a response it sometimes takes more than a few minutes to refresh the response you got from previous tries. So if you simulated a FAILED response you probably need to wait for a while before you can receive a SUCCESS response. Sometimes even rebooting..