android Programming Glossary: simulator
android facebook authorization - can not login when official facebook app installed Android Key Hash and set Configured for Android SSO . In simulator and some devices application work fine. But if on device installed..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? but I don't know how to use this code. android camera simulator share improve this question Download all the source files..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? android environment2.2 . When i tested this application on simulator it works fine. But when i tried it on AVD or on actual device..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator landscape However when I run the app in the simulator it appears sideways and in portrait mode. How can I switch the..
Change the background color of the options menu the menu background to be opaque I tested this hack on 2.1 simulator 2.2 2 real devices and 2.3 2 real devices . I don't have any..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app my first android app. It's very simple. It works fine on simulator and some phones but I am getting this error java.lang.RuntimeException..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator emulates the target device which is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the.. speed of the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate the device. android iphone android emulator.. emulate the device. android iphone android emulator ios simulator share improve this question Disclaimer I'm only an iPhone..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android clear but I guess that's an iOS 4 thing . On an iOS 4 iPad simulator the Cordova plugin does not seem to render correctly basically.. 06 01 no matter which locale is used. iOS 5 on an iPad simulator does not hide the keyboard when that is already visible when..
How to connect to my http://localhost web server from Android Emulator in Eclipse want to refer to the computer which is running the Android simulator use the IP address instead. You can read more from..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] lean which will appeal to some people. It comes with a simulator and debugger. You add your text editor of choice and you have..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator grateful alternatively If someone could suggest another simulator by which I can try out some sample code and get a better understanding.. to set up the OpenNFC stack with the NFC controller NFCC simulator. The stack with NFCC simulator is supported on Windows host.. the NFC controller NFCC simulator. The stack with NFCC simulator is supported on Windows host only since both the Connection..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] someone faced this issue before..BTW I am testing on simulator and HTC Desire phone.. FINAL OUTCOME Well I got it working with..
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) Thermometer custom UI component SensorSimulator steps to test the component on the emulator After I found this.. the emulator to see how it works so I've found this Sensor Simulator and altered the component's source to work with it. I did manage.. org.openintents.sensorsimulator.hardware.SensorManagerSimulator I had to remove the import android.hardware.Sensor import android.hardware.SensorEvent..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? Step 1 Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is..
How do you install an APK file in the Android emulator? emulator. How can I install an APK file on the Android Simulator android android emulator install apk share improve this question..
How to play song in Android - phonegap function err alert err I use Android 2.1 Simulator and I've tried 2.2 as well without success. I hope I was clear..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile as I found it in Library Application Support iPhone Simulator but I can't find any function names from..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator What is the difference between iPhone.. Android Emulator What is the difference between iPhone Simulator and Android emulator I have heard people saying that Emulator.. and hardware environments found on actual devices. Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment they..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator from other machines. start NFCC simulator run NfcSimulator.exe . start echo server on port 7 using the cmd echotool p tcp.. NFC settings enter in IP Connection Center select Simulator for NFC HAL implementation now click the NFC toggle check box..
Phonegap : FileTransfer.upload() fails on Android method of PhoneGap. It works fine on the iPhone Simulator over Wifi but fails on an Android phone over 3G or Wifi. alert..
android facebook authorization - can not login when official facebook app installed email etc. I use facebook SDK I set in developers.facebook my Android Key Hash and set Configured for Android SSO . In simulator and some devices application work fine. But if on device installed official facebook application my application not work..
How to use web camera in android emulator to capture a live image? use the web camera in the android emulator to capture an image but I don't know how to use this code. android camera simulator share improve this question Download all the source files listed on the page CameraSource GenuineCamera HttpCamera SocketCamera..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? application using worklight 6.0 and dojo toolkit 1.9 for android environment2.2 . When i tested this application on simulator it works fine. But when i tried it on AVD or on actual device it runs but displays a blank screen only. Can't understand..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator app to landscape in the AndroidManifest.xml file android screenOrientation landscape However when I run the app in the simulator it appears sideways and in portrait mode. How can I switch the emulator to landscape mode on a mac It's running the 1.6..
Change the background color of the options menu KB android AndroidMenusMyWay.aspx Setting the menu background to be opaque I tested this hack on 2.1 simulator 2.2 2 real devices and 2.3 2 real devices . I don't have any 3.X tablets to test on yet but will post any needed changes..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException on working app on working app I have created and published my first android app. It's very simple. It works fine on simulator and some phones but I am getting this error java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to instantiate application cz.teamnovak.droid.Novak..
