android Programming Glossary: result.get
How to parse complex JSON file in android the path to the downloaded image String path String result.get flag Getting the position of the downloaded image int position.. the position of the downloaded image int position Integer result.get position Getting adapter of the listview SimpleAdapter adapter..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? Fetching i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching all the points in i th route for int j 0 j path.size..
Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results new calc_stanica .execute passing result String minim result.get 0 int min Integer.parseInt minim String glons result.get 1.. result.get 0 int min Integer.parseInt minim String glons result.get 1 String glats result.get 2 double glon Double.parseDouble.. minim String glons result.get 1 String glats result.get 2 double glon Double.parseDouble glons double glat Double.parseDouble..
Android Web Service Implememnation wether login failed or succeeded just as an example if result.get 0 1 login succeeded else login failed However if you use the..
How to parse complex JSON file in android protected void onPostExecute HashMap String Object result Getting the path to the downloaded image String path String result.get flag Getting the position of the downloaded image int position Integer result.get position Getting adapter of the listview.. downloaded image String path String result.get flag Getting the position of the downloaded image int position Integer result.get position Getting adapter of the listview SimpleAdapter adapter SimpleAdapter mListView.getAdapter Getting the hashmap object..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? i points new ArrayList LatLng lineOptions new PolylineOptions Fetching i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching all the points in i th route for int j 0 j path.size j HashMap String String point path.get j double lat Double.parseDouble..
Passing arguments to AsyncTask, and returning results curloc ArrayList String result new ArrayList String new calc_stanica .execute passing result String minim result.get 0 int min Integer.parseInt minim String glons result.get 1 String glats result.get 2 double glon Double.parseDouble.. new calc_stanica .execute passing result String minim result.get 0 int min Integer.parseInt minim String glons result.get 1 String glats result.get 2 double glon Double.parseDouble glons double glat Double.parseDouble glats GeoPoint g new.. passing result String minim result.get 0 int min Integer.parseInt minim String glons result.get 1 String glats result.get 2 double glon Double.parseDouble glons double glat Double.parseDouble glats GeoPoint g new GeoPoint glon glat String..
Android Web Service Implememnation result The first byte of the response decides wether login failed or succeeded just as an example if result.get 0 1 login succeeded else login failed However if you use the blocking mode I would suggest to move the connection handling..