android Programming Glossary: resid
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource Resources res int resId int reqWidth int reqHeight First decode with inJustDecodeBounds.. true BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options Calculate inSampleSize options.inSampleSize calculateInSampleSize.. false return BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options public static int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory false return BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options in the decodeSampledBitmapFromResource method. The image..
Android read text raw resource file public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId.. InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId..
Android: application-wide font-size preference Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public.. int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle int resId String.. resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle int resId String title this.resId resId this.title title And FontStyle.values..
sliding drawer appear in all activities do is basically intercept all calls to setContentView int resId inflate our layout for drawer from xml inflate our layout for..
How to display image in Android's TextView? Or you can use ImageSpan is new ImageSpan context resId text.setSpan is index index strLength 0 share improve this..
Android UI TabActivity issue view like this private View prepareTabView String text int resId View view LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.tabs null.. view.findViewById iv.setImageResource resId tv.setText text return view Where tabs XML will look like this..
Android findViewbyId with a variant string Basically you want something like for int i 0 i 100 i int resId getResources .getIdentifier textView i id getPackageName TextView..
Webview in Scrollview to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout.. public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you can include this using com.mycompany.widget.WebViewWithTitle..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button InputStream is context.getResources .openRawResource resID Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is Update Assuming..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred e.printStackTrace new FBLongOpertaion .execute String resID mFacebook.request me JSONObject objId Util.parseJson response..
Android image on tablets and phones tablets only debugLog display tablet image imagename int resID getResources .getIdentifier imagename drawable getActivity .getPackageName.. .getPackageName the corresponding resource id if resID 0 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources resID.. 0 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources resID int width 480 int height 300 Bitmap resizedbitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap..
How can i get the resource id of an image if I know its name? something like this String mDrawableName myappicon int resID getResources .getIdentifier mDrawableName drawable getPackageName..
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems.. int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus.. dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems..
Android and getting a view with id cast as a string java android layout share improve this question int resID getResources .getIdentifier button_ i id getPackageName View.. button_ i id getPackageName View addButton findViewById resID where i is replaced by some valid index. The getResources method..
Android: Using findViewById() with a string / in a loop int j 0 j some_other_value j String buttonID btn i j int resID getResources .getIdentifier buttonID id com.sample.project buttons.. id com.sample.project buttons i j Button findViewById resID buttons i j .setOnClickListener this share improve this answer..
comparison of two Strings doesn't work in android [duplicate] String entry_tag String descriptionResultView.findViewById resID .getTag String dangerous dangerous String not_dangerous not_dangerous..
How to get Resource Name from Resource id try the following getResources .getResourceEntryName int resid or getResources .getResourceName int resid You'll prefer the.. int resid or getResources .getResourceName int resid You'll prefer the first one I guess. share improve this answer..
Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension only accepts declarative animations specified by a resid. My goal is to translate offscreen a Fragment that is filling..
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar in my main Activity. @Override public void setTheme int resid if isTablet this super.setTheme return super.setTheme resid android android actionbar share improve this question ..
Android - shadow on text? is public void setTextAppearance Context context int resid Since API Level 1 Sets the text color size style hint color..
How to force an entire layout View refresh? R.layout.mainscreen public void setTheme int resid Since API Level 1 Set the base theme for this context. Note..
Out of memory while creating bitmaps on device return inSampleSize Edited For Resource do this public static Bitmap decodeSampledBitmapFromResource Resources res int resId int reqWidth int reqHeight First decode with inJustDecodeBounds true to check dimensions final BitmapFactory.Options options.. options new BitmapFactory.Options options.inJustDecodeBounds true BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options Calculate inSampleSize options.inSampleSize calculateInSampleSize options reqWidth reqHeight Decode bitmap with.. reqHeight Decode bitmap with inSampleSize set options.inJustDecodeBounds false return BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options public static int calculateInSampleSize BitmapFactory.Options options int reqWidth int reqHeight Raw height and..
Android - Bitmap cache takes a lot of memory is about 15mb jump after these code lines options.inJustDecodeBounds false return BitmapFactory.decodeResource res resId options in the decodeSampledBitmapFromResource method. The image is 1024x800 75kb jpg file. According to what I've already..
Android read text raw resource file Utils.readRawTextFile ctx R.raw.rawtextsample public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream.. public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream new ByteArrayOutputStream int i try i while i 1 byteArrayOutputStream.write.. I remove that character I think it's New Line. WORKING SOLUTION public static String readRawTextFile Context ctx int resId InputStream inputStream ctx.getResources .openRawResource resId InputStreamReader inputreader new InputStreamReader inputStream..
