android Programming Glossary: signatures
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' tab click Create new Android Key Add your certificate signatures for access to the APIs. yourrelease fingerprint com.example.project.package..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures In App Billing v3 Not receiving signatures I'm working on a In App Store on my app I used AndroidBillingLibrary.. App Billing v3 this is all received from the response no signatures. packageName orderId billing preparing iab app.html#GetSample but there's no signatures. I even run the given sample app by Google but no luck. I put..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap exception. Each type of decode method has additional signatures that let you specify decoding options via the BitmapFactory.Options..
Why does the app signature change in Android after a classpath change? Re installation failed due to different application signatures A different signature But I just added a line in the .classpath..
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate? note that Google Play does not accept APKs with multiple signatures. eg. You can sign an APK from the command line using jarsigner..
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures installation failed due to different application signatures I moved my Android project to a laptop and now I get this when.. know. Re installation failed due to different application signatures. The weirdest thing is this happened after I upgraded sdk adt..
Android Secure Storage back. Android OS could have enforced this based on signing signatures of the application. This way my application can generate a random..
How to compile Android Application with system permissions to sign my application with system platform key. System signatures are located in directory root of android source tree build target..
How to develop using android libraries in a simple java project (without using dalvik and such)
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL sample php code with server side validation of in app signatures I could just run the equivalent java code that is in the sample..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting..
How to check if APK is signed or “debug build”? ctx.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Signature signatures pinfo.signatures CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance.. PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Signature signatures pinfo.signatures CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 for.. cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 for int i 0 i signatures.length i ByteArrayInputStream stream new ByteArrayInputStream..
Java / Android - How to print out a full stack trace? the log methods with String tag String msg Throwable tr signatures. Passing an exception as the third parameter should give you..
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. 11 29 11 56 56.249 E
How to make an FM Radio Application in Android
Android clipboard code that works on all API levels
Google Maps API V2 'Failed to Load Map. Could not contact Google Servers' is DIFFERENT then Google Maps Android API v2 In the API Access tab click Create new Android Key Add your certificate signatures for access to the APIs. yourrelease fingerprint com.example.project.package yourdebug fingerprint com.example.project.package..
Android In-App Billing v3: Not receiving signatures In App Billing v3 Not receiving signatures I'm working on a In App Store on my app I used AndroidBillingLibrary by robotmedia when I purchase android.test.purchase.. is in there. The problem is when I switched to Android In App Billing v3 this is all received from the response no signatures. packageName orderId productId android.test.purchased developerPayload.. this sample https training in app billing preparing iab app.html#GetSample but there's no signatures. I even run the given sample app by Google but no luck. I put my Base64 encoded RSA public key correctly in mHelper new..
Out of Memory error with Bitmap bitmap and therefore can easily result in an OutOfMemory exception. Each type of decode method has additional signatures that let you specify decoding options via the BitmapFactory.Options class. Setting the inJustDecodeBounds property to true..
Why does the app signature change in Android after a classpath change? was already loaded before the refactoring I get this exception Re installation failed due to different application signatures A different signature But I just added a line in the .classpath to link to the app core Java project The main question is..
How to sign an APK with more than one certificate? If you want to sign an APK more than once just do so. But note that Google Play does not accept APKs with multiple signatures. eg. You can sign an APK from the command line using jarsigner like so jarsigner keystore original keystore my app unsigned.apk..
Re-installation failed due to different application signatures installation failed due to different application signatures I moved my Android project to a laptop and now I get this when I hit Debug. Sounds like this is a bug This shouldn't happen.. this is a bug This shouldn't happen via Eclipse as far as I know. Re installation failed due to different application signatures. The weirdest thing is this happened after I upgraded sdk adt and Eclipse to support SDK 2.2 It was working fine earlier..
Android Secure Storage application that stored some information can retrieve it back. Android OS could have enforced this based on signing signatures of the application. This way my application can generate a random key on first run and store it in secure storage for later..
How to compile Android Application with system permissions improve this question After having some search I found how to sign my application with system platform key. System signatures are located in directory root of android source tree build target product security . You can use them to sign your application..
How to develop using android libraries in a simple java project (without using dalvik and such)
Android in-app purchase server signature verification using php OpenSSL data signature pkeyid ... Does anyone have any working sample php code with server side validation of in app signatures I could just run the equivalent java code that is in the sample application and that seems to work ok but I would like to..
Problem in Callback in Twitter in Android Authorization failed server replied with a 401 . This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. but if i send as Null in this its Redirecting to Twitter Login Page but after successful Authorization it..
How to check if APK is signed or “debug build”? PackageInfo pinfo ctx.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ctx.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Signature signatures pinfo.signatures CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 for int i 0 i signatures.length i ByteArrayInputStream.. ctx.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo ctx.getPackageName PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES Signature signatures pinfo.signatures CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 for int i 0 i signatures.length i ByteArrayInputStream stream.. Signature signatures pinfo.signatures CertificateFactory cf CertificateFactory.getInstance X.509 for int i 0 i signatures.length i ByteArrayInputStream stream new ByteArrayInputStream signatures i .toByteArray X509Certificate cert X509Certificate..
Java / Android - How to print out a full stack trace?
Android: Login with Twitter using Twitter4J Authorization failed server replied with a 401 . This can happen if the consumer key was not correct or the signatures did not match. 11 29 11 56 56.249 E 3081 at oauth.signpost.AbstractOAuthProvider.handleUnexpectedResponse..
How to make an FM Radio Application in Android
Android clipboard code that works on all API levels