android Programming Glossary: resp
How to create an https Connection? void Get HttpClient http getNewHttpClient HttpResponse response try HttpGet httpost new HttpGet url response http.execute.. HttpResponse response try HttpGet httpost new HttpGet url response http.execute httpost BufferedReader in null Log.i TAG resp.. http.execute httpost BufferedReader in null Log.i TAG resp response in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity..
How to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection? utf 8 get.setHeader Expect 100 continue HttpResponse resp null try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient resp httpClient.execute.. resp null try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient resp httpClient.execute get catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e.. e Log.e getClass .getSimpleName Communication error e if resp null got a response do something with it else there was a problem..
Android - Read an XML file with HTTP GET client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse resp client.execute uri StatusLine status resp.getStatusLine if status.getStatusCode.. HttpResponse resp client.execute uri StatusLine status resp.getStatusLine if status.getStatusCode 200 Log.d tag HTTP error.. 200 Log.d tag HTTP error invalid server status code resp.getStatusLine DocumentBuilderFactory factory DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance..
How to call a PHP Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? result envelope.getResult res new DalLogin SoapObject resp SoapObject result if SoapObject result .getProperty result.. .equals error res.setError_string error res.setResult resp.getProperty response .toString else res.setError_string null.. res.setError_string error res.setResult resp.getProperty response .toString else res.setError_string null res.setUser_id..
Android Multipart Upload photo new FileBody input post.setEntity multi HttpResponse resp client.execute post The HTTPMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE.. new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch ClientProtocolException.. httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch ClientProtocolException..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) Pass the keystore to the SSLSocketFactory. The factory is responsible for the verification of the server certificate. SSLSocketFactory.. Handler handler final Context context final HttpResponse resp final ArrayList NameValuePair params new ArrayList NameValuePair.. context if mHttpClient null return false try resp mHttpClient.execute post catch final IOException e Log.e TAG..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues entity.getFileName image jpeg resp NetworkUtils.sendHttpRequestMultipart EXPORT_PHOTOS_URI reqEntity.. entity.getContentType post.setEntity entity HttpResponse resp mHttpClient.execute post sometimes everything works fine but.. not working. like when it comes to this line HttpResponse resp mHttpClient.execute post and i disable 3g connection it just..
Post UTF-8 encoded data to server loses certain characters new HttpPost url httppost.setEntity form HttpResponse response HttpResponse httpclient .execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity.. httpclient .execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity String resp EntityUtils.toString resEntity Log.i.. httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity String resp EntityUtils.toString resEntity Log.i TAG postSyncXML srv response..
Do some Android UI stuff in non-UI thread Runnable public void run try DoSomething String response Doing something setChanged notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse.. response Doing something setChanged notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse String response Doing something else setChanged.. notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse String response Doing something else setChanged notifyObservers response..
How can I make an Android app communicate with a web server over the internet? executeMultipartPost Bitmap bm String image_name String resp null try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream.. sfsdfsdf postRequest.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader reader new.. reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 String sResponse StringBuilder..
How to create an https Connection? the code for getting information from the server public static void Get HttpClient http getNewHttpClient HttpResponse response try HttpGet httpost new HttpGet url response http.execute httpost BufferedReader in null Log.i TAG resp response in.. public static void Get HttpClient http getNewHttpClient HttpResponse response try HttpGet httpost new HttpGet url response http.execute httpost BufferedReader in null Log.i TAG resp response in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity.. response try HttpGet httpost new HttpGet url response http.execute httpost BufferedReader in null Log.i TAG resp response in new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent StringBuffer sb new StringBuffer String..
How to set Content Type on HttpURLConnection? http get.setHeader Content Type text plain charset utf 8 get.setHeader Expect 100 continue HttpResponse resp null try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient resp httpClient.execute get catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e getClass.. charset utf 8 get.setHeader Expect 100 continue HttpResponse resp null try HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient resp httpClient.execute get catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e getClass .getSimpleName HTTP protocol error e catch IOException..
Android - Read an XML file with HTTP GET this question HttpGet uri new HttpGet http DefaultHttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse resp client.execute uri StatusLine status resp.getStatusLine if status.getStatusCode 200 Log.d tag HTTP error invalid server.. http DefaultHttpClient client new DefaultHttpClient HttpResponse resp client.execute uri StatusLine status resp.getStatusLine if status.getStatusCode 200 Log.d tag HTTP error invalid server status code resp.getStatusLine DocumentBuilderFactory.. uri StatusLine status resp.getStatusLine if status.getStatusCode 200 Log.d tag HTTP error invalid server status code resp.getStatusLine DocumentBuilderFactory factory DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance DocumentBuilder builder factory.newDocumentBuilder..
