android Programming Glossary: simple
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple one or two liner to make this happen. Where can I find an example..
Saving Activity state in Android null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how.. away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something simple like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] 22 7 answers Some time ago I developed a rather simple app with a target of 4.2.2. I had it working normally in my..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? recorder share improve this question Here is a simple video recording example using the MediaRecorder public class..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? way faster and I mean way WAY faster . From the docs a simple example for how to implement is simple class that just has one.. . From the docs a simple example for how to implement is simple class that just has one member property as an example public..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? of software keyboard in Android I need to do a very simple thing find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible.. 1. Rather than requiring a custom Layout type a much simpler solution is to give your activity's root view a known ID say..
Is there a unique Android device ID? Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function.. a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that can download a file and show the current progress..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? just for you as a reference and get some idea. This is a simple bean I use to hold the route information I will be parsing... ch start length buffer.append ch start length and a simple placeMark bean package public..
Make an HTTP request with android but I couldn't find my answer is there a way to make an simple HTTP request I want to request an PHP page script on one of..
WebView and HTML5 <video> amongst other things frames some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient... until I hit the video. The video is..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations.. to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a Google specific 2D..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am not sure how I can put a resized image I.e. Smaller..
R cannot be resolved - Android error and installed the new Android SDK. I wanted to create a simple application to test drive it. The wizard created this code package..
Android - basic gesture detection application and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener for each.. a new subclass of ImageView that I create This is the very simple activity that I'm trying to get the fling detection to work..
AsyncTask Android example example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android programming..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted void main String args throws InterruptedException try Simple stepper that just increments n. Stepper s new Stepper @Override..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK to be turned on at all and that you just need to use the Simple API Key not set up something for Android. I'm looking into that..
Simple RSS parser for Android [closed] RSS parser for Android closed I am trying to create my first..
how to connect android emulator to the internet I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So how to fix Simple Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections..
Marquee text in Android true android textColor #ff4500 android text Simple application that shows how to use marquee with a long text RelativeLayout..
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity a way for the Service to send messages to the Activity. Simple Strings and integers at this point status messages mostly. The..
Simple example of <merge> and <include> usage in Android XML-layouts example of merge and include usage in Android XML layouts I'm..
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager gets finished before dialog successfully dismisses. Simple yet effective solution that works for me @Override protected..
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser? Programming Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser I would like to make a file browser that will..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] HTTP client example in Android closed Please provide a simple.. need to worry about connection release if entity null A Simple JSON Response Read InputStream instream entity.getContent String..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? a large performance hit on a typical Android device Simple arithmetic. Will someInt 2 be replaced by someInt 1 Etcetera.....
How do I make a splash screen in android splash screen share improve this question HOW TO Simple spash screen First you need to define the spash screen in you..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? any chance be possible to store it in a SQLite database Simple Constructor saving the 'parent' context. public ImageAdapter..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] with this to solve both your problems. I have tested this. Simple solution. ie In your app_list_view.xml file LinearLayout android..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? singleLine true android ellipsize marquee android text Simple application that shows how to use RelativeLayout android textSize..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask function later if drawable null drawable.draw canvas Simple enough I just override draw so it would pick the Drawable that..
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges it. android eclipse admob share improve this question Simple answer the mentioned config changes are not support in Android..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge Java Simple Send and recieve with Server Fast Setup Challenge I'm writing.. private void sendData ProfileVO pvo Log.i getClass .getSimpleName send task start HttpParams p new BasicHttpParams p.setParameter..
Close/hide the Android Soft Keyboard writing in the edit field and clicking on the Button I want to hide the virtual keyboard. I assume that there's a simple one or two liner to make this happen. Where can I find an example of it android keyboard android softkeyboard android keypad..
Saving Activity state in Android back. setContentView mTextView private TextView mTextView null I thought that might be all one needed to do for the simplest case but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something.. but it always gives me the first message no matter how I navigate away from the app. I'm sure it's probably something simple like overriding onPause or something like that but I've been poking away in the docs for 30 minutes or so and haven't found..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 7 answers Some time ago I developed a rather simple app with a target of 4.2.2. I had it working normally in my device. Then I stopped development for about 1 month. After..
How can I capture a video recording on Android? can I capture a video recording on Android android video recording recorder share improve this question Here is a simple video recording example using the MediaRecorder public class VideoCapture extends Activity implements OnClickListener SurfaceHolder.Callback..
How to send an object from one Android Activity to another using Intents? effort to use than using Java's native serialization but it's way faster and I mean way WAY faster . From the docs a simple example for how to implement is simple class that just has one member property as an example public class MyParcelable implements.. serialization but it's way faster and I mean way WAY faster . From the docs a simple example for how to implement is simple class that just has one member property as an example public class MyParcelable implements Parcelable private int mData..
How to check visibility of software keyboard in Android? to check visibility of software keyboard in Android I need to do a very simple thing find out if the software keyboard is shown. Is this possible in Android android share improve this question NEW.. and friends APIs which have been lurking in the SDK since version 1. Rather than requiring a custom Layout type a much simpler solution is to give your activity's root view a known ID say '@ id activityRoot' hook a GlobalLayoutListener into the ViewTreeObserver..
Is there a unique Android device ID? there a unique Android device ID Do Android devices have a unique id and if so what is a simple way to access it via java android uniqueidentifier share improve this question Settings.Secure#ANDROID_ID returns the..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog a file with Android and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that can download a file and show the current progress.. the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that can download a file and show the current progress in a ProgressDialog. I know how to do the ProgressDialog..
