

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:40

android Programming Glossary: respective

Determine if running on a rooted device


check if root is available first and if not hide the respective options in the first place. Is there a way to do this android..

Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download


add an event to the device calendar once clicked on the respective link. For the .ics in the iPhone I have no problem. My issue..

Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate]


are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel 0 long time_prev tnew.next.. it iterates through 49 values of acceleration and their respective time stamps in milliseconds. Then there is a avg sum max min..

Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' using Gradle installation


follow these steps 1 Install the last version of JDK with respective JAVA_HOME variable. 2 Download and Install Gradle1.6 with respective.. JAVA_HOME variable. 2 Download and Install Gradle1.6 with respective GRADLE_HOME variable http www.gradle.org docs current userguide..

DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously)


clearly see here left_drawer and right_drawer and their respective gravity start and end And this actually works You can pull them..

Android: How to detect double-tap?


.setContent R.id.tab2 mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets the respective listeners testButt.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener..

Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity


finish from my first Activity's onCreate will log each respective message in the message queue but finish execution of onCreate..

Best way to handle multiple getView calls from inside an Adapter


cached and then using a callback substituted in their respective ImageViews . The logic to get a thumbnail from cache or download..

How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application?


have two icons appear in the launcher each launching the respective activity within the app. Specifically I want one icon to launch..

How to put multiple widget sizes in one apk?


Widget size is specified in appwidget provider tag in respective xml file Also in that file I set up the configuration activity..

How many database columns associated with a SMS in android?


SMS in android I want to read all the messages and their respective details from my phone. For this I am using the Uri like this..

What does “invalid statement in fillWindow()” in Android cursor mean?


my Cursors and then my Database objects in that respective order in the onStop method of the Activity that is called when..

JDBC connection in Android


type 4 drivers used for desktop Java applications for the respective databases. Just search for a desktop JDBC sample. The same code..

Android:How to programmatically set an Activity's theme to Theme.Dialog


with the theme @android style Theme.Dialog In your respective .Java file check for an intent extra that defines dialog mode...

AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values


'post' string and then forward those parameters onto the respective call in my class. Pseudo code would be something like public..

Getting Number from Contacts Picker


it Example I have 2 contacts John Doe and Jane Doe with respective numbers 555 555 555 and 777 777 7777 added in the contacts...

Change the size of android Checkbox


while the other drawable components are available at respective hdpi mdpi folders. 2 You simply need to include the respective.. hdpi mdpi folders. 2 You simply need to include the respective drawables of the checkbox in different states i.e. focused pressed.. nine patch file given in the link . Include these in the respective xml to specify the looks of the checkbox as given in the link..

Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices?


files in order to add some external libraries and not the respective external class folders. When I removed the .jar files and I..

jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry


wondering how jQuery or even javascript renders in their respective browsers. What works What doesn't Any tips Advice jquery iphone..

Determine if running on a rooted device


error message to the user I'd prefer an ability to silently check if root is available first and if not hide the respective options in the first place. Is there a way to do this android root share improve this question Here is a class that..

Add Calendar event to Android from web .vcs download


a website with two files for download .vcs and .ics that will add an event to the device calendar once clicked on the respective link. For the .ics in the iPhone I have no problem. My issue is that when downloading the .vcs file in Android it just opens..

Calculating distance using Linear acceleration android [duplicate]


the following code to calculate the distance. tnew and anew are arraylists containing timestamps and accelerations respectively. double distance 0 double init_vel 0 long time_prev tnew.next while anew.hasNext float temp_acc anew.next long temp_time.. and calibrating reset If you observe the logcat first it iterates through 49 values of acceleration and their respective time stamps in milliseconds. Then there is a avg sum max min etc. Then if you see there is a startpos 3 and endpos 8 . This..

Could not fetch model of type 'IdeaProject' using Gradle installation


a solution Are you using Windows Version of AS Please follow these steps 1 Install the last version of JDK with respective JAVA_HOME variable. 2 Download and Install Gradle1.6 with respective GRADLE_HOME variable http www.gradle.org docs current.. steps 1 Install the last version of JDK with respective JAVA_HOME variable. 2 Download and Install Gradle1.6 with respective GRADLE_HOME variable http www.gradle.org docs current userguide userguide_single.html#installation . 2 Delete these folders..

