android Programming Glossary: responsecode
android youtube upload video with static username and password outStreamWriter.write loginData outStreamWriter.close int responseCode urlConnection.getResponseCode if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG.. int responseCode urlConnection.getResponseCode if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG Got an error response responseCode urlConnection.getResponseMessage.. if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG Got an error response responseCode urlConnection.getResponseMessage throw new IOException urlConnection.getResponseMessage..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation while 0 ... in combination with this line causes responseCode 1 for i 1 when using but not
Android HTTP login questions Cookie valueOfYourCookie final int responseCode httpURLConnection.getResponseCode And get the content... Should..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android NameValuePair headers private String url private int responseCode private String message private String response public String.. return message public int getResponseCode return responseCode public RestClient String url this.url url params new ArrayList.. httpResponse try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ Exception private final String usedUrl private final int responseCode public RegistrationException String message String usedUrl int.. RegistrationException String message String usedUrl int responseCode super message this.usedUrl usedUrl this.responseCode responseCode.. int responseCode super message this.usedUrl usedUrl this.responseCode responseCode public RegistrationException String message Throwable..
android youtube upload video with static username and password new OutputStreamWriter urlConnection.getOutputStream outStreamWriter.write loginData outStreamWriter.close int responseCode urlConnection.getResponseCode if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG Got an error response responseCode urlConnection.getResponseMessage.. outStreamWriter.write loginData outStreamWriter.close int responseCode urlConnection.getResponseCode if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG Got an error response responseCode urlConnection.getResponseMessage throw new IOException urlConnection.getResponseMessage.. int responseCode urlConnection.getResponseCode if responseCode 200 Log.d LOG_TAG Got an error response responseCode urlConnection.getResponseMessage throw new IOException urlConnection.getResponseMessage else InputStream is urlConnection.getInputStream..
HttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() returns -1 on second invocation c This line... final InputStream is c.getInputStream while 0 ... in combination with this line causes responseCode 1 for i 1 when using but not assertTrue c.getResponseCode 0 Basically if I sign the request..
Android HTTP login questions Host domainOfYourCookie httpURLConnection.setRequestProperty Cookie valueOfYourCookie final int responseCode httpURLConnection.getResponseCode And get the content... Should I hash the password before sending it to the server Depends..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android GET POST private ArrayList NameValuePair params private ArrayList NameValuePair headers private String url private int responseCode private String message private String response public String getResponse return response public String getErrorMessage return.. String getResponse return response public String getErrorMessage return message public int getResponseCode return responseCode public RestClient String url this.url url params new ArrayList NameValuePair headers new ArrayList NameValuePair public.. client HttpClientFactory.getThreadSafeClient HttpResponse httpResponse try httpResponse client.execute request responseCode httpResponse.getStatusLine .getStatusCode message httpResponse.getStatusLine .getReasonPhrase HttpEntity entity httpResponse.getEntity..
how to retrive Registration id and send message to third-party application in android c2dm0+ files public class RegistrationException extends Exception private final String usedUrl private final int responseCode public RegistrationException String message String usedUrl int responseCode super message this.usedUrl usedUrl this.responseCode.. final String usedUrl private final int responseCode public RegistrationException String message String usedUrl int responseCode super message this.usedUrl usedUrl this.responseCode responseCode public RegistrationException String message Throwable.. public RegistrationException String message String usedUrl int responseCode super message this.usedUrl usedUrl this.responseCode responseCode public RegistrationException String message Throwable cause super message cause usedUrl responseCode 0 public..