android Programming Glossary: restricted
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 to my current Fragment. The use of nested fragments is restricted to FragmentTransactions you can't use the xml tag in your layout...
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 Criteria private String bestAvailableProvider Updates are restricted to one every 10 seconds and only when movement of more than..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? Criteria private String bestAvailableProvider Updates are restricted to one every 10 seconds and only when movement of more than..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? This method works till Android 4.1 after which android has restricted user apps from broadcasting Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . So..
Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6? other firms. Google in turn cannot let developers do those restricted things and an open API cannot be adequately protected for this..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android worked out fairly well. However the settings are just very restricted even on the paid versions . As of right now I am trying to develop..
Alternatives to google maps api for mobile phones. But for some reason the use of it is restricted for me in a special project. E.g. if your project is in conflict..
how to customize listview row android complicated Views for your list items because you are not restricted to TextViews anymore you can change your list item XML layout..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? Access to Facebook friends via the contacts provider is restricted to a handful of system apps by the provider itself. Other applications..
Do I need to change the package name for the free version of my app? on releasing a paid for version and a free version with restricted feature set. During development I've ensured I can turn features..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? presenting rules set by the network for allowed payphone restricted or unknown @param callType enumerated values for incoming outgoing..
How to restrict Android device to not open some specific site, facebook if my application is installed on the device than it is restricted to open youtube or facebook. Because this application is for..
Android: What is a keystore file, and what is it used for? to authenticate yourself to anyone who is asking. It isn't restricted to just signing .apk files you can use it to store personal..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 thread pool with several threads. In the future it may be restricted to a single thread Google has hinted that this will be the case...
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders and safely put into the original SQL query because it is a restricted form that does not contain external data and then the placeholders..
Change file permissions in DDMS (Android) like data or sdcard for your application data since using restricted folders can have negative side effects in a productive environment..
What is the exhaustive list of all “android.intent.action” actions available in the Android SDK? of the full android.intent.action.someaction names not the restricted list of conveniently aliased actions defined in the Intent class..
Use of Context to start another Activity to create it. If you want to create a view that is restricted to that particular Activity you can use Activity.this Also if..
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app app1 Define permission use that permission. app2 Receiver restricted only for that permission. Again if one removes app1 installs..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? portrait and landscape sw600dp or greater but phones to be restricted to portrait only. I can't find any way to conditionally choose..
Initialize MapFragment programmatically with Maps API v2 with Maps API v2 I'm trying to add a MapFragment to my current Fragment. The use of nested fragments is restricted to FragmentTransactions you can't use the xml tag in your layout. Also I want it to be added to the main Fragment when the..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 locationManager private final Criteria criteria new Criteria private String bestAvailableProvider Updates are restricted to one every 10 seconds and only when movement of more than 10 meters has been detected. private final int minTime 10000..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? locationManager private final Criteria criteria new Criteria private String bestAvailableProvider Updates are restricted to one every 10 seconds and only when movement of more than 10 meters has been detected. private final int minTime 10000..
How to programatically answer/end a call in Android 4.1? null Log.d TAG Answered incoming call from number return This method works till Android 4.1 after which android has restricted user apps from broadcasting Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_BUTTON . So my conclusion is that currently there is no way how we can achieve..
Android: DrivingDirections removed since API 1.0 - how to do it in 1.5/1.6? turn stuff since Google licenses this data from TeleNav or other firms. Google in turn cannot let developers do those restricted things and an open API cannot be adequately protected for this case. I thought I saw mention that Open Street Map has driving..
How to disable Mobile Data on Android to manage my mobile data connection. That seems have worked out fairly well. However the settings are just very restricted even on the paid versions . As of right now I am trying to develop a much more customizable battery saving application...
Alternatives to google maps api maps api is great for developing location based services for mobile phones. But for some reason the use of it is restricted for me in a special project. E.g. if your project is in conflict with the general terms and conditions of google it is not..
how to customize listview row android is that you can do absolutely anything and display much more complicated Views for your list items because you are not restricted to TextViews anymore you can change your list item XML layout to any kind of View Layout... Something like this
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? group android developers browse_thread thread 95110dd7a1e1e0b4 Access to Facebook friends via the contacts provider is restricted to a handful of system apps by the provider itself. Other applications cannot read that data. Therefore now I fetch an cache..
Do I need to change the package name for the free version of my app? that I'm going to publish to the Android market. I'm planning on releasing a paid for version and a free version with restricted feature set. During development I've ensured I can turn features on and off by setting a few constant values so I only have..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? to be added to the calls db @param presentation the number presenting rules set by the network for allowed payphone restricted or unknown @param callType enumerated values for incoming outgoing or missed @param start time stamp for the call in milliseconds..
How to restrict Android device to not open some specific site, facebook Android devices Now I want to implement the functionality that if my application is installed on the device than it is restricted to open youtube or facebook. Because this application is for employees and my client do not want that his emplyees waste..
Android: What is a keystore file, and what is it used for? The answer I would provide is that a keystore file is to authenticate yourself to anyone who is asking. It isn't restricted to just signing .apk files you can use it to store personal certificates sign data to be transmitted and a whole variety..
AsyncTask.executeOnExecutor() before API Level 11 to run a list of intense tasks. AsyncTask presently uses a thread pool with several threads. In the future it may be restricted to a single thread Google has hinted that this will be the case. wonder if there is a workaround that I can achieve the..
Android/SQLite IN clause and placeholders string of the form ... can be a dynamically created string and safely put into the original SQL query because it is a restricted form that does not contain external data and then the placeholders can be used as normal. Consider a function String makePlaceholders..
Change file permissions in DDMS (Android)
What is the exhaustive list of all “android.intent.action” actions available in the Android SDK? actions defined in the standard Android SDK I'm thinking of the full android.intent.action.someaction names not the restricted list of conveniently aliased actions defined in the Intent class e.g Intent.ACTION_VIEW Intent.ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED etc.....
Use of Context to start another Activity every class of your Application you can use getApplicationContext to create it. If you want to create a view that is restricted to that particular Activity you can use Activity.this Also if you want to create an AlertDialog in some inner class say..
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app no meaning. Is this true Now I can set additional permission app1 Define permission use that permission. app2 Receiver restricted only for that permission. Again if one removes app1 installs fake app1 with the very same permission then fake app1 can..
Android: allow portrait and landscape for tablets, but force portrait on phone? on phone I would like tablets to be able to display in portrait and landscape sw600dp or greater but phones to be restricted to portrait only. I can't find any way to conditionally choose an orientation. Any suggestions android tablet screen orientation..