DrawerLayout Double Drawer (Left and Right Drawers simultaneously)


background #111 android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout You can clearly see here left_drawer and right_drawer and their respective gravity start and end And this actually works You can pull them both out. The problem is when i implement the DrawerToggle..

Android: How to detect double-tap?


mTabHost.newTabSpec tab2 .setIndicator Search Results .setContent R.id.tab2 mTabHost.setCurrentTab 0 sets the respective listeners testButt.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View arg0 if mTabHost.getTabWidget .getVisibility..

Calling finish() After Starting a New Activity


and my assumption is that calling startActivity and then finish from my first Activity's onCreate will log each respective message in the message queue but finish execution of onCreate before moving on to starting the next Activity and finishing..

Best way to handle multiple getView calls from inside an Adapter


an icon and some text. These icons are downloaded in background cached and then using a callback substituted in their respective ImageViews . The logic to get a thumbnail from cache or download is triggered every time getView runs. Now according to..

How do I get multiple icons to launch different activities in one application?


an application with two activities and I'd like to be able to have two icons appear in the launcher each launching the respective activity within the app. Specifically I want one icon to launch my main app and another icon to launch my settings activity...

How to put multiple widget sizes in one apk?


which size to add. From what i've learned from documentation Widget size is specified in appwidget provider tag in respective xml file Also in that file I set up the configuration activity for that provider So it seems that size is a property of..

How many database columns associated with a SMS in android?


many database columns associated with a SMS in android I want to read all the messages and their respective details from my phone. For this I am using the Uri like this Uri sms Uri.parse content sms But I don't know how many columns..

What does “invalid statement in fillWindow()” in Android cursor mean?


or resumes. I had to make sure that I closed my SimpleListAdapter my Cursors and then my Database objects in that respective order in the onStop method of the Activity that is called when the TabActivity resumes. I had already been closing the Cursor..

JDBC connection in Android


directly from an Android device using JDBC and the regular type 4 drivers used for desktop Java applications for the respective databases. Just search for a desktop JDBC sample. The same code works without any modifications on Android. Make sure you..

Android:How to programmatically set an Activity's theme to Theme.Dialog


based. Solution Define your activity in your AndroidManifest.xml with the theme @android style Theme.Dialog In your respective .Java file check for an intent extra that defines dialog mode. If it does not exist set the Theme to android.R.style.Theme...

AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values


'post' and when doInBackground is called this will see the 'post' string and then forward those parameters onto the respective call in my class. Pseudo code would be something like public class HTTPOperations extends AsyncTask String Void String doInBackground..

Getting Number from Contacts Picker


it retrieves is always the number for the contact ID BEFORE it Example I have 2 contacts John Doe and Jane Doe with respective numbers 555 555 555 and 777 777 7777 added in the contacts. John Doe is ID 1 and Jane Doe is ID 2. If I attempt to get Jane..

Change the size of android Checkbox


at android sdk windows platforms android 8 data res drawable while the other drawable components are available at respective hdpi mdpi folders. 2 You simply need to include the respective drawables of the checkbox in different states i.e. focused.. while the other drawable components are available at respective hdpi mdpi folders. 2 You simply need to include the respective drawables of the checkbox in different states i.e. focused pressed checked or normal and a drawable for the background as.. or normal and a drawable for the background as well often the nine patch file given in the link . Include these in the respective xml to specify the looks of the checkbox as given in the link and include that xml in the android button and android background..

Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices?


works for you as well. my mistake was that I included .jar files in order to add some external libraries and not the respective external class folders. When I removed the .jar files and I just added the class folder then devices became over 700 again...

jQuery on iPhone/Android/BlackBerry


later on. We're looking to offer mobile support. I was wondering how jQuery or even javascript renders in their respective browsers. What works What doesn't Any tips Advice jquery iphone android browser blackberry share improve this question..