android Programming Glossary: restart
How do I restart an Android Activity do I restart an Android Activity How do I restart an Android Activity I.. do I restart an Android Activity How do I restart an Android Activity I tried the following but the activity simply.. but the activity simply quits. public static void restartActivity Activity act Intent intent new Intent intent.setClass..
How to disable orientation change in Android? . My activity stays in portrait mode but seems to get restarted and loses all its states. This does not happen with the hero.. version. My application is quite big so I don't want it to restart and lose all its states when the keyboard is opened. Any idea.. I can prevent that android orientation android activity restart share improve this question Update April 2013 Don't do this...
How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done? in a service to ensure it stays up and your app is restarted. some example code EndCallListener callListener new EndCallListener..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate] SDK Manager select the newly added build tools install it restart the SDK Manager after the update. share improve this answer..
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin the support components from the SDK extra folder and then restart Eclipse None of these didn't work for me. Is there another solution..
Changing Locale within the app itself didn't succeed the language changed correctly on Activity restart but number formats and other locale properties were not applied..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate]
Activity restart on rotation Android restart on rotation Android In my Android application when I rotate.. the device slide out the keyboard then my activity is restarted onCreate is called . Now this is probably how it's supposed.. when the entire application is created so the Activity restarts on orientation or keyboard visibility changes won't trigger..
Android BroadcastReceiver on startup persist. And use receivers to receive Boot Up events to restart the service again if system boots.. Start the Service if applicable..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space Xmx384m . Try changing them both to Xms512m Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not continue to increase the.. if that helps. If not continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens Your build completes... of two things happens Your build completes. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory. eclipse.ini is located..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? a common example is an orientation change Android fully restarts the running Activity to help it adjust to such changes. When.. language i.e. the locale has changed your activity will be restarted in the same way it does by an orientation change. If you want.. points out in the comments your activity will also be restarted when your app is in the background and Android decides to..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio media init.d lib folders to AndroidStudio plugins gradle Restart AndroidStudio Updated Answer And after following all the steps..
Android Studio with Google Play Services repository Google play services Google repository . Restart android studio and open the build gradle file. You must modify..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable stabilize my app doing that I provide the user a setting Restart Bluetooth . If that setting is enabled I restart Bluetooth at..
Android Studio - local path doesn't exist
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin v4 dependency name android support v4 revision 8 Finally Restart Eclipse If needed copy android support v4.jar from sdk extras..
Android static object lifecycle (Application act crazy) process from DDMS stop button in the devices window . Restart your activity the static will have null value. Hope that helps...
Android Device Chooser — device not showing up market Applications in Settings Application Development. Restart Window Mac. Restart device. In Window Mac reinstall device drivers... in Settings Application Development. Restart Window Mac. Restart device. In Window Mac reinstall device drivers. Second make..
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” 48 myapp Launch canceled Retry doesn't help same messages. Restart Eclipse doesn't help. Restart adb adb killserver adb start server.. doesn't help same messages. Restart Eclipse doesn't help. Restart adb adb killserver adb start server no errors doesn't help...
Android Toast started from Service only displays once MAX_RECON_WAIT String msg The connection has been lost. Restart attempt will start in sleepTime 1000 seconds Log.i this.toString.. MAX_RECON_WAIT String msg The connection has been lost. Restart attempt will start in sleepTime 1000 seconds new Timer .schedule..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured
Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder and copy it to Android SDK dir platform tools lib Restart eclipse clean your project and everything should work as expected...
Android device chooser - My device seems offline is in adb or the device but I usually do the following Restart adb by issuing 'adb kill server' followed by 'adb start server'..
Phone isn't recognized by ADB list of solutions that I have seen across severals forums Restart ADB server with the following commands adb kill server and then..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG.. @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see.. @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see
Google Android USB Driver and ADB ˜Advanced Options Click ˜Windows Startup Settings Click Restart. or run cmd and type shutdown o r t 0 then after restarting..
How do I restart an Android Activity do I restart an Android Activity How do I restart an Android Activity I tried the following but the activity simply quits. public static.. do I restart an Android Activity How do I restart an Android Activity I tried the following but the activity simply quits. public static void restartActivity Activity act.. Activity How do I restart an Android Activity I tried the following but the activity simply quits. public static void restartActivity Activity act Intent intent new Intent intent.setClass act act.getClass act.startActivity intent act.finish android..
How to disable orientation change in Android? as i open the hardware qwerty keyboard not the virtual keyboard . My activity stays in portrait mode but seems to get restarted and loses all its states. This does not happen with the hero version. My application is quite big so I don't want it to.. loses all its states. This does not happen with the hero version. My application is quite big so I don't want it to restart and lose all its states when the keyboard is opened. Any idea on how I can prevent that android orientation android activity.. all its states when the keyboard is opened. Any idea on how I can prevent that android orientation android activity restart share improve this question Update April 2013 Don't do this. It wasn't a good idea in 2009 when I first answered the..
How to make a phone call in android and come back to my activity when the call is done? app back up on the IDLE state. you may need to run the listener in a service to ensure it stays up and your app is restarted. some example code EndCallListener callListener new EndCallListener TelephonyManager mTM TelephonyManager this.getSystemService..
Eclipse error: R cannot be resolved to a variable [duplicate]
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin as administrator Run Eclipse as administrator Re install the support components from the SDK extra folder and then restart Eclipse None of these didn't work for me. Is there another solution android eclipse adt share improve this question ..