Android: application-wide font-size preference Small Medium Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle int resId String title.. Medium Large Large private int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle int resId String title this.resId resId this.title title And FontStyle.values.. int resId private String title public int getResId return resId public String getTitle return title FontStyle int resId String title this.resId resId this.title title And FontStyle.values is used as items for Spinner in your PreferencesActivity...
sliding drawer appear in all activities be needing to repeat it in every activity class What we do is basically intercept all calls to setContentView int resId inflate our layout for drawer from xml inflate our layout for activity by reId provided in method call combine them as we..
How to display image in Android's TextView?
Android UI TabActivity issue prepareTabView is method that Inflate View. Then Inflate a view like this private View prepareTabView String text int resId View view LayoutInflater.from this .inflate R.layout.tabs null ImageView iv ImageView view.findViewById view.findViewById TextView tv TextView view.findViewById iv.setImageResource resId tv.setText text return view Where tabs XML will look like this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android..
Android findViewbyId with a variant string android share improve this question See getIdentifier . Basically you want something like for int i 0 i 100 i int resId getResources .getIdentifier textView i id getPackageName TextView textView TextView dialog.findViewById resId share improve..
Webview in Scrollview this view catch Exception ex Log.e LOG_TAG failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you can include this using com.mycompany.widget.WebViewWithTitle.. ex Log.e LOG_TAG failed to call setEmbeddedTitleBar ex public void setTitle int resId setTitle inflate getContext resId null Then in your layout file you can include this using com.mycompany.widget.WebViewWithTitle xmlns android http
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button to decode a resource drawable raw etc use another form of decode InputStream is context.getResources .openRawResource resID Bitmap bitmap BitmapFactory.decodeStream is Update Assuming I know what it is you're trying to do the problem is that you're..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred fail Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch FacebookError e e.printStackTrace new FBLongOpertaion .execute String resID mFacebook.request me JSONObject objId Util.parseJson response catch Exception e e.printStackTrace public void onCancel..
Android image on tablets and phones I resize them to 480 by 300 like this if isTablet getActivity tablets only debugLog display tablet image imagename int resID getResources .getIdentifier imagename drawable getActivity .getPackageName the corresponding resource id if resID 0 Bitmap.. int resID getResources .getIdentifier imagename drawable getActivity .getPackageName the corresponding resource id if resID 0 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources resID int width 480 int height 300 Bitmap resizedbitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. .getPackageName the corresponding resource id if resID 0 Bitmap bmp BitmapFactory.decodeResource getResources resID int width 480 int height 300 Bitmap resizedbitmap Bitmap.createScaledBitmap bmp width height true ImageView imageView..
How can i get the resource id of an image if I know its name?
Android ListView Adapter OnClickListener issue R.layout.main dataListView ListView findViewById dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus true.. dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa dataListView.setItemsCanFocus true populateArray public void populateArray DataItem.. inner view in the ListView dataListView ListView findViewById dataItems new ArrayList DataItem int resID R.layout.dataitem aa new DataItemAdapter this resID dataItems dataListView.setAdapter aa attach a listener to the list view..
Android and getting a view with id cast as a string by i where i is replaced by some valid index. java android layout share improve this question int resID getResources .getIdentifier button_ i id getPackageName View addButton findViewById resID where i is replaced by some valid.. improve this question int resID getResources .getIdentifier button_ i id getPackageName View addButton findViewById resID where i is replaced by some valid index. The getResources method belongs to the Context class so you can use that directly..
Android: Using findViewById() with a string / in a loop You should using getIdentifier for int i 0 i some_value i for int j 0 j some_other_value j String buttonID btn i j int resID getResources .getIdentifier buttonID id com.sample.project buttons i j Button findViewById resID buttons i j .setOnClickListener..
comparison of two Strings doesn't work in android [duplicate] image_view_origin ImageView findViewById String entry_tag String descriptionResultView.findViewById resID .getTag String dangerous dangerous String not_dangerous not_dangerous if entry_tag dangerous image_view_danger_rate.setBackgroundResource..
How to get Resource Name from Resource id
Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension size of the Fragment isn't feasible because the FragmentTransaction only accepts declarative animations specified by a resid. My goal is to translate offscreen a Fragment that is filling up an entire Activity I'm basically doing a shift transition..
Android theme, fullscreen and the action bar get the action bar back. Otherwise it won't show. I added this in my main Activity. @Override public void setTheme int resid if isTablet this super.setTheme return super.setTheme resid android android actionbar share.. public void setTheme int resid if isTablet this super.setTheme return super.setTheme resid android android actionbar share improve this question On tablets I want to show the action bar but still no title..
Android - shadow on text? The signature for setTextAppearance is public void setTextAppearance Context context int resid Since API Level 1 Sets the text color size style hint color and highlight color from the specified TextAppearance resource...
How to force an entire layout View refresh? make sure you do it before any View is drawn i.e. before setContentView R.layout.mainscreen public void setTheme int resid Since API Level 1 Set the base theme for this context. Note that this should be called before any views are instantiated..