android Programming Glossary: signed
Self Signed SSL acceptance Android code to back it up. Does anyone know how to accept a self signed cert in Java on the Android A code sample would be perfect... sample would be perfect. android ssl ssl certificate self signed share improve this question I have this functionality in.. code to create an HttpClient which will connect to self signed cert's via SSL SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry new SchemeRegistry..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android HttpClient. Trouble is that since the certificate isn't signed I keep getting Not trusted server..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? clicking signout I will be passing the session id of the signed in user to signout. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo custom SSL socket factory implementation to make sure self signed certificates are working. Basically I accept everything and..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android Emulator. Every now and again I have been creating a signed .apk and exporting it to my HTC Desire to test. It has all been.. previous version of the same apk and both apk hadn't been signed with the same certificate. I mean when I used the same certificate..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker on how to do it and it just works and this app can't be signed with the firmware signing key as it works on many android versions..
How to sign an android apk file in eclips press right mouse tools android tools export signed application apk go trough the wizzard make a new key store... the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed .apk and even create a new keystore if necessary . The Export.. align as discussed above. Once the wizard has compiled and signed your package it will also perfom package alignment with zipalign...
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission granted to system level programs located in system app or signed with the system key. So virus cant get there. As said http www.mail..
Google map signed api key errors in Android map signed api key errors in Android When I switched from my debug map.. in Android When I switched from my debug map key to my signed map key my maps stop working. I get the following errors in.. singed key and no luck. Any ideas android google maps key signed share improve this question I had the same problem and I..
Self Signed SSL acceptance Android Signed SSL acceptance Android I've looked everywhere on the internet..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true Step 2 Create a new Signed APK transfer to your device and install. If it is already installed..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true Step 2 Create a new Signed APK transfer to your device and install. If it is already installed..
Android Application APK signing? plugin. Right click on the project Android Tools Export Signed Application Package Follow the instructions for creating a .keystore..
HTTPS with Self-Signed SSL Certificate Issues… Solution or better way? with Self Signed SSL Certificate Issues&hellip Solution or better way All I..
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate? do this when I publish to the Android Market Version 1.0 Signed with Certificate A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version.. Market Version 1.0 Signed with Certificate A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version 3.0 Signed with Certificate B The.. A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version 3.0 Signed with Certificate B The Android Market does give me some hope..
Why are these permissions being refused? are separated to four groups Regular Dangerous System or Signed Signed Permissions in the first two groups can be granted to.. to four groups Regular Dangerous System or Signed Signed Permissions in the first two groups can be granted to any application...
Using Google Places API url.getPath url.getQuery System.out.println Signed URL url.getProtocol url.getHost request in main method of UrlSigner..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias when you sign an Android application using the Export Signed Application Package option of the Eclipse Android tool you are..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? can we do all these steps via Tools Android Export Signed Android Package Thanks in advance android intellij idea google.. However you don't need to do that if you use the Export Signed Android Package feature Tools Android Export Signed Android.. Export Signed Android Package feature Tools Android Export Signed Android Package will generate the release version of your application..
Google map signed api key errors in Android debuggable false in the AndroidManifest.xml and use the Signed API key. When using the signed API key the MapView will show..
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine AudioHardwareALSA 2364 Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE Signed 16 bit Little Endian 12 20 14 41 34.007 DEBUG AudioHardwareALSA..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version I tried looking into similar problems but the..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? I expected it to change when doing Android Tools Export Signed Application Package but it hasn't for me. So how do I change.. the project and then export via Android Tools Export Signed Application Package . When you run the application BuildConfig.DEBUG..
Self Signed SSL acceptance Android the solution it either does not work or there is no sample code to back it up. Does anyone know how to accept a self signed cert in Java on the Android A code sample would be perfect. android ssl ssl certificate self signed share improve this.. to accept a self signed cert in Java on the Android A code sample would be perfect. android ssl ssl certificate self signed share improve this question I have this functionality in exchangeIt which connects to Microsoft exchange via WebDav... which connects to Microsoft exchange via WebDav. Here's some code to create an HttpClient which will connect to self signed cert's via SSL SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry new SchemeRegistry http scheme schemeRegistry.register new Scheme http PlainSocketFactory.getSocketFactory..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? . I have used the Proguard tool provided with the Android SDK. When I reverse engineer an APK file generated using a signed keystore and Proguard I get obfuscated code. However the names of Android components remain unchanged and some code like..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android trying to make Https connections on the Android phones using HttpClient. Trouble is that since the certificate isn't signed I keep getting Not trusted server certificate . Now I've seen a bunch of solutions where you..
How do I pass data between activities in Android? login page there will be sign out button on each activity. On clicking signout I will be passing the session id of the signed in user to signout. Can anyone guide me on how to keep session id available to all activities Alternatively are there any..
Custom SSL handling stopped working on Android 2.2 FroYo these HTTPS connections with the HttpClient I am using a custom SSL socket factory implementation to make sure self signed certificates are working. Basically I accept everything and ignore every checking of any certificate. This has been working..
'Application not Installed' Error on Android Error on Android I have a program working in the Android Emulator. Every now and again I have been creating a signed .apk and exporting it to my HTC Desire to test. It has all been fine. On my latest exported .apk I get the error message.. was because I was trying to install an apk on a phone with a previous version of the same apk and both apk hadn't been signed with the same certificate. I mean when I used the same certificate I was able to overwrite the previous instalation but..
