android Programming Glossary: restclient
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps api with basics for doing Http POST and GET public class RestClient private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair.. public int GetResponseCode return responseCode public RestClient String url this.url url params new ArrayList NameValuePair headers..
How can I make asynchronous URL connections on Android? org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class RestClient private static String convertStreamToString InputStream is ..
How can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android? requests but not sure how I can send requests public class RestClient extends AsyncTask String Void JSONObject private String convertStreamToString..
Sending A string of lat and long from mobile to server catch Exception modifiedsentence Text.append Exception RestClient client new RestClient webServiceUrl client.addBasicAuthentication.. Text.append Exception RestClient client new RestClient webServiceUrl client.addBasicAuthentication username password..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android register String email String password throws Exception RestClient c new RestClient http myurl Account Register c.AddHeader Accept.. email String password throws Exception RestClient c new RestClient http myurl Account Register c.AddHeader Accept application json.. class to build your request and execute it public class RestClient public enum RequestMethod GET POST private ArrayList NameValuePair..
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the code... RestClient client new RestClient http services events eve.getName.. wrong with it heres the code... RestClient client new RestClient http services events eve.getName try Log.i MY..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? and Set it to the private data members of my RestClient Class. CallServiceTask looks like this private class CallServiceTask.. url String params 1 return executeRequest req url And my RestClient class looks like this public class RestClient private ArrayList.. url And my RestClient class looks like this public class RestClient private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps share improve this question Here you have a nice rest api with basics for doing Http POST and GET public class RestClient private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private String url private String response.. int responseCode public String GetResponse return response public int GetResponseCode return responseCode public RestClient String url this.url url params new ArrayList NameValuePair headers new ArrayList NameValuePair public void AddParam String..
How can I make asynchronous URL connections on Android? import org.json.JSONException import org.json.JSONObject import android.util.Log public class RestClient private static String convertStreamToString InputStream is To convert the InputStream to String we use the BufferedReader.readLine..
How can I send HTTP Basic Authentication headers in Android? HTTP Auth headers. I have the following HttpClient to get requests but not sure how I can send requests public class RestClient extends AsyncTask String Void JSONObject private String convertStreamToString InputStream is To convert the InputStream..
Sending A string of lat and long from mobile to server Text.append modifiedSentence inputfld.setText null catch Exception modifiedsentence Text.append Exception RestClient client new RestClient webServiceUrl client.addBasicAuthentication username password try client.execute RequestMethod.GET.. modifiedSentence inputfld.setText null catch Exception modifiedsentence Text.append Exception RestClient client new RestClient webServiceUrl client.addBasicAuthentication username password try client.execute RequestMethod.GET if client.getResponseCode..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android than the UI thread public class RemoteDBAdapter public String register String email String password throws Exception RestClient c new RestClient http myurl Account Register c.AddHeader Accept application json c.AddHeader Content type application json.. public class RemoteDBAdapter public String register String email String password throws Exception RestClient c new RestClient http myurl Account Register c.AddHeader Accept application json c.AddHeader Content type application json c.AddParam Email.. JSONObject c.getResponse return key.getString status Use this class to build your request and execute it public class RestClient public enum RequestMethod GET POST private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private..
org.json.JSON Exception : End of input at character 0 Event.class i get org.json.JSONException end of input at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the code... RestClient client new RestClient http services events eve.getName try Log.i MY INFO calling boston client.Execute RequestMethod.POST.. get org.json.JSONException end of input at character 0 of What's wrong with it heres the code... RestClient client new RestClient http services events eve.getName try Log.i MY INFO calling boston client.Execute RequestMethod.POST catch..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? that. All I want is to take the Object array returned by doInBackground and Set it to the private data members of my RestClient Class. CallServiceTask looks like this private class CallServiceTask extends AsyncTask Object Void Object protected Object.. params HttpUriRequest req HttpUriRequest params 0 String url String params 1 return executeRequest req url And my RestClient class looks like this public class RestClient private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers.. 0 String url String params 1 return executeRequest req url And my RestClient class looks like this public class RestClient private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private JSONObject jsonData private Object..