android Programming Glossary: sim
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM Check whether the phone is dual SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is.. on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards in a dual SIM phone except.. is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards in a dual SIM phone except for contacting the manufacturer..
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM It is possible to do it in one query As far as I know content..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages state management for configuration changes rotation dock SIM change locale change multiple displays font scale will be more..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? Unknown . Where is the problem Is something wrong with my SIM android phone number share improve this question We had.. in our project. The conclusion was that it depends on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy S with AT T SIM card can read.. on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy S with AT T SIM card can read phone number Settings shows number Same Galaxy..
How to store android application data on sim card using NFC? secret information and I want to store that data on the SIM card. Is it possible and if it is possible how can I do this.. possible without enormous effort. You want to use the SIM card as the Secure Element in Card Emulation mode this is the.. by GSM Association . To access the Secure Element on SIM or Integrated Chip you need to use a Trusted Service Manager..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM share with the community people. android logcat imei dual sim share improve this question You can use Java reflection.. telephony obParameter if ob_phone null int simState Integer.parseInt ob_phone.toString if simState TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY.. null int simState Integer.parseInt ob_phone.toString if simState TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY isReady true catch..
How to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device? to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device I have to make an application which shows..
How to find serial number of Android device? a phone . This should work for any Android device with a sim slot or CDMA radio. You're on your own with that Android powered..
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM to do it in one query As far as I know content uri of sim contacts is content icc adn android sim card share improve.. content uri of sim contacts is content icc adn android sim card share improve this question This is very easy Cursor.. RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE '' if you don't want..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application a query that whenever i try to fetch Lat Long without sim card it is not providing any info where as soon i insert my.. it is not providing any info where as soon i insert my sim card it provides me all information in desired manner. LocationManager..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact I think it relates to contacts that are stored on the sim card Please advice maybe you have a different way to add the..
How to get the telephone number associated with the SIM in a GSM phone? [duplicate] with the SIM in a GSM phone android numbers gsm sim card telephone share improve this question try following..
Dual SIM card Android which has in its description written that ...Analog dual sim adapter users can switch their sim cards... so is there some.. that ...Analog dual sim adapter users can switch their sim cards... so is there some API in the Android SDK which allows..
Event when sim card is changed when sim card is changed How to access event when sim card is changed.. when sim card is changed How to access event when sim card is changed in mobile android share improve this question..
to get phone number programatically in android in android . But this is working fine only for one sim card. If i test this code by inserting other sim card it is.. for one sim card. If i test this code by inserting other sim card it is giving null . I am trying to find the solution for.. permission in Manifest . I want to uniquely identify the sim card. IS there any other way to do this. please let me know...
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) comments welcomed. Regards STeN android symbian nfc rfid sim card share improve this question In order to be a little..
How to store android application data on sim card using NFC? to store android application data on sim card using NFC I am developing a NFC application. My application.. android version is Android 2.3.5. android nfc smartcard sim card share improve this question tl dr it is not currently.. days for NFC on mobile phones. Tag reading writing is simple enough but accessing the Secure Element is not. There are..
Android - reading device phone number throws NULLPointerException are not available on SIM for each operators like in india Sim dont have phone numbers in any memory So WE cant get phone number..
automatically update my activity to show which was written . Use onTextChanged so that as the user types in the Sim card box the content box is filling up. So attach the TextWatcher..
How can I check whether the Sim Card is available in an android device? can I check whether the Sim Card is available in an android device Friends I need help.. Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE int simState telMgr.getSimState switch simState case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start Stop Gps from Application I am trying to fetch..
How could i get the correct external storage on Samsung and all other devices?
to get phone number programatically in android sim card share improve this question I think Sim serial Number is unique. You can try this. TelephonyManager.. getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE String getSimSerialNumber telemamanger.getSimSerialNumber Let me know if there.. String getSimSerialNumber telemamanger.getSimSerialNumber Let me know if there is any issue. share improve..
