android Programming Glossary: sightcore
android ndk UnsatisfiedLinkError when using a prebuilt shared library include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION cpp LOCAL_C_INCLUDES LOCAL_PATH include LOCAL_PATH lib include LOCAL_MODULE SightCore jni LOCAL_SRC_FILES SightDemo.cpp SightCore jni.cpp LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES SightAPI LOCAL_LDLIBS llog include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY.. LOCAL_C_INCLUDES LOCAL_PATH include LOCAL_PATH lib include LOCAL_MODULE SightCore jni LOCAL_SRC_FILES SightDemo.cpp SightCore jni.cpp LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES SightAPI LOCAL_LDLIBS llog include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY I also have the prebuilt shared library.. SightAPI LOCAL_SRC_FILES LOCAL_C_INCLUDES LOCAL_PATH include include PREBUILT_SHARED_LIBRARY The SightCore jni.cpp source file is the jni interface to the shared library and is loaded using the command System.loadLibrary SightCore..