Enable GPS programatically like Tasker applications and disable it on exit see here for the tutorial on how to do it and it just works and this app can't be signed with the firmware signing key as it works on many android versions and different devices and you don't even need to be rooted...
How to sign an android apk file some space for errors but it works like this open your project in eclips press right mouse tools android tools export signed application apk go trough the wizzard make a new key store. remember that password sign your app save it etc. Also from.. and sign with Eclipse ADT If you are using Eclipse with the ADT plugin you can use the Export Wizard to export a signed .apk and even create a new keystore if necessary . The Export Wizard performs all the interaction with the Keytool and Jarsigner.. of performing the manual procedures to compile sign and align as discussed above. Once the wizard has compiled and signed your package it will also perfom package alignment with zipalign. Because the Export Wizard uses both Keytool and Jarsigner..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission into data app. Permission Install_packages can only be granted to system level programs located in system app or signed with the system key. So virus cant get there. As said http www.mail android msg06281.html..
Google map signed api key errors in Android map signed api key errors in Android When I switched from my debug map key to my signed map key my maps stop working. I get the following.. map signed api key errors in Android When I switched from my debug map key to my signed map key my maps stop working. I get the following errors in logcat 09 03 18 18 04.112 WARN System.err 4073 IOException processing.. permissions and library are in place. I've recreated the singed key and no luck. Any ideas android google maps key signed share improve this question I had the same problem and I figured there wasn't any helpful answer around on the internet..
Self Signed SSL acceptance Android Signed SSL acceptance Android I've looked everywhere on the internet and while some people claim to have found the solution it..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash that change this private static boolean ENABLE_LOG false to private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true Step 2 Create a new Signed APK transfer to your device and install. If it is already installed naturally it will prompt. Step 3 With your DDMS Logcat..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error that change this private static boolean ENABLE_LOG false to private static boolean ENABLE_LOG true Step 2 Create a new Signed APK transfer to your device and install. If it is already installed naturally it will prompt. Step 3 With your DDMS Logcat..
Android Application APK signing? share improve this question If you are using the Eclipse plugin. Right click on the project Android Tools Export Signed Application Package Follow the instructions for creating a .keystore file and you're sorted share improve this answer..
HTTPS with Self-Signed SSL Certificate Issues… Solution or better way? with Self Signed SSL Certificate Issues&hellip Solution or better way All I need to do is download some basic text based and image files..
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate? do I sign an APK with more than one certificate so that I can do this when I publish to the Android Market Version 1.0 Signed with Certificate A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version 3.0 Signed with Certificate B The Android Market does.. so that I can do this when I publish to the Android Market Version 1.0 Signed with Certificate A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version 3.0 Signed with Certificate B The Android Market does give me some hope but I am not sure what.. to the Android Market Version 1.0 Signed with Certificate A Version 2.0 Signed with Certificate A B Version 3.0 Signed with Certificate B The Android Market does give me some hope but I am not sure what to make of it when I upload with a different..
Why are these permissions being refused? share improve this question Android permissions are separated to four groups Regular Dangerous System or Signed Signed Permissions in the first two groups can be granted to any application. The last two can be obtained only by applications.. share improve this question Android permissions are separated to four groups Regular Dangerous System or Signed Signed Permissions in the first two groups can be granted to any application. The last two can be obtained only by applications..
Using Google Places API
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias entire keystore with a possibly different password. For instnace when you sign an Android application using the Export Signed Application Package option of the Eclipse Android tool you are asked to select a keystore first and then asked to select..
Does IntelliJ IDEA publish an Android app with one click? . How do we create an unsigned app with IntelliJ Alternatively can we do all these steps via Tools Android Export Signed Android Package Thanks in advance android intellij idea google play share improve this question New IDEA versions have.. unsigned APK in the Android Facet settings Compiler tab However you don't need to do that if you use the Export Signed Android Package feature Tools Android Export Signed Android Package will generate the release version of your application.. tab However you don't need to do that if you use the Export Signed Android Package feature Tools Android Export Signed Android Package will generate the release version of your application signed with the release key and ready for Market...
Google map signed api key errors in Android When you're ready to launch the app to Market set the android debuggable false in the AndroidManifest.xml and use the Signed API key. When using the signed API key the MapView will show up ONLY when the app is installed from the Android Market ...
Saving audio input of Android Stock speech recognition engine Set PLAYBACK sample rate to 44100 HZ 12 20 14 41 34.007 DEBUG AudioHardwareALSA 2364 Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE Signed 16 bit Little Endian 12 20 14 41 34.007 DEBUG AudioHardwareALSA 2364 Using 2 channels for PLAYBACK. 12 20 14 41 34.007 DEBUG..
Why Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version? Can't Google's Market Billing Sample Build in a Signed Release Version I tried looking into similar problems but the solutions offered there do not seem to fit my particular..
When does ADT set BuildConfig.DEBUG to false? type. The problem I have is that it is never set to false I expected it to change when doing Android Tools Export Signed Application Package but it hasn't for me. So how do I change the build type Added a feature that allows you to run some..