android Programming Glossary: required
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) 2 uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment 2.0. uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 seconds but I am unsure as how to implement the Handler required for this solution. I am aware of the 'beep' that will happen..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? for Process Description Text true do initialization of required objects objects here @Override protected Void doInBackground..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app License at http licenses LICENSE 2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software distributed..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android and made sure to add the DEFAULT category as this is required for all implicit intents . Also notice how I added the category..
Sending images using Http Post the gallery are sent to the server after scaling it to required size. android django http share improve this question I'm..
How to send image via MMS in Android? are from internal packages. Download from android git is required. The request should be done with url from user's apn space...code....
Restful API service service function call this lot i'm calling as required in this example for login progressDialog new ProgressDialog..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version minSdkVersion An integer designating the minimum API Level required for the application to run. The Android system will prevent.. platform to disable compatibility settings that are not required for the target version which may otherwise be turned on in order..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds 0 Math.min mTextSize mMaxTextSize mTextSize Get the required text height int textHeight getTextHeight text textPaint width..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView License at http licenses LICENSE 2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software distributed..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed the available horizontal..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission modifying that app the way you like or just extract required functionality. Specifically if you look into PackageInstallerActivity..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity uses feature android name android required false uses feature to your manifest.xml. share improve this..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager been called. fragment.updateDisplay do what updates are required I've no idea if this is a valid way of doing it but it'll do..
ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX required matrix.postRotate float angle pivX pivY imageView.setImageMatrix..
Using Application context everywhere? pass it everywhere e.g. SQLiteOpenHelper where context is required and not leaking of course android android context share improve..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen..
apple bonjour for android ev.getName public void serviceAdded ServiceEvent event Required to force serviceResolved to be called again after the first..
How to disable Single SIgn On for facebook android app? here Disabling and Enabling Single Sign On in Facebook as Required I know that in SDK 2.0 it could have been done using FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH..
BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size into this solution HERE by N Joy it works fine with Required size 300 but my required size is 800 so i am still getting the..
How to track the device location (iOS and Android) device using Phonegap of location or with your project open in XCode add the Required Background Modes key with a value of App registers for location..
Get the image as Thumnail String value indicate path of Image @param thumbWidth Required width of Thumb @param thumbHeight required height of Thumb..
using facebook sdk in android studio any version that matches support v4 . Required by MyApplication2.libraries facebook unspecified android facebook..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? required . However the docs could not be more clear Required notification contents A Notification object must contain the..
Including other Eclipse Projects in an Android application project to the Build Path and added the library project to the Required projects on the build path on the Projects tab and checked it..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus .add acl aclEntries.setDomainRestricted true Required this does the domain restriction activity.setAccess aclEntries..
android/php record not inserting into mysql field is missing response success 0 response message Required field s is missing echoing JSON response echo json_encode response..
how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing x parser.getAttributeValue x else throw new Exception Required entity attributes missing return attrs The parser.getName returns..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? accurately. This is the code for the HTTP error Length Required which is typically used when making requests that require a..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? labelKey.setPadding 0 5 0 0 labelKey.setText Required for Preapproval layoutKey.addView labelKey labelKey.setVisibility..
Consequences of drawable.setCallback(null); states Bind a Drawable.Callback object to this Drawable. Required for clients that want to support animated drawables. Since I..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen..
How to create dll using android for me I once made a note for myself about NDK. Here it is Required applicaitions 1. Eclipse 2. CDT Sequoyah plug ins 3. Android.. 11. Build project. UPDATE Step by step without plugins Required applications this is what you need to develop native applications...
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) Require OpenGL ES version 2 uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme activity..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment Maps API needs OpenGL ES 2.0. uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string app_name android theme @style AppTheme meta data..
Android Speech Recognition as a service on Android 4.1 & 4.2 to this problem Voice Recognition stops listening after a few seconds but I am unsure as how to implement the Handler required for this solution. I am aware of the 'beep' that will happen every few seconds that this workaround will cause but getting..
How do I return a boolean from AsyncTask? progressDialog mContext Please wait for Process Description Text true do initialization of required objects objects here @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params boolean status ftpHelper.ftpConnect _address..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http licenses LICENSE 2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS WITHOUT..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android well here I picked VIEW as the action though it could be anything and made sure to add the DEFAULT category as this is required for all implicit intents . Also notice how I added the category BROWSABLE this is not necessary but it will allow your URIs..
Sending images using Http Post problems would be much appreciated. Edit The images chosen from the gallery are sent to the server after scaling it to required size. android django http share improve this question I'm going to assume that you know the path and filename of the..
How to send image via MMS in Android? from MMS APNs port port from MMS APNs Note that some classes are from internal packages. Download from android git is required. The request should be done with url from user's apn space...code.. public class APNHelper public class APN public String..
Restful API service this.getApplication application.setServiceManager servicemanager service function call this lot i'm calling as required in this example for login progressDialog new ProgressDialog Login.this progressDialog.setMessage Logging you in...
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version android eclipse share improve this question android minSdkVersion An integer designating the minimum API Level required for the application to run. The Android system will prevent the user from installing the application if the system's API.. specified here. Specifying this target version allows the platform to disable compatibility settings that are not required for the target version which may otherwise be turned on in order to maintain forward compatibility or enable newer features..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds that and the default text size float targetTextSize mMaxTextSize 0 Math.min mTextSize mMaxTextSize mTextSize Get the required text height int textHeight getTextHeight text textPaint width targetTextSize Until we either fit within our text view or..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http licenses LICENSE 2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS WITHOUT..
