

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:41

android Programming Glossary: responsesize

Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size


chunkIndex bytesRead spaceLeft CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex if in null in.close copy it all into one big array int responseSize BufferChunkList.size CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex Log.d response size responseSize byte responseBody new byte responseSize int.. copy it all into one big array int responseSize BufferChunkList.size CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex Log.d response size responseSize byte responseBody new byte responseSize int index 0 for byte b BufferChunkList System.arraycopy b 0 responseBody index.. responseSize BufferChunkList.size CHUNKSIZE chunkIndex Log.d response size responseSize byte responseBody new byte responseSize int index 0 for byte b BufferChunkList System.arraycopy b 0 responseBody index CHUNKSIZE index index CHUNKSIZE System.arraycopy..