android Programming Glossary: simplicity
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite ormlite share improve this question Limitations For simplicity and to be able to have the same POCO class persisted in db4o..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget Here's my customized 9 patch for focused state NOTE For simplicity I've used only images for mdpi density. You'll have to create..
Augmented reality - Image size transform average person does not use their peripheral vision for simplicity obviously this is not true in real life . Considering that when..
Face Recognition on Android here if you haven ™t done the face detection yet . For the simplicity of this post the class also requires that the training images..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments external properties file with properties maven plugin. For simplicity I prefer to use Maven profiles and define them in pom.xml like..
How to reset default launcher/home screen replacement? intent filter activity alias For the sake of simplicity I've left out additional attributes that aren't relevant to..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions area compared to a normal or high density screen. For simplicity Android groups all actual screen densities into four generalized..
Easy database access methods in Android
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android list and add the items. In this example I use a map for simplicity but you can use an array list and change it appropriately my..
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] you're willing to spend a bit of money but also need the simplicity that Cocos2d x offers. Check out http It's cheaper..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? id user id activity id Prefer JSON over XML Prefer simplicity lowest depth possible Return the full object with the one to..
Hide footer view in ListView? correct solutions. Mine however is the simplest and I like simplicity so I'll mark my own answer as accepted. share improve this..
custom row in a listPreference? not my full xml took out al my other preference items for simplicity. Again be sure to mind the package name the custom ListPreference.. values for the ListPreference. Again shortened mine for simplicity. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string array name..
Post UTF-8 encoded data to server loses certain characters I pass to server but in function below I removed them for simplicity. Problem that occurs is that certain letters are not properly..
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? any other advantages to single threaded model other than simplicity android multithreading swing user interface share improve..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter Great see code and screen at end his class not here for simplicity . The problem is that for my project I've been given a stack.. this.getListView .setAdapter adapter all that simplicity results in this great screen android listview licensing adapter..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity Right now the test app below is only two strings for simplicity. I thought if I could get the parcelalbe stuff working with..
Multiple primary keys - ORMlite how this class should look like is that even possible android ormlite share improve this question Limitations For simplicity and to be able to have the same POCO class persisted in db4o memcached redis or on the filesystem i.e. providers included..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget tool pretty easy but you'll probably use the tool of your own. Here's my customized 9 patch for focused state NOTE For simplicity I've used only images for mdpi density. You'll have to create 9 patches for multiple screen densities if you want the best..
Augmented reality - Image size transform us simplify this scenario by considering that when looking the average person does not use their peripheral vision for simplicity obviously this is not true in real life . Considering that when looking forward you view 180 degrees and without peripheral..
Face Recognition on Android has to be cropped out of their original images Take a look here if you haven ™t done the face detection yet . For the simplicity of this post the class also requires that the training images have filename format label rest_of_filename.png . For example..
Maven and android - Slightly different builds for different environments to define the substituted value you can define them in an external properties file with properties maven plugin. For simplicity I prefer to use Maven profiles and define them in pom.xml like so profiles profile id dev id properties config.server.url..
How to reset default launcher/home screen replacement? category android name android.intent.category.DEFAULT intent filter activity alias For the sake of simplicity I've left out additional attributes that aren't relevant to the task at hand. Anyway once your manifest looks like this..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions a low density screen has fewer pixels within a given physical area compared to a normal or high density screen. For simplicity Android groups all actual screen densities into four generalized densities low medium high and extra high. If you want to..
Easy database access methods in Android
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android is not that hard. You simply just iterate through your array list and add the items. In this example I use a map for simplicity but you can use an array list and change it appropriately my list of names icon locations Map String String nameIcons new..
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] Cocos2d x is obviously less variety of platform support. If you're willing to spend a bit of money but also need the simplicity that Cocos2d x offers. Check out http It's cheaper than Marmalade SDK and easier to use. It is also extensive..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? returned for user activity application opensocial uses application id user id activity id Prefer JSON over XML Prefer simplicity lowest depth possible Return the full object with the one to many relationship within that object parent .... has full object..
Hide footer view in ListView?
custom row in a listPreference? The xml for my PreferenceActivity. This is not my full xml took out al my other preference items for simplicity. Again be sure to mind the package name the custom ListPreference class must be referenced by the package name. Also mind.. values here is my array.xml that contains the entry names and values for the ListPreference. Again shortened mine for simplicity. xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources string array name yourArray item Item 1 item item Item 2 item item Item 3 item..
Post UTF-8 encoded data to server loses certain characters named xml . There are also few other POST parameters which I pass to server but in function below I removed them for simplicity. Problem that occurs is that certain letters are not properly delivered to the server for example character Å° Note that..
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? thread related bugs are nasty but I am wondering if there are any other advantages to single threaded model other than simplicity android multithreading swing user interface share improve this question What made the framework designers chose one..
License problem using sectioned ListView with J. Sharkey's SeparatedListAdapter of the drawable int resources and it will figure it out. Great see code and screen at end his class not here for simplicity . The problem is that for my project I've been given a stack of in house proprietary code to work with. And Sharkey's code.. this.getListView .setAdapter adapter all that simplicity results in this great screen android listview licensing adapter sections share improve this question I believe one..
Help with passing ArrayList and parcelable Activity my address class may expand to include integers floats whatever. Right now the test app below is only two strings for simplicity. I thought if I could get the parcelalbe stuff working with that the rest could follow. Can someone post a working example..