android Programming Glossary: resolver.query
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization work ContentResolver resolver getContentResolver Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 0 AND Data.MIMETYPE.. with at least a phone number or an e mail address Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.MIMETYPE OR Data.MIMETYPE new String.. you can always go for a horribly hacky sub select Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.MIMETYPE OR Data.MIMETYPE AND Data.CONTACT_ID..
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner telephony carriers preferapn values null null Cursor c resolver.query Uri.parse content telephony carriers preferapn null _id id..
Android: Retrieve contact name from phone number PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber resolver.query uri new String PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME ..... share improve..
Android Create Playlist external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt.. external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt.. external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt..
Search contact by phone number PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber resolver.query uri new String PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME ... share improve..
Get Contact by Phone number on Android PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber resolver.query uri new String PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME PhoneLookup._ID... Use..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? resolver context.getContentResolver Cursor c null try c resolver.query CONTENT_URI new String NUMBER TYPE OUTGOING_TYPE null DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER..
Delete calendar entries 7 up to Android 2.1 cursor resolver.query eventsUri new String _id Calendars._id calendarId null null.. reference android os Build.VERSION_CODES.html cursor resolver.query eventsUri new String _id calendar_id calendarId null null while..
How to get Contact ID, Email, Phone number in one SQLite query ? Contacts Android Optimization from the associated Contact already joined i.e. this would work ContentResolver resolver getContentResolver Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER 0 AND Data.MIMETYPE OR Data.MIMETYPE new String Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE.. must have a phone number and instead settle for any contact with at least a phone number or an e mail address Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.MIMETYPE OR Data.MIMETYPE new String Email.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE Phone.CONTENT_ITEM_TYPE Data.CONTACT_ID.. Data.CONTACT_ID If that is not an option you can always go for a horribly hacky sub select Cursor c resolver.query Data.CONTENT_URI null Data.MIMETYPE OR Data.MIMETYPE AND Data.CONTACT_ID IN SELECT Contacts._ID FROM contacts WHERE Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER..
How to add Wi-Fi option in GPRS spinner values.put apn_id id try resolver.update Uri.parse content telephony carriers preferapn values null null Cursor c resolver.query Uri.parse content telephony carriers preferapn null _id id null null if c null res true c.close catch SQLException..
Android: Retrieve contact name from phone number
Android Create Playlist cols new String count Uri uri MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.getContentUri external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put.. cols new String count Uri uri MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.getContentUri external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues resolver.delete.. cols new String count Uri uri MediaStore.Audio.Playlists.Members.getContentUri external YOUR_PLAYLIST_ID Cursor cur resolver.query uri cols null null null cur.moveToFirst final int base cur.getInt 0 cur.close ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put..
Search contact by phone number
Get Contact by Phone number on Android using the following snippet Uri uri Uri.withAppendedPath PhoneLookup.CONTENT_FILTER_URI Uri.encode phoneNumber resolver.query uri new String PhoneLookup.DISPLAY_NAME PhoneLookup._ID... Use the _ID to determine the contact. Why to use PhoneLookup..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? getLastOutgoingCall Context context final ContentResolver resolver context.getContentResolver Cursor c null try c resolver.query CONTENT_URI new String NUMBER TYPE OUTGOING_TYPE null DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER LIMIT 1 if c null c.moveToFirst return ..
Delete calendar entries resolver Uri eventsUri int calendarId Cursor cursor if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT 7 up to Android 2.1 cursor resolver.query eventsUri new String _id Calendars._id calendarId null null else 8 is Android 2.2 Froyo http reference.. null null else 8 is Android 2.2 Froyo http reference android os Build.VERSION_CODES.html cursor resolver.query eventsUri new String _id calendar_id calendarId null null while cursor.moveToNext long eventId cursor.getLong cursor.getColumnIndex..