How to call a PHP Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? androidHttpTransport new HttpTransportAndroid URL try Object result envelope.getResult res new DalLogin SoapObject resp SoapObject result if SoapObject result .getProperty result .equals error res.setError_string error res.setResult resp.getProperty.. SoapObject result if SoapObject result .getProperty result .equals error res.setError_string error res.setResult resp.getProperty response .toString else res.setError_string null res.setUser_id resp.getProperty user_id .toString res.setSession_id.. if SoapObject result .getProperty result .equals error res.setError_string error res.setResult resp.getProperty response .toString else res.setError_string null res.setUser_id resp.getProperty user_id .toString res.setSession_id resp.getProperty..
Android Multipart Upload multi.addPart longitude new StringBody 40.74 multi.addPart photo new FileBody input post.setEntity multi HttpResponse resp client.execute post The HTTPMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE bit is very important. Thanks to Radomir's blog on this one... entity new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e ClientProtocolException e e.getMessage.. new MultipartEntity entity.addPart file new FileBody file httpPost.setEntity entity HttpResponse response null try response httpClient.execute httpPost catch ClientProtocolException e Log.e ClientProtocolException e e.getMessage catch IOException..
Apache HttpClient on Android producing CertPathValidatorException (IssuerName != SubjectName) trusted.load in mysecret .toCharArray finally in.close Pass the keystore to the SSLSocketFactory. The factory is responsible for the verification of the server certificate. SSLSocketFactory sf new SSLSocketFactory trusted Hostname verification.. static boolean authenticate String username String password Handler handler final Context context final HttpResponse resp final ArrayList NameValuePair params new ArrayList NameValuePair params.add new BasicNameValuePair PARAM_USERNAME username.. User Agent USER_AGENT post.setEntity entity maybeCreateHttpClient context if mHttpClient null return false try resp mHttpClient.execute post catch final IOException e Log.e TAG IOException while authenticating e return false finally The..
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues reqEntity.addPart image new FileBody new File AndorraApplication.getPhotosPath entity.getFileName image jpeg resp NetworkUtils.sendHttpRequestMultipart EXPORT_PHOTOS_URI reqEntity NetworkUtils class public class NetworkUtils public static.. WAIT_TIMEOUT HttpPost post new HttpPost uri post.addHeader entity.getContentType post.setEntity entity HttpResponse resp mHttpClient.execute post sometimes everything works fine but sometimes especially on a slow connection the image is uploaded.. lost now the other issue is that timeouts sometimes not working. like when it comes to this line HttpResponse resp mHttpClient.execute post and i disable 3g connection it just waits for like 17 20 minutes instead of 3 or 5 seconds.. and..
Post UTF-8 encoded data to server loses certain characters form.setContentEncoding HTTP.UTF_8 HttpPost httppost new HttpPost url httppost.setEntity form HttpResponse response HttpResponse httpclient .execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity String resp EntityUtils.toString resEntity.. url httppost.setEntity form HttpResponse response HttpResponse httpclient .execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity String resp EntityUtils.toString resEntity Log.i TAG postSyncXML srv response resp return resp catch UnsupportedEncodingException.. form HttpResponse response HttpResponse httpclient .execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity String resp EntityUtils.toString resEntity Log.i TAG postSyncXML srv response resp return resp catch UnsupportedEncodingException e..
Do some Android UI stuff in non-UI thread get the idea public class WorkerThread extends Observable implements Runnable public void run try DoSomething String response Doing something setChanged notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse String response Doing something else setChanged.. implements Runnable public void run try DoSomething String response Doing something setChanged notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse String response Doing something else setChanged notifyObservers response catch IOException e e.printStackTrace.. run try DoSomething String response Doing something setChanged notifyObservers response DoSomethingElse String response Doing something else setChanged notifyObservers response catch IOException e e.printStackTrace private void DoSomething..
How can I make an Android app communicate with a web server over the internet? with webservice an return Yes if Image uploaded else NO String executeMultipartPost Bitmap bm String image_name String resp null try ByteArrayOutputStream bos new ByteArrayOutputStream bm.compress CompressFormat.JPEG 75 bos byte data bos.toByteArray.. uploaded bab reqEntity.addPart photoCaption new StringBody sfsdfsdf postRequest.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent.. HttpResponse response httpClient.execute postRequest BufferedReader reader new BufferedReader new InputStreamReader response.getEntity .getContent UTF 8 String sResponse StringBuilder s new StringBuilder while sResponse reader.readLine null..