How can I check that whether tablet supports sim card or not.? to the webserver. But some of tablet has not support the Sim card so I could not find call Logs and SMS from that tablet... to disable the facility from that tablet which has not Sim card. So how can I find that the Selected Tablet has Sim card.. Sim card. So how can I find that the Selected Tablet has Sim card or not.. android share improve this question TelephonyManager..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM Check whether the phone is dual SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards.. Check whether the phone is dual SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards in a dual SIM phone except for contacting the manufacturer . Now my changed question.. SIM After a lot of research on forums now I know that there is no way to find IMSI or SIM serial number for both the SIM cards in a dual SIM phone except for contacting the manufacturer . Now my changed question is can we at all detect that..
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM It is possible to do it in one query As far as I know content uri of sim contacts is content icc adn android sim card..
Pattern “One activity, multiple views”: Advantages and disadvantages using many small activities the way they recommend . #6. Your state management for configuration changes rotation dock SIM change locale change multiple displays font scale will be more complicated because now you also have to figure out what..
TelephonyManager.getLine1Number() failing? About phone Phone identity Phone number phone number is Unknown . Where is the problem Is something wrong with my SIM android phone number share improve this question We had the same problem in our project. The conclusion was that it.. share improve this question We had the same problem in our project. The conclusion was that it depends on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy S with AT T SIM card can read phone number Settings shows number Same Galaxy with an European.. problem in our project. The conclusion was that it depends on the SIM card. What happened to us Galaxy S with AT T SIM card can read phone number Settings shows number Same Galaxy with an European SIM card cannot read the number and unknown..
How to store android application data on sim card using NFC? I am developing a NFC application. My application will process secret information and I want to store that data on the SIM card. Is it possible and if it is possible how can I do this My phone's android version is Android 2.3.5. android nfc smartcard.. card share improve this question tl dr it is not currently possible without enormous effort. You want to use the SIM card as the Secure Element in Card Emulation mode this is the approach favoured by GSM Association . To access the Secure.. Element in Card Emulation mode this is the approach favoured by GSM Association . To access the Secure Element on SIM or Integrated Chip you need to use a Trusted Service Manager TSM . In your case the TSM would send data to your SIM card..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM any manufacturers APIs or links to contact them please do share with the community people. android logcat imei dual sim share improve this question You can use Java reflection to get both IMEI numbers. Using these IMEI numbers you can check.. new Object 1 obParameter 0 slotID Object ob_phone getSimStateGemini.invoke telephony obParameter if ob_phone null int simState Integer.parseInt ob_phone.toString if simState TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY isReady true catch Exception e.. getSimStateGemini.invoke telephony obParameter if ob_phone null int simState Integer.parseInt ob_phone.toString if simState TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_READY isReady true catch Exception e e.printStackTrace throw new GeminiMethodNotFoundException..
How to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device? to get the mobile number of current sim card in real device I have to make an application which shows the Contact no of the SIM card that is being used in the..
How to find serial number of Android device?
How to get all android contacts but without those which are on SIM contacts but without those which are on SIM It is possible to do it in one query As far as I know content uri of sim contacts is content icc adn android sim card share improve this question This is very easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query.. on SIM It is possible to do it in one query As far as I know content uri of sim contacts is content icc adn android sim card share improve this question This is very easy Cursor cursor mContentResolver.query RawContacts.CONTENT_URI new.. new String RawContacts._ID RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE 'com.anddroid.contacts.sim' AND RawContacts.ACCOUNT_TYPE '' if you don't want to google contacts also null null share improve this answer..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application I am trying to fetch Gps latitude and longitude but i am having a query that whenever i try to fetch Lat Long without sim card it is not providing any info where as soon i insert my sim card it provides me all information in desired manner. LocationManager.. a query that whenever i try to fetch Lat Long without sim card it is not providing any info where as soon i insert my sim card it provides me all information in desired manner. LocationManager mlocManager LocationManager getSystemService Context.LOCATION_SERVICE..
Android - New Data record is added to the wrong contact it just doesn't work it match the data to different contact. I think it relates to contacts that are stored on the sim card Please advice maybe you have a different way to add the data code sample LinkedList Long lcv new LinkedList Long ContentResolver..
