android Programming Glossary: sideways
gesture issue with mapview in viewpager page the page slides to the next page instead of the map moving sideways. It's as if the viewpager is getting the gesture before the..
reading android jpeg EXIF metadata from picture callback neither here nor there. While I can check if a Bitmap is sideways I can't logically check if it is upside down by dimensions so..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator However when I run the app in the simulator it appears sideways and in portrait mode. How can I switch the emulator to landscape..
Sideways View with XML Android Is there a way to display a View such as a TextView sideways using the XML layout file I know you can rotate the view using..
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode vertical space when the user rotates the phone over sideways. android layout resources android layout orientation share..
Angry Birds like scrolling menu how to make a menu simular to this in that it scrolls sideways horizontally and shows tappable images Thanks in advance java..
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open app the camera shows up horribly wrong turned 90 degrees sideways and stretched usually... In one of the phones there are a keyboard..
Android - Emulator in landscape mode, screen does not rotate OS and none of the apps rotate. So everything is sitting sideways. Is there something in the AVD configuration that needs to be..
gesture issue with mapview in viewpager page user is on the map page and uses a horizontal slide gesture the page slides to the next page instead of the map moving sideways. It's as if the viewpager is getting the gesture before the map. If the user is clever and begins sliding the map in a diagonal..
reading android jpeg EXIF metadata from picture callback on the other way or something to that affect but that's neither here nor there. While I can check if a Bitmap is sideways I can't logically check if it is upside down by dimensions so I need access to the EXIF data. Android provides a parser..
Switching to landscape mode in Android Emulator AndroidManifest.xml file android screenOrientation landscape However when I run the app in the simulator it appears sideways and in portrait mode. How can I switch the emulator to landscape mode on a mac It's running the 1.6 SDK. android android..
Sideways View with XML Android View with XML Android Is there a way to display a View such as a TextView sideways using the XML layout file I know you can rotate the view using code in an activity but is there a way just to do it with..
Android - Camera preview is sideways Camera preview is sideways I am using a Preview to display what the camera see's on the screen. I can get everything working fine surface created..
Android: alternate layout xml for landscape mode and one for portrait I want to assume extra width and conserve vertical space when the user rotates the phone over sideways. android layout resources android layout orientation share improve this question By default the layouts in res layout..
Angry Birds like scrolling menu clicked on you can start the game and what not. I was wondering how to make a menu simular to this in that it scrolls sideways horizontally and shows tappable images Thanks in advance java android share improve this question I would think that..
Camera is wrong unless keyboard is open I have 2 androids here. In both of them when I turn on my app the camera shows up horribly wrong turned 90 degrees sideways and stretched usually... In one of the phones there are a keyboard and when I open the keyboard the app work correctly.....
Android - Emulator in landscape mode, screen does not rotate rotates the screen to landscape orientation but the Android OS and none of the apps rotate. So everything is sitting sideways. Is there something in the AVD configuration that needs to be set in order for the device to rotate properly android android..