android Programming Glossary: resttaskcallback
Android REST client, Sample? userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void onTaskComplete String response Profile.. profile new PostTask restUrl requestBody new RestTaskCallback public void onTaskComplete String response callback.onPostSuccess.. String String String private String mRestUrl private RestTaskCallback mCallback Creates a new instance of GetTask with the specified..
Android REST client, Sample? final GetResponseCallback callback String restUrl Utils.constructRestUrlForProfile userName new GetTask restUrl new RestTaskCallback @Override public void onTaskComplete String response Profile profile Utils.parseResponseAsProfile response callback.onDataReceived.. profile String requestBody Utils.serializeProfileAsString profile new PostTask restUrl requestBody new RestTaskCallback public void onTaskComplete String response callback.onPostSuccess .execute Class definition for a callback to be invoked.. Hypothetical REST APIs. public class GetTask extends AsyncTask String String String private String mRestUrl private RestTaskCallback mCallback Creates a new instance of GetTask with the specified URL and callback. @param restUrl The URL for the REST API...