How to draw a path on a map using kml file? the code below for an example but it's not complete though just for you as a reference and get some idea. This is a simple bean I use to hold the route information I will be parsing. package import java.util.ArrayList.. navigationDataSet.getCurrentPlacemark .setCoordinates new String ch start length buffer.append ch start length and a simple placeMark bean package public class Placemark String title String description String..
Make an HTTP request with android an HTTP request with android I have searched everywhere but I couldn't find my answer is there a way to make an simple HTTP request I want to request an PHP page script on one of my website but I don't want to show the webpage. If possible..
WebView and HTML5 <video> and HTML5 video I'm piecing together a cheapo app that amongst other things frames some of our websites... Pretty simple with the WebViewClient... until I hit the video. The video is done as HTML5 elements and these work fine and dandy on Chrome..
Any good graphing packages for Android? [closed] Android removing the Swing and AWT libraries from Java I was wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there.. from Java I was wondering what solutions have been developed to display simple bar histograms line graphs and other simple data visualizations in Android There is a Google specific 2D library. Are there any packages built atop it that allows for..
Strange out of memory issue while loading an image to a Bitmap object image widget. The image preview on the list view is being done with the cursor and ListAdapter . This makes it pretty simple but I am not sure how I can put a resized image I.e. Smaller bit size not pixel as the src for the image button on the fly...
R cannot be resolved - Android error cannot be resolved Android error I just downloaded and installed the new Android SDK. I wanted to create a simple application to test drive it. The wizard created this code package eu.mauriziopz.gps import import..
Android - basic gesture detection Grid Layout . That file is take from Romain Guy's Photostream application and has only been slightly adapted. For the simple click situation I need only set the onClickListener for each ImageView I add to be the main activity which implements View.OnClickListener.. I pass the GestureDetector as a constructor parameter to a new subclass of ImageView that I create This is the very simple activity that I'm trying to get the fling detection to work for SelectFilterActivity Adapted from photostream . Any advice..
AsyncTask Android example Android example I was reading about AsyncTask and I tried a simple program. But it does not seem to work. I am new to android programming if possible can you please help me out. package com.test..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted My test counter. static int n 0 Test demo. public static void main String args throws InterruptedException try Simple stepper that just increments n. Stepper s new Stepper @Override public void step throws Exception n 1 Thread.sleep 10 PauseableThread..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK you only need to turn on Drive API Drive SDK doesn't need to be turned on at all and that you just need to use the Simple API Key not set up something for Android. I'm looking into that right now and will probably edit this answer in a few minutes..
Simple RSS parser for Android [closed] RSS parser for Android closed I am trying to create my first Android application and I'm not all that experienced with..
how to connect android emulator to the internet that LAN but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So how to fix Simple Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections find your LAN card right click it and choose disable...
Marquee text in Android
How to have Android Service communicate with Activity if the Activity is running and the Service is started I need a way for the Service to send messages to the Activity. Simple Strings and integers at this point status messages mostly. The messages will not happen regularly so I don't think polling..
Simple example of <merge> and <include> usage in Android XML-layouts example of merge and include usage in Android XML layouts I'm curious about the merge and include tags in Android XML layouts...
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: View not attached to window manager activity from onPostExecute method. I guess sometimes activity gets finished before dialog successfully dismisses. Simple yet effective solution that works for me @Override protected void onPostExecute MyResult result try dialog.dismiss dialog..
Android Programming: Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser? Programming Where To Start For Creating A Simple File Browser I would like to make a file browser that will do two things 1 Allow the user to browse and select a directory..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] HTTP client example in Android closed Please provide a simple example program using the AndroidHttpClient as an HTTP client... If the response does not enclose an entity there is no need to worry about connection release if entity null A Simple JSON Response Read InputStream instream entity.getContent String result convertStreamToString instream now you have the..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? Branch prediction. How big an issue is this even Is branching a large performance hit on a typical Android device Simple arithmetic. Will someInt 2 be replaced by someInt 1 Etcetera... java android optimization dalvik share improve this question..
How do I make a splash screen in android to do this. How would I create it and then implement it android splash screen share improve this question HOW TO Simple spash screen First you need to define the spash screen in you layout.xml file xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout..
How to store image retreived from url in a SQLite database? images from a url. Instead of caching the images would it by any chance be possible to store it in a SQLite database Simple Constructor saving the 'parent' context. public ImageAdapter Context c this.myContext c Returns the amount of images we..
Programatically Hide/Show Android Soft Keyboard [duplicate] that contains the EditTextBox. You should be able to play with this to solve both your problems. I have tested this. Simple solution. ie In your app_list_view.xml file LinearLayout android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height fill_parent..
How to use RadioGroup in ListView custom adapter? layout_height wrap_content android layout_weight 1 android singleLine true android ellipsize marquee android text Simple application that shows how to use RelativeLayout android textSize 14sp android textColor @color light_gray LinearLayout..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask void draw Canvas canvas override the draw to facilitate refresh function later if drawable null drawable.draw canvas Simple enough I just override draw so it would pick the Drawable that I set over there after AsyncTask finishes. The following..
Admob Error in Eclipse for android:configChanges project target in default pointing to it. android eclipse admob share improve this question Simple answer the mentioned config changes are not support in Android 2.1 have a look here http guide topics..
Android (Java) Simple Send and recieve with Server - Fast Setup Challenge Java Simple Send and recieve with Server Fast Setup Challenge I'm writing an Android App and I'm looking for the fastest In terms of.. code Thanks Gav java android share improve this question private void sendData ProfileVO pvo Log.i getClass .getSimpleName send task start HttpParams p new BasicHttpParams p.setParameter name pvo.getName Instantiate an HttpClient HttpClient..