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator emulator I have heard people saying that Emulator really emulates the target device which is not true in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate.. in case of simulator. I think Android emulator mimics the processing speed of the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate the device. android iphone android emulator ios simulator share improve this question Disclaimer I'm.. the target device the memory usage but a simulator does not emulate the device. android iphone android emulator ios simulator share improve this question Disclaimer I'm only an iPhone developer not an Android developer. You are correct the difference..
Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android plugin does not make the native date picker show cancel or clear but I guess that's an iOS 4 thing . On an iOS 4 iPad simulator the Cordova plugin does not seem to render correctly basically not giving the user any option to enter or change a date... Galaxy S2 running Android 4.0.3 shows the ugly 2012 6 1 or 2012 06 01 no matter which locale is used. iOS 5 on an iPad simulator does not hide the keyboard when that is already visible when touching the date input or when using previous or next in another..
How to connect to my http://localhost web server from Android Emulator in Eclipse
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] store is a testament to its success. The environment is very lean which will appeal to some people. It comes with a simulator and debugger. You add your text editor of choice and you have a development environment. The base SDK doesn't include any..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator can point me to a better set of instructions I'd be most grateful alternatively If someone could suggest another simulator by which I can try out some sample code and get a better understanding about NFC. The output of the adb logcat is W KeyCharacterMap.. can benefit from this exercise here's a summary of what to do to set up the OpenNFC stack with the NFC controller NFCC simulator. The stack with NFCC simulator is supported on Windows host only since both the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator.. here's a summary of what to do to set up the OpenNFC stack with the NFC controller NFCC simulator. The stack with NFCC simulator is supported on Windows host only since both the Connection Center and the NFCC simulator are Windows apps. Need to download..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] problem is I am getting exact opposite on both occasion ...Hope someone faced this issue before..BTW I am testing on simulator and HTC Desire phone.. FINAL OUTCOME Well I got it working with the help of all friends here. 1. To Show keyboard on startup..
Vintage Thermometer custom UI component + SensorSimulator (steps to test the component on the emulator) Thermometer custom UI component SensorSimulator steps to test the component on the emulator After I found this nice custom component that analogly is this the right word.. device's temperature sensor I wanted to test it with the emulator to see how it works so I've found this Sensor Simulator and altered the component's source to work with it. I did manage it to work on en emulated device however I've done a few.. import org.openintents.sensorsimulator.hardware.SensorManagerSimulator I had to remove the import android.hardware.Sensor import android.hardware.SensorEvent import android.hardware.SensorEventListener..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? to have copied the needed resources into the project. So Step 1 Verify your application works in the Mobile Browser Simulator with Provide Library Resources checked. If the Console log is showing resources being served from the server then these..
How do you install an APK file in the Android emulator? to test it by installing the APK file and running it on the emulator. How can I install an APK file on the Android Simulator android android emulator install apk share improve this question Windows Execute the emulator SDK Manager.exe Tools..
How to play song in Android - phonegap new Media DANCE.mp3 function alert playAudio Audio Success function err alert err I use Android 2.1 Simulator and I've tried 2.2 as well without success. I hope I was clear enough. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours Mihail..
What happens to JavaScript code after app is compiled using Titanium Mobile app. I grep ed the Xcode project and also the result application as I found it in Library Application Support iPhone Simulator but I can't find any function names from .js files not even string texts used within the application...
Difference between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator What is the difference between iPhone Simulator and Android emulator I have heard people saying that.. between iPhone Simulator and Android Emulator What is the difference between iPhone Simulator and Android emulator I have heard people saying that Emulator really emulates the target device which is not true in case.. emulators and simulators is that emulators mimic the software and hardware environments found on actual devices. Simulators on the other hand only mimic the software environment they otherwise have access to all of the host system's hardware resources..
Getting started with Open NFC emulator run Connection Center.exe and config it to accept client connections from other machines. start NFCC simulator run NfcSimulator.exe . start echo server on port 7 using the cmd echotool p tcp s 7 start Android emulator using the AVD just created. from..
Phonegap : FileTransfer.upload() fails on Android trying to upload a picture to a server with the FileTransfer.upload method of PhoneGap. It works fine on the iPhone Simulator over Wifi but fails on an Android phone over 3G or Wifi. alert error.code returns '3' but I couldnt find out what this error..