Changing Locale within the app itself to make the preference change to be applied immediately but didn't succeed the language changed correctly on Activity restart but number formats and other locale properties were not applied until full application restart. share improve this answer..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate]
Activity restart on rotation Android restart on rotation Android In my Android application when I rotate the device slide out the keyboard then my activity is restarted.. on rotation Android In my Android application when I rotate the device slide out the keyboard then my activity is restarted onCreate is called . Now this is probably how it's supposed to be but I do a lot of initial setting up in the onCreate.. code here. The onCreate in the application class is only called when the entire application is created so the Activity restarts on orientation or keyboard visibility changes won't trigger it. It's good practice to expose the instance of this class..
Android BroadcastReceiver on startup improve this question Use Service for this to make anything persist. And use receivers to receive Boot Up events to restart the service again if system boots.. Start the Service if applicable on boot receiver android name com.prac.test.ServiceStarter..
Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space so that they are large enough. The default is Xms40m Xmx384m . Try changing them both to Xms512m Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things.. them both to Xms512m Xmx512m and restart eclipse to see if that helps. If not continue to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens Your build completes. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough.. to increase the values and restart eclipse until either one of two things happens Your build completes. Eclipse won't restart because you don't have enough memory. eclipse.ini is located at etc eclipse.ini in Ubuntu assuming you installed Eclipse..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? when certain key configuration changes happen on Android a common example is an orientation change Android fully restarts the running Activity to help it adjust to such changes. When you define android configChanges keyboardHidden orientation.. can be triggered. For example if the user selects a new language i.e. the locale has changed your activity will be restarted in the same way it does by an orientation change. If you want you can view a list of all the different types of config.. of config changes . Edit More importantly though as hackbod points out in the comments your activity will also be restarted when your app is in the background and Android decides to free up some memory by killing it. When the user comes back..
Failed to import new Gradle project in android studio contents of gradle 1.6 After extracting zip file bin media init.d lib folders to AndroidStudio plugins gradle Restart AndroidStudio Updated Answer And after following all the steps listed above if it is not working Kindly check below things...
Android Studio with Google Play Services install the following files located under extras Android support repository Google play services Google repository . Restart android studio and open the build gradle file. You must modify your build.gradle file to look like this under dependencies..
Android 4.3 Bluetooth Low Energy unstable 4.3 share improve this question Work around I could stabilize my app doing that I provide the user a setting Restart Bluetooth . If that setting is enabled I restart Bluetooth at some points that indicate the begin of BLE stack becoming..
Android Studio - local path doesn't exist
ADT 22.2 New App Wizard: Unsupported template dependency: Upgrade your Android Eclipse plugin
Android static object lifecycle (Application act crazy)
Android Device Chooser — device not showing up Development. In your device turn on Allow installation of non market Applications in Settings Application Development. Restart Window Mac. Restart device. In Window Mac reinstall device drivers. Second make sure you set the Deployment target selection.. device turn on Allow installation of non market Applications in Settings Application Development. Restart Window Mac. Restart device. In Window Mac reinstall device drivers. Second make sure you set the Deployment target selection mode to manual..
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” Unable to open sync connection 2010 10 12 09 36 48 myapp Launch canceled Retry doesn't help same messages. Restart Eclipse doesn't help. Restart adb adb killserver adb start server no errors doesn't help. Reconnect the phone sometimes.. connection 2010 10 12 09 36 48 myapp Launch canceled Retry doesn't help same messages. Restart Eclipse doesn't help. Restart adb adb killserver adb start server no errors doesn't help. Reconnect the phone sometimes helps. Reboot the computer kind..
Android Toast started from Service only displays once MIN_RECON_WAIT if sleepTime MAX_RECON_WAIT sleepTime MAX_RECON_WAIT String msg The connection has been lost. Restart attempt will start in sleepTime 1000 seconds Log.i this.toString msg Toast.makeText getApplicationContext msg Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. MIN_RECON_WAIT if sleepTime MAX_RECON_WAIT sleepTime MAX_RECON_WAIT String msg The connection has been lost. Restart attempt will start in sleepTime 1000 seconds new Timer .schedule new TimerTask public void run new Runnable..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain 1.1 scheme https secure true sslProtocol TLS sslImplementationName org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider Restart the server after these changes. Configure BouncyCastle for Android Client No need to configure since Android supports Bouncy..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured
Android ADT error, dx.jar was not loaded from the SDK folder lib . Solution Find your latest dx.jar in Android SDK dir platforms and copy it to Android SDK dir platform tools lib Restart eclipse clean your project and everything should work as expected. If platform tools lib directory is missing entirely you..
Android device chooser - My device seems offline on my HTC Desire. I've never figured out whether the problem is in adb or the device but I usually do the following Restart adb by issuing 'adb kill server' followed by 'adb start server' at a cmd prompt Disable and re enable USB debugging on the..
Phone isn't recognized by ADB this problem and there is no common answer. i'll make a list of solutions that I have seen across severals forums Restart ADB server with the following commands adb kill server and then adb start server Change the USB cable you are using I've..
Difference between onCreate() and onStart()? [duplicate] @Override protected void onPause super.onPause Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see super.onPause Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onResume.. Log.i TAG On Pause ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onRestart super.onRestart Log.i TAG On Restart ..... non Javadoc @see @Override protected void onResume super.onResume..
Google Android USB Driver and ADB ˜Restart now under ˜Advanced startup Click ˜Troubleshoot Click ˜Advanced Options Click ˜Windows Startup Settings Click Restart. or run cmd and type shutdown o r t 0 then after restarting choose ˜Disable driver signature enforcement from the list ...