android Programming Glossary: simplecrypto
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) SimpleCrypto Class for encryption decryption producing different results.. 9 and Java Android I am trying to use the widely used SimpleCrypto java class to encrypt a string in Java Android and decrypt the.. 9 and vice versa . I have imported the exact same SimpleCrypto class into ColdFusion and called it like this cfset myKey apple..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?
Encrypt and decrypt data for Android app-client javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt.. masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public.. crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt.. masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public.. crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws..
Java SimpleCrypto Class for encryption / decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java (Android) SimpleCrypto Class for encryption decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java Android I am trying to use the widely.. encryption decryption producing different results in Coldfusion 9 and Java Android I am trying to use the widely used SimpleCrypto java class to encrypt a string in Java Android and decrypt the string in ColdFusion 9 and vice versa . I have imported the.. a string in Java Android and decrypt the string in ColdFusion 9 and vice versa . I have imported the exact same SimpleCrypto class into ColdFusion and called it like this cfset myKey apple cfscript sc createObject java SimpleCrypto .init encrypted..
How do you test an Android application across multiple Activities?
Encrypt and decrypt data for Android app-client javax.crypto.KeyGenerator import javax.crypto.SecretKey import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler.. Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed.. cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? javax.crypto.KeyGenerator import javax.crypto.SecretKey import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler.. Usage pre String crypto SimpleCrypto.encrypt masterpassword cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed.. cleartext ... String cleartext SimpleCrypto.decrypt masterpassword crypto pre @author ferenc.hechler public class SimpleCrypto public static String encrypt String seed String cleartext throws Exception byte rawKey getRawKey seed.getBytes byte result..