android Programming Glossary: simplest
Google Drive\Docs API for Android you will have to manually implement it. Probably the simplest and most lightweight option would be to use the HTTP based REST..
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? way android cursor share improve this question The simplest way is this while cursor.moveToNext ... The cursor starts before..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash worked. Solution 2 That being said I always found the simplest thing to do was let the Facebook SDK tell you what your Hash..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) and simply draw those textures. This is by far the simplest and fastest but the least flexible. Roll your own text rendering..
Saving Activity state in Android null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how..
Android Hello, Gallery tutorial — “R.styleable cannot be resolved” There are a number of ways to get the sample to work the simplest that I found was recommended by Justin Anderson in the thread..
Post multipart request with Android SDK is really needed to make a multipart request. What is the simplest way to have a multipart upload with an image for Android Any..
Android database encryption
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM tabwidget share improve this question Here's the simplest most robust and scalable solution to get tabs on the bottom..
Open-sided Android stroke? may happen to you also when setting ListView dividers. The simplest workaround is to use a distance of 1px instead of 1dp. This..
How to change background color in android app the background color to white in my android app in the simplest way possible. android sdk share improve this question You..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java of objects json object json object json object What is the simplest piece of code I could use to access the JSONObjects in the array..
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog here http questions 3145089 what is the simplest and most robust way to get the users current location in an..
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity I think I've tried to describe this problem in it's simplest terms by decoupling it from any reference to Eclipse and to..
How to add icons to Preference though it also requires some custom attributes. The simplest option is to clone all of that into your project even though..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] had the steepest learning curve for me Corona was the simplest and Particle and Airplay are somewhere in between. Another interesting..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager though the class is new. There are two solutions but the simplest is to use the remove function of FragmentTransaction which will..
how to get html content from a webview? to get html content from a webview Which is the simplest method to get html code from a webview I have tried several..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask not as innter class of Activity I have two ideas 1. The simplest way create ProgressDialog in Activity using onCreateDialog .....
Google Drive\Docs API for Android but since it doesn't have Document List API service classes you will have to manually implement it. Probably the simplest and most lightweight option would be to use the HTTP based REST protocol of the API directly along with a good XML parser...
What's the best way to iterate an Android Cursor? calls to Cursor methods. Surely there must be a neater way android cursor share improve this question The simplest way is this while cursor.moveToNext ... The cursor starts before the first result row so on the first iteration this moves..
App is misconfigured for Facebook Login with Release Key Hash method of getting the Hash Key and has pretty much always worked. Solution 2 That being said I always found the simplest thing to do was let the Facebook SDK tell you what your Hash Key is . This is by far more simpler and shouldn't take more..
Draw text in OpenGL ES (Android) bad but the most direct approach. Render common strings to textures and simply draw those textures. This is by far the simplest and fastest but the least flexible. Roll your own text rendering code based on a sprite. Probably second best choice if..
Saving Activity state in Android back. setContentView mTextView private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something..
Android Hello, Gallery tutorial — “R.styleable cannot be resolved” R.styleable has been removed from android 1.5 and higher. There are a number of ways to get the sample to work the simplest that I found was recommended by Justin Anderson in the thread linked to above Create a new XML file called resources.xml..
Post multipart request with Android SDK work for me. The confusion I keep running into is what is really needed to make a multipart request. What is the simplest way to have a multipart upload with an image for Android Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated android http multipartform..
Android database encryption
Android: Tabs at the BOTTOM setting the tabwidget's gravity to bottom Thanks llappall android tabwidget share improve this question Here's the simplest most robust and scalable solution to get tabs on the bottom of the screen. In your vertical LinearLayout put the FrameLayout..
Open-sided Android stroke? end in very thin or invisible strokes or distances. This may happen to you also when setting ListView dividers. The simplest workaround is to use a distance of 1px instead of 1dp. This will make the line always visible at all densities. The best..
How to change background color in android app background color in android app I want to be able to change the background color to white in my android app in the simplest way possible. android sdk share improve this question You need to use the android background property eg android background..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android The LocationManager API in android seems like it's a..
JSON Array iteration in Android/Java best way to iterate through a JSON array I receive an array of objects json object json object json object What is the simplest piece of code I could use to access the JSONObjects in the array EDIT now that I think of it the method I used to iterate..
Android find GPS location once, show loading dialog network gets a location pretty fast. A good code example is here http questions 3145089 what is the simplest and most robust way to get the users current location in an 3145655#3145655 For AsyncTask look http
Upgraded to SDK 2.3 - now no emulators have connectivity upgrade for all API levels. I have all the necessary components I think I've tried to describe this problem in it's simplest terms by decoupling it from any reference to Eclipse and to applications that I have written. The logcat for a newly created..
How to add icons to Preference It is 51 lines of code including the comments though it also requires some custom attributes. The simplest option is to clone all of that into your project even though you do not like that. But I can't make it work. For now I cloned..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] but it looks cool. In terms of learning curve I'd say that Unity had the steepest learning curve for me Corona was the simplest and Particle and Airplay are somewhere in between. Another interesting point is how the frameworks handle different form..
Replace Fragment inside a ViewPager was a fragment at position 0 it will not be replaced even though the class is new. There are two solutions but the simplest is to use the remove function of FragmentTransaction which will remove its tag as well. That was a lot of text here is code..
how to get html content from a webview? to get html content from a webview Which is the simplest method to get html code from a webview I have tried several methods from stackoverflow and google but can't find an exact..
Best way to manage the ProgressDialog from AsyncTask ... method of AsyncTask defined in separed files not as innter class of Activity I have two ideas 1. The simplest way create ProgressDialog in Activity using onCreateDialog ... method and pass reference to my subclass of AsyncTask by..