How to get the telephone number associated with the SIM in a GSM phone? [duplicate] mobile number in android How to get the telephone number associated with the SIM in a GSM phone android numbers gsm sim card telephone share improve this question try following code TelephonyManager tMgr TelephonyManager mAppContext.getSystemService..
Dual SIM card Android I have found the MultiSim application on the Android Market which has in its description written that ...Analog dual sim adapter users can switch their sim cards... so is there some API in the Android SDK which allows the SIM card switch selection.. on the Android Market which has in its description written that ...Analog dual sim adapter users can switch their sim cards... so is there some API in the Android SDK which allows the SIM card switch selection android share improve this..
Event when sim card is changed when sim card is changed How to access event when sim card is changed in mobile android share improve this question I'm not.. when sim card is changed How to access event when sim card is changed in mobile android share improve this question I'm not aware of an event but the phone will be turned..
to get phone number programatically in android tMgr.getLine1Number to get the phone no programatically in android . But this is working fine only for one sim card. If i test this code by inserting other sim card it is giving null . I am trying to find the solution for this. please.. no programatically in android . But this is working fine only for one sim card. If i test this code by inserting other sim card it is giving null . I am trying to find the solution for this. please help me. I have also included READ_PHONE_STATE.. this. please help me. I have also included READ_PHONE_STATE permission in Manifest . I want to uniquely identify the sim card. IS there any other way to do this. please let me know. Thanks in advance... android telephonymanager sim card share..
Android and Symbian NFC mobile development questions and answers (FAQ) and experience with NFC and mobile phone development Any comments welcomed. Regards STeN android symbian nfc rfid sim card share improve this question In order to be a little bit more practical and not only theoretical I have posted some..
How to store android application data on sim card using NFC? to store android application data on sim card using NFC I am developing a NFC application. My application will process secret information and I want to store that.. possible and if it is possible how can I do this My phone's android version is Android 2.3.5. android nfc smartcard sim card share improve this question tl dr it is not currently possible without enormous effort. You want to use the SIM.. using binary SMS messages. The problem is that it is very early days for NFC on mobile phones. Tag reading writing is simple enough but accessing the Secure Element is not. There are very limited trials of NFC SmartPhones using SIM as secure..
Android - reading device phone number throws NULLPointerException phone device share improve this question Phone numbers are not available on SIM for each operators like in india Sim dont have phone numbers in any memory So WE cant get phone number from these connection. However some countries and operators..
automatically update my activity to show which was written share improve this question What you want is TextWatcher . Use onTextChanged so that as the user types in the Sim card box the content box is filling up. So attach the TextWatcher to your first EditText edit1.addTextChangedListener new..
How can I check whether the Sim Card is available in an android device? can I check whether the Sim Card is available in an android device Friends I need help checking whether a device has a sim card programatically. Please.. SIM state. TelephonyManager telMgr TelephonyManager getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE int simState telMgr.getSimState switch simState case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_ABSENT do something break case TelephonyManager.SIM_STATE_NETWORK_LOCKED..
Get Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start/Stop Gps from Application Latitude and Longitude without inserting Sim Card and Start Stop Gps from Application I am trying to fetch Gps latitude and longitude but i am having a query that whenever..
How could i get the correct external storage on Samsung and all other devices?
to get phone number programatically in android please let me know. Thanks in advance... android telephonymanager sim card share improve this question I think Sim serial Number is unique. You can try this. TelephonyManager telemamanger TelephonyManager getSystemService Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE..
How can I check that whether tablet supports sim card or not.? which sync the data of call Logs SMS Calendars etc. to the webserver. But some of tablet has not support the Sim card so I could not find call Logs and SMS from that tablet. So I want to disable the facility from that tablet which has.. I could not find call Logs and SMS from that tablet. So I want to disable the facility from that tablet which has not Sim card. So how can I find that the Selected Tablet has Sim card or not.. android share improve this question TelephonyManager.. I want to disable the facility from that tablet which has not Sim card. So how can I find that the Selected Tablet has Sim card or not.. android share improve this question TelephonyManager telephonyManager1 TelephonyManager getSystemService..