Line-breaking widget layout for Android a widget and sequence of 'words' would form the data 'sentence' the ViewGroup widget containing the words. As space required for all 'words' in a 'sentence' would exceed the available horizontal space on the display I would like to wrap these 'sentences'..
Install apps silently, with granted INSTALL_PACKAGES permission to look into Android's native PackageInstaller . I would recommend modifying that app the way you like or just extract required functionality. Specifically if you look into PackageInstallerActivity and its method onClickListener public void onClick..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager null no need to call if fragment's onDestroyView has since been called. fragment.updateDisplay do what updates are required I've no idea if this is a valid way of doing it but it'll do until something better is suggested. share improve this answer..
ANDROID::Rotate image in imageview by an angle question Another simple way to rotate an imageView Matrix matrix new Matrix imageView.setScaleType ScaleType.MATRIX required matrix.postRotate float angle pivX pivY imageView.setImageMatrix matrix This method does not require creating a new bitmap..
Using Application context everywhere? this public static Context getContext return instance and pass it everywhere e.g. SQLiteOpenHelper where context is required and not leaking of course android android context share improve this question There are a couple of potential problems..
Why my App is not showing up on tablets in Google Play? HDPI LARGE LDPI LARGE XHDPI XLARGE MDPI XLARGE HDPI XLARGE LDPI XLARGE XHDPI NORMAL MDPI NORMAL HDPI NORMAL XHDPI Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen android tablet google play share improve..
apple bonjour for android serviceRemoved ServiceEvent ev notifyUser Service removed ev.getName public void serviceAdded ServiceEvent event Required to force serviceResolved to be called again after the first search jmdns.requestServiceInfo event.getType event.getName..
How to disable Single SIgn On for facebook android app? app on the device. I have seen the problem being queried here Disabling and Enabling Single Sign On in Facebook as Required I know that in SDK 2.0 it could have been done using FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH but in SDK 3. how do I go about it http
BitmapFactory.decodeStream out of memory despite using reduced sample size Where am I going wrong How can I solve this EDIT After looking into this solution HERE by N Joy it works fine with Required size 300 but my required size is 800 so i am still getting the error. android bitmap out of memory share improve this..
How to track the device location (iOS and Android) device using Phonegap .plist and add the key UIBackgroundModes key with a value of location or with your project open in XCode add the Required Background Modes key with a value of App registers for location updates . This will cause iOS to trigger the JS callback..
Get the image as Thumnail Create a thumb of given argument size @param selectedImagePath String value indicate path of Image @param thumbWidth Required width of Thumb @param thumbHeight required height of Thumb @return Bitmap Resultant bitmap public static Bitmap createThumb..
using facebook sdk in android studio ' libraries facebook _DebugCompile'. Could not find any version that matches support v4 . Required by MyApplication2.libraries facebook unspecified android facebook android studio share improve this question Facebook's..
Is setContentIntent(PendingIntent) required in NotificationCompat.Builder? 46.198 E AndroidRuntime 1507 ... 11 more Notice the contentIntent required . However the docs could not be more clear Required notification contents A Notification object must contain the following A small icon set by setSmallIcon A title set by setContentTitle..
Including other Eclipse Projects in an Android application project want to include in my main Android Application project. I went to the Build Path and added the library project to the Required projects on the build path on the Projects tab and checked it on the Order and Export tab. However when the application..
“code” : 403, and “reason” : “forbidden” exception at uploading file in google plus new ArrayList PlusDomainsAclentryResource aclEntries.getItems .add acl aclEntries.setDomainRestricted true Required this does the domain restriction activity.setAccess aclEntries Post the activity
android/php record not inserting into mysql echoing JSON response echo json_encode response else required field is missing response success 0 response message Required field s is missing echoing JSON response echo json_encode response Only the last records gets inserted into mysql table...
how to parse the value in the attribute in xml parsing parser.getAttributeValue x attrs.put parser.getAttributeName x parser.getAttributeValue x else throw new Exception Required entity attributes missing return attrs The parser.getName returns the name of the entity associated to the XmlPullParser.START_TAG..
How to send file using bluetooth on android programatically? cannot be performed because the length cannot be determined accurately. This is the code for the HTTP error Length Required which is typically used when making requests that require a content length but don't have one and it is also used in the..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? labelKey new TextView this labelKey.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL labelKey.setPadding 0 5 0 0 labelKey.setText Required for Preapproval layoutKey.addView labelKey labelKey.setVisibility View.GONE content.addView layoutKey title new TextView..
Consequences of drawable.setCallback(null); that.. Documentation for setCallback Drawable.Callback cb states Bind a Drawable.Callback object to this Drawable. Required for clients that want to support animated drawables. Since I don't need animated drawable I don't see why I shouldn't do..
Android Market - This application is available to over 0 devices? to devices with these features as defined in your application manifest. Screen layouts SMALL NORMAL LARGE XLARGE Required device features android.hardware.screen.portrait android.hardware.touchscreen This application is available to over 0 devices...
How to create dll using android one by one. android share improve this question As for me I once made a note for myself about NDK. Here it is Required applicaitions 1. Eclipse 2. CDT Sequoyah plug ins 3. Android ADT 4. Android NDK Configuration 1. Install Eclipse ADT CDT.. create new object of NativeLibrary class and call its methods. 11. Build project. UPDATE Step by step without plugins Required applications this is what you need to develop native applications. In my case I use Eclipse Android ADT plugin Android CDT..