android Programming Glossary: resetting
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch the layout to go back to what it was in first place any resetting could be done in the onScaleEnd method of the SimpleOnScaleGestureListener..
How can I prevent wild scrolling when a fixed position text input form field gains focus? when hiding the dialog. This has a nasty side effect of resetting the page's scroll position so I save it and restore it as necessary..
Android GCM basic implementation receiver 07 11 11 28 46.370 D GCMRegistrar 27435 resetting backoff for 07 11 11 28 46.380 V..
Zoom and Panning ImageView Android me solve this. I am thinking that it must have to do with resetting the mLastTouchX and mLastTouchY in case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException do some more stuff involving connecting to the server and resetting the state locally public void onCompletedLoginAttempt boolean..
how to get bitmap information and then decode bitmap from internet-inputStream? the question how can i make the code handle the marking an resetting it works perfectly with resources in fact i didn't even have..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off I'm setting the screen timeout to 1 millisecond and then resetting the timeout once the screen turns off. However android ignores..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? . The Request code is that ID. In your code you keep resetting the SAME PendingIntent instead use a different RequestCode each..
timed modeless dialog WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL and resetting WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND . Created a Dialog..
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm AlarmManager problem with setting resetting an alarm I use an Alarm to fetch data from server. I like to..
Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS that meant that _touchEnd events were not correctly resetting an internal flag mouseHandled in mouse.ui and this was causing..
Using Eclipse for androidSDK, when I go to run, I get WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
How to properly use SoundPool on a game? it seems that when there is nothing playing SoundPool is resetting and when it is going to play again it takes longer to initialize.....
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping typically not a real world use case. I could fix this by resetting the count to a lower number once in a while but I will leave..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot action here you call a service etc. Receiver for resetting alarms whenever phone has been shut down. public class AlarmSetter..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? and trying to record in MPEG4 . I tried pause resume with resetting stopping a recording and starting it with the setOutputFile..
Android - zoom in/out RelativeLayout with spread/pinch permanent i.e. when the spread pinch gesture is over I'd like the layout to go back to what it was in first place any resetting could be done in the onScaleEnd method of the SimpleOnScaleGestureListener for example . I've tried to implement it via..
How can I prevent wild scrolling when a fixed position text input form field gains focus? html body when showing the dialog and then removing it again when hiding the dialog. This has a nasty side effect of resetting the page's scroll position so I save it and restore it as necessary and wrap all this hackery in conditionals so it only..
Android GCM basic implementation this in LogCat 07 11 11 28 46.340 V GCMRegistrar 27435 Registering receiver 07 11 11 28 46.370 D GCMRegistrar 27435 resetting backoff for 07 11 11 28 46.380 V GCMRegistrar 27435 Registering app
Zoom and Panning ImageView Android The image jumps a little Was hoping someone could help me solve this. I am thinking that it must have to do with resetting the mLastTouchX and mLastTouchY in case MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_UP Any help would greatly be appreciated import android.content.Context..
Android Google+ integration - repeated UserRecoverableAuthException String token Log.w LOG_TAG Token obtained token snipped do some more stuff involving connecting to the server and resetting the state locally public void onCompletedLoginAttempt boolean success Log.w LOG_TAG Login attempt success succeeded failed..
how to get bitmap information and then decode bitmap from internet-inputStream? in catch final Exception e e.printStackTrace return null the question how can i make the code handle the marking an resetting it works perfectly with resources in fact i didn't even have to create a new BufferedInputStream for this to work but not..
Calling hidden API in android to turn screen off use it I would think its a fairly stable api. Currently I'm setting the screen timeout to 1 millisecond and then resetting the timeout once the screen turns off. However android ignores the 1 millisecond and instead it takes about 3 seconds to..
How can I setup multiple alarms in Android? that will perform a broadcast like calling Context.sendBroadcast . The Request code is that ID. In your code you keep resetting the SAME PendingIntent instead use a different RequestCode each time. PendingIntent pIntent PendingIntent.getActivity context..
timed modeless dialog dialog with text and cancel button. The main catch is in setting WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL and resetting WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_DIM_BEHIND . Created a Dialog with custom content if progressDialog null progressDialog..
Android AlarmManager problem with setting & resetting an alarm AlarmManager problem with setting resetting an alarm I use an Alarm to fetch data from server. I like to give user the option to start and stop the alarm. This means..
Jquery-ui sortable doesn't work on touch devices based on Android or IOS Also there was is a breakage caused by later versions of jquery.ui that meant that _touchEnd events were not correctly resetting an internal flag mouseHandled in mouse.ui and this was causing exceptions. Both of these problems should now be fixed with..
Using Eclipse for androidSDK, when I go to run, I get WARNING: Data partition already in use. Changes will not persist!
How to properly use SoundPool on a game? the lag NEVER happens How is that possible After these tests it seems that when there is nothing playing SoundPool is resetting and when it is going to play again it takes longer to initialize... very weird android soundpool share improve this question..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping you will see graphical glitches when scrolling but this is typically not a real world use case. I could fix this by resetting the count to a lower number once in a while but I will leave it how it is for now. The InfinitePagerAdapter wraps an existing..
How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot now String action intent.getAction if SOMEACTION.equals action here you call a service etc. Receiver for resetting alarms whenever phone has been shut down. public class AlarmSetter extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive..
How to pause/resume a recording created with mediarecorder? and resume it later. i'm using the andriod mediarecorder and trying to record in MPEG4 . I tried pause resume with resetting stopping a recording and starting it with the setOutputFile fd fd being the filedescriptor of the audio file that was stopped..