android Programming Glossary: response.getstatusline
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice httpEntity Log.i Response xml Log.d WebInvoke Status response.getStatusLine I only get a long html file out which tells me The server has..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation response.getEntity .getContent while 0 assertTrue response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 I've found references to what seems to be..
Secure HTTP Post in Android e Log.e Your App Name Here e.getMessage int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode we assume that the response body contains the..
Android: How get the status-code of an HttpClient request
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response?
Access the http response headers in a WebView? response try response httpClient.execute httpGet if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 la conexion fue establecida obtener el contenido..
Make an HTTP request with android httpclient.execute new HttpGet URL StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK ByteArrayOutputStream.. new HttpGet uri 0 StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK ByteArrayOutputStream..
Example of how to download JSON from server? try response httpclient.execute httpget Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine .toString HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android doLoginPost username password cookie token int respCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if respCode 302 System.out.println ERROR not..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] httpget Examine the response status Log.i Praeda response.getStatusLine .toString Get hold of the response entity HttpEntity entity..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? response httpclient.execute httppost int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode tw.setText status catch ClientProtocolException..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) request OOM on 4G LTE. OK otherwise int statusCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode Log.i fetcher execute returned http status statusCode..
Android HTTP login questions httpGet Check if everything went well. if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 If so grab the entity. HttpEntity entity..
Send data from android to server via JSON response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString Could do something better with response. catch Exception..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get response.getStatusLine if entity null entity.consumeContent System.out.println Initial.. response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get response.getStatusLine if entity null entity.consumeContent System.out.println Post..
Return data from AsyncTask class httpPost Examine the response status Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine .toString BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ response httpClient.execute request int statusCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode 200 throw new RegistrationException..
Deserialize JSON object sent from Android app to WCF webservice httpEntity response.getEntity String xml EntityUtils.toString httpEntity Log.i Response xml Log.d WebInvoke Status response.getStatusLine I only get a long html file out which tells me The server has encountered an error processing the request . And the status..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation new DefaultHttpClient .execute c final InputStream is response.getEntity .getContent while 0 assertTrue response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 I've found references to what seems to be a similar problem elsewhere but so far no solutions. If they're..
Secure HTTP Post in Android url try response httpClient.execute httpGet catch Exception e Log.e Your App Name Here e.getMessage int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode we assume that the response body contains the error message try ret EntityUtils.toString response.getEntity..
Android: How get the status-code of an HttpClient request
How to send HTTP POST request and receive response?
Access the http response headers in a WebView? new HttpGet urlConection this receives the response HttpResponse response try response httpClient.execute httpGet if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 la conexion fue establecida obtener el contenido HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null..
Make an HTTP request with android httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse response httpclient.execute new HttpGet URL StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream response.getEntity .writeTo.. response String responseString null try response httpclient.execute new HttpGet uri 0 StatusLine statusLine response.getStatusLine if statusLine.getStatusCode HttpStatus.SC_OK ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream response.getEntity .writeTo..
Example of how to download JSON from server? HttpGet httpget new HttpGet url HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httpget Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine .toString HttpEntity entity response.getEntity if entity null InputStream instream entity.getContent String result convertStreamToString..
HttpPost works in Java project, not in Android login System.out.println token token cookie cookie response doLoginPost username password cookie token int respCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if respCode 302 System.out.println ERROR not a 302 redirect code is respCode if respCode 200 System.out.println..
Simple HTTP client example in Android [closed] the request HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httpget Examine the response status Log.i Praeda response.getStatusLine .toString Get hold of the response entity HttpEntity entity response.getEntity If the response does not enclose an entity..
How to do a HTTP Post in Android? nameValuePairs Execute HTTP Post Request HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost int status response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode tw.setText status catch ClientProtocolException e tw.setText e.toString catch IOException e tw.setText e.toString..
Android HttpClient OOM on 4G/LTE (HTC Thunderbolt) null request new HttpGet url try response httpClient.execute request OOM on 4G LTE. OK otherwise int statusCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode Log.i fetcher execute returned http status statusCode ... Here's the crashing stack trace E dalvikvm heap..
Android HTTP login questions and catch the response to our HttpResponse. response postClient.execute httpGet Check if everything went well. if response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode 200 If so grab the entity. HttpEntity entity response.getEntity If entity isn't null grab the CookieStore..
Send data from android to server via JSON httppost.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity data HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost Log.i postData response.getStatusLine .toString Could do something better with response. catch Exception e Log.e log_tag Error e.toString then to send lets..
How do I make an http request using cookies on Android? response httpclient.execute httpget HttpEntity entity response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get response.getStatusLine if entity null entity.consumeContent System.out.println Initial set of cookies List Cookie cookies httpclient.getCookieStore.. nvps HTTP.UTF_8 response httpclient.execute httpost entity response.getEntity System.out.println Login form get response.getStatusLine if entity null entity.consumeContent System.out.println Post logon cookies cookies httpclient.getCookieStore .getCookies..
Return data from AsyncTask class new UrlEncodedFormEntity pairs response httpclient.execute httpPost Examine the response status Log.i TAG response.getStatusLine .toString BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 String json..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ nodeId HttpGet request new HttpGet requestUrl try HttpResponse response httpClient.execute request int statusCode response.getStatusLine .getStatusCode if statusCode 200 throw new RegistrationException String.format Could not register s with the server...