android Programming Glossary: resentityget
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString.. get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet Log.i.. if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet Log.i GET RESPONSE responseString catch Exception e Log.d..
Send HTTP GET request with header HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null do something with.. get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null do something with the response Log.i GET EntityUtils.toString.. with the response Log.i GET EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet catch Exception e e.printStackTrace I try with this code but..
ProcessDialog is not appearing properly? new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet get new HttpGet LoginActivity.url HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet Log.i GET RESPONSE responseString.. HttpGet LoginActivity.url HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet Log.i GET RESPONSE responseString catch Exception e Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR.. get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null responseString EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet Log.i GET RESPONSE responseString catch Exception e Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR Error is e.toString Log.d ANDRO_ASYNC_ERROR..
Send HTTP GET request with header HttpGet getURL get.setHeader Content Type application x zip HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null do something with the response Log.i GET EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet.. Type application x zip HttpResponse responseGet client.execute get HttpEntity resEntityGet responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null do something with the response Log.i GET EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet catch Exception e e.printStackTrace.. responseGet.getEntity if resEntityGet null do something with the response Log.i GET EntityUtils.toString resEntityGet catch Exception e e.printStackTrace I try with this code but I get code with .net error Object reference not set to an..