android Programming Glossary: restoretransactions
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? Log.i TAG purchase failed @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode.. @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK.. if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG completed RestoreTransactions request Update the shared preferences so that we don't perform..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) we initialized the database. If false then we perform a RestoreTransactions request to get all the purchases for this user. private static.. purchase returned responseCode @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode.. @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK..
Android InAppBilling - what to do when user presses the buy button? Log.i TAG user canceled purchase else if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG purchase failed @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK if Consts.DEBUG Log.d.. purchase else if Consts.DEBUG Log.i TAG purchase failed @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG completed RestoreTransactions.. request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG completed RestoreTransactions request Update the shared preferences so that we don't perform a RestoreTransactions again. SharedPreferences prefs getPreferences..
Android cannot bind to service (In App-Billing) TAG STAMPII The SharedPreferences key for recording whether we initialized the database. If false then we perform a RestoreTransactions request to get all the purchases for this user. private static final String DB_INITIALIZED db_initialized private mStampiiPurchaseObserver.. failed logProductActivity request.mProductId request purchase returned responseCode @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK if Consts.DEBUG.. request.mProductId request purchase returned responseCode @Override public void onRestoreTransactionsResponse RestoreTransactions request ResponseCode responseCode if responseCode ResponseCode.RESULT_OK if Consts.DEBUG Log.d TAG completed RestoreTransactions..