android Programming Glossary: response1
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? 200 response ContentType application json HttpResponse response1 new DefaultHttpResponseFactory .newHttpResponse HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1.. BasicHttpEntity entity1.setContentType application json response1.setEntity entity1 Second http request fired in test mock a HTTP.. responses new ArrayList HttpResponse responses.add response1 responses.add response2 Robolectric.addHttpResponseRule new..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? protected String doInBackground String... urls String response1 response1 read read is my another function which does the real.. String doInBackground String... urls String response1 response1 read read is my another function which does the real work response1.. read read is my another function which does the real work response1 read super.onPostExecute response1 return response1 protected..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly responses. Below given is a model implementation.. response1 datas data ..... ..... data data ..... ..... data ........ .......... ..... data data ..... ..... data ........ ........ datas response1 n n acts as delimiter response2 datas data ..... ..... data..
How to unit test a class that uses HttpClient in Android using the built-in framework? url http ... First http request fired in test mock a HTTP 200 response ContentType application json HttpResponse response1 new DefaultHttpResponseFactory .newHttpResponse HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 200 null BasicHttpEntity entity1 new BasicHttpEntity.. HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1 200 null BasicHttpEntity entity1 new BasicHttpEntity entity1.setContentType application json response1.setEntity entity1 Second http request fired in test mock a HTTP 404 response ContentType text html HttpResponse response2.. text html response2.setEntity entity2 List HttpResponse responses new ArrayList HttpResponse responses.add response1 responses.add response2 Robolectric.addHttpResponseRule new FakeHttpLayer.UriRequestMatcher POST url responses public void..
How to run an async task for every x mins in android? extends AsyncTask String Void String @Override protected String doInBackground String... urls String response1 response1 read read is my another function which does the real work response1 read super.onPostExecute response1 return.. extends AsyncTask String Void String @Override protected String doInBackground String... urls String response1 response1 read read is my another function which does the real work response1 read super.onPostExecute response1 return response1.. doInBackground String... urls String response1 response1 read read is my another function which does the real work response1 read super.onPostExecute response1 return response1 protected void onPostExecute String result try Thread.sleep 100 catch..
Reading big chunk of xml data from socket and parse on the fly The server sends a ' n' character as delimiter between consecutive responses. Below given is a model implementation.. response1 datas data ..... ..... data data ..... ..... data ........ ........ datas response1 n n acts as delimiter response2 datas.. given is a model implementation.. response1 datas data ..... ..... data data ..... ..... data ........ ........ datas response1 n n acts as delimiter response2 datas data ..... ..... data data ..... ..... data ........ ........ datas response2 n Well..