android Programming Glossary: response.tostring
upload video to facebook in android final Object state try Log.d Facebook Example Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage..
JSON Android ListView response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse result response.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace String jsonAN kat result..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 envelope.getResponse final int num Integer.parseInt response.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace this is my java class testadd..
How to send a FQL query with the new Android SDK List GraphUser users Response response System.out.println response.toString Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query.. void onCompleted Response response Log.i TAG Got results response.toString Request.executeBatchAsync request You're basically making a..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString Log.i request envelope.bodyIn Log.i response envelope.bodyOut.. response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString catch SoapFault e e.printStackTrace catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically 0 .toString Log.i Login Webservice Response Responce response.toString if bodyIn instanceof SoapFault throw SoapFault bodyIn return.. instanceof SoapFault throw SoapFault bodyIn return response.toString public String getFinalString String ABC String arg0 String arg1..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput routesArray..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login user null System.out .println Facebook Response response.toString access_token session.getAccessToken firstName user.getFirstName..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly try Log.d TAG IDRequestONComplete Log.d TAG Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response Uid json.getString..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] void onResponse String response L.d Success Response response.toString Response.ErrorListener errorListener new Response.ErrorListener..
Post to facebook after login fails Android error response.getError Log.e post response response.toString if error null else Request request new Request session me..
error connection refused client.execute httppost responseHandler String result response.toString But i'm unable to and I get the error org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectionException..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString This code is intended to take that output and parse it into..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString System.out.println response response if response.toString.. System.out.println response response if response.toString .equalsIgnoreCase success result true catch SocketException..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? android_merchant_login.php postParameters String res response.toString res res.trim res res.replaceAll s error.setText res if..
upload video to facebook in android public void onComplete final String response final Object state try Log.d Facebook Example Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response mPostHandler.sendEmptyMessage 0 then post the processed result back to the UI..
JSON Android ListView URL try SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapPrimitive response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse result response.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace String jsonAN kat result try to build to be like this kat blablablaJSON String kategoriJSONList..
passing objects to wcf soap service from android using ksoap2; it sends and receives 0 final SoapPrimitive response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse final int num Integer.parseInt response.toString catch Exception e e.printStackTrace this is my java class testadd import java.util.Hashtable import org.ksoap2.serialization.KvmSerializable..
How to send a FQL query with the new Android SDK GraphUserListCallback @Override public void onCompleted List GraphUser users Response response System.out.println response.toString Bundle params new Bundle params.putString method fql.query params.putString query select uid name pic_square is_app_user.. session fql params HttpMethod.GET new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response Log.i TAG Got results response.toString Request.executeBatchAsync request You're basically making a Graph API request to the fql endpoint with your query passed..
create soap envelope with security header in android using ksoap2 SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapPrimitive response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString Log.i request envelope.bodyIn Log.i response envelope.bodyOut Log.i request androidHttpTransport.requestDump Log.i response.. SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapPrimitive response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString catch SoapFault e e.printStackTrace catch Exception e e.printStackTrace Log.d Exception Generated e.getMessage share..
Not Getting Correct Response of SOAP Web service Programatically envelope.bodyIn String response resultsRequestSOAP.getProperty 0 .toString Log.i Login Webservice Response Responce response.toString if bodyIn instanceof SoapFault throw SoapFault bodyIn return response.toString public String getFinalString String ABC.. Login Webservice Response Responce response.toString if bodyIn instanceof SoapFault throw SoapFault bodyIn return response.toString public String getFinalString String ABC String arg0 String arg1 String arg2 parse the template and replace all keywords..
Highlight a specified route on Google Maps v2 Android String strLine null while strLine input.readLine null response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString JSONObject jsonObject new JSONObject jsonOutput routesArray contains ALL routes JSONArray routesArray jsonObject.getJSONArray..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login void onCompleted GraphUser user Response response if user null System.out .println Facebook Response response.toString access_token session.getAccessToken firstName user.getFirstName fb_user_id user.getId System.out .println Facebook..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly @Override public void onComplete String response Object state try Log.d TAG IDRequestONComplete Log.d TAG Response response.toString JSONObject json Util.parseJson response Uid json.getString id savePrefs UID Uid final String name json.getString name..
Android Volley - Quickstart [closed] String listener new Response.Listener String @Override public void onResponse String response L.d Success Response response.toString Response.ErrorListener errorListener new Response.ErrorListener @Override public void onErrorResponse VolleyError error..
Post to facebook after login fails Android JSONException e Log.i JSON JSON error e.getMessage FacebookRequestError error response.getError Log.e post response response.toString if error null else Request request new Request session me feed postParams HttpMethod.POST callback RequestAsyncTask..
error connection refused String responseHandler new BasicResponseHandler String response client.execute httppost responseHandler String result response.toString But i'm unable to and I get the error org.apache.http.conn.HttpHostConnectionException Connection to http localhost 8080..
JSON parsing of Google Maps API in Android App 8192 String strLine null while strLine input.readLine null response.append strLine input.close String jsonOutput response.toString This code is intended to take that output and parse it into the final string duration as inspired by this stackoverflow..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application SOAP_ACTION envelope SoapPrimitive response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString System.out.println response response if response.toString .equalsIgnoreCase success result true catch SocketException.. response SoapPrimitive envelope.getResponse Log.i myApp response.toString System.out.println response response if response.toString .equalsIgnoreCase success result true catch SocketException ex Log.e Error Error on soapPrimitiveData ex.getMessage ex.printStackTrace..
android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException . Need to use async task? try response CustomHttpClient.executeHttpPost http android_merchant_login.php postParameters String res response.toString res res.trim res res.replaceAll s error.setText res if res.equals 1 error.setText Correct Username or Password else..