android Programming Glossary: res.getdrawable
Contact Bubble EditText getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Where my oval.xml.. getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread?
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? 81 146 pixels to offset final Layer layer1 v.addLayer res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels.. 62 63 pixels to offset final Layer layer0 v.addLayer 0 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0 m final AnimationDrawable ad new AnimationDrawable.. ad.setOneShot false Drawable frame1 frame2 frame1 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0 frame2 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 ad.addFrame..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity spec tabHost.newTabSpec Items .setIndicator Items res.getDrawable R.drawable.items32_ldpi .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec.. spec tabHost.newTabSpec Users .setIndicator Users res.getDrawable R.drawable.user32_ldpi .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer Resources res context.getResources Drawable thumbDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.scrollbar_handle_accelerated_anim2 useThumbDrawable.. useThumbDrawable thumbDrawable mOverlayDrawable res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.alert_dark_frame mScrollCompleted true setWillNotDraw..
How to add icons to Preference key1 Resources res getResources Drawable icon res.getDrawable R.drawable.icon1 test.setIcon icono1 Thanks again to CommonsWare..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec Do.. spec tabHost.newTabSpec power .setIndicator Power res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_power .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec.. tabHost.newTabSpec energy .setIndicator Renewable Energy res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_energy .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout res getResources overallStatus.setBackgroundDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.progressbar_background overallStatus.setProgress..
Contact Bubble EditText Context context super c context @Override public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable R.drawable.oval d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Where my oval.xml drawable is defined as so xml version 1.0 encoding utf.. method to use a .png instead of a shape drawable public Drawable getDrawable Resources res c.getResources Drawable d res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.bottom_bar d.setBounds 0 0 100 20 return d Then the .png will show up but the characters in the string..
Is it legal to call the start method twice on the same Thread?
How to maintain multi layers of ImageViews and keep their aspect ratio based on the largest one? R.drawable.background Matrix m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 81 146 pixels to offset final Layer layer1 v.addLayer res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels to offset final Layer layer0 v.addLayer 0 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0.. res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 m m new Matrix m.preTranslate 62 63 pixels to offset final Layer layer0 v.addLayer 0 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0 m final AnimationDrawable ad new AnimationDrawable ad.setOneShot false Drawable frame1 frame2 frame1 res.getDrawable.. R.drawable.layer0 m final AnimationDrawable ad new AnimationDrawable ad.setOneShot false Drawable frame1 frame2 frame1 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer0 frame2 res.getDrawable R.drawable.layer1 ad.addFrame frame1 3000 ad.addFrame frame2 1000 ad.addFrame frame1..
Android: TabHost without TabActivity spec Intent intent intent new Intent .setClass this Show1.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec Items .setIndicator Items res.getDrawable R.drawable.items32_ldpi .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec intent new Intent .setClass this Show2.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec.. tabHost.addTab spec intent new Intent .setClass this Show2.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec Users .setIndicator Users res.getDrawable R.drawable.user32_ldpi .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec The error I get is 07 02 07 11 12.715 ERROR AndroidRuntime..
Fast Scroll display problem with ListAdapter and SectionIndexer 0 Get both the scrollbar states drawables final Resources res context.getResources Drawable thumbDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.scrollbar_handle_accelerated_anim2 useThumbDrawable thumbDrawable mOverlayDrawable res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.alert_dark_frame.. res.getDrawable R.drawable.scrollbar_handle_accelerated_anim2 useThumbDrawable thumbDrawable mOverlayDrawable res.getDrawable android.R.drawable.alert_dark_frame mScrollCompleted true setWillNotDraw false Need to know when the ListView is added setOnHierarchyChangeListener..
How to add icons to Preference IconPreferenceScreen test IconPreferenceScreen findPreference key1 Resources res getResources Drawable icon res.getDrawable R.drawable.icon1 test.setIcon icono1 Thanks again to CommonsWare for tell me where to start and for his explanation. This..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget Initialize a TabSpec for each tab and add it to the TabHost spec tabHost.newTabSpec topNews .setIndicator Top News res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_news .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec Do the same for the other tabs intent new Intent .setClass this.. the other tabs intent new Intent .setClass this PowerActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec power .setIndicator Power res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_power .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec intent new Intent .setClass this EnergyActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec.. intent new Intent .setClass this EnergyActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec energy .setIndicator Renewable Energy res.getDrawable R.drawable.tab_energy .setContent intent tabHost.addTab spec intent new Intent .setClass this CoalActivity.class spec tabHost.newTabSpec..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout ProgressBar findViewById Resources res getResources overallStatus.setBackgroundDrawable res.getDrawable R.drawable.progressbar_background overallStatus.setProgress 50 I tried to add corners to the image but no luck. Does anybody..