

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:22:36

android Programming Glossary: resets

how to turn speaker on/off programatically in android 4.0


else Seems that this back and forth somehow resets the audio channel audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL..

Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat)


13 16 54.728 I some hardcoded tag 11279 0 My new code also resets the buffer to 0 before reading in the latest stream thus the..

How to reset default launcher/home screen replacement?


getPackageName However this line only resets the preferred launcher if he has chosen my launcher. I need..

How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate]


not a good one coz the value survives device wipes œFactory resets and thus you could end up making a nasty mistake when one of..

how can i get android list view selector items to remember their state off screen?


so that the list item i voted on goes off the screen it resets to the original un checked state image. here's my get view method..

How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android


way to persist a bundle of strings for when a user resets their phone or buys a new device . share improve this answer..

Set zoom for Webview


also have the same zoom level. Right now the zoom level resets for both. Thanks Farha android share improve this question..

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation


TranslateAnimation resets after animation I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer but..

Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle?


app resets on orientation change best way to handle So I am making a basic..

Android Money Input with fixed decimal


is altered in the onTextChanged handler cursor position resets to index 0 on the field which is a bit annoying to happen when..

Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete


The problem is as soon as the animation completes it resets to its original position. I need to know how to fix this. Here's.. as it gets off screen and the animation is finished it resets its position back. android share improve this question ..

Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity


this question Unfortunately the expanded state always resets whenever the focus is lost and onCreate is not called when it..

Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls


and then pauses the music in its onPause method and resets is when the call is done and the activity resumes the music..

Auto logout after X minutes, Android


the app basically all event handlers call a method that resets the timer. I can't think of anything better than this myself.. the app basically all event handlers call a method that resets the timer. That solution would be hard to maintain. You should..

Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time


a security hole if that's all you use since that clock resets on reboot. To work around that Have an Application subclass..

fillAfter and fillEnabled not working in Android view animation XML


does not apply after the animation is done ... it always resets. When I set it programmatically via code it does seem to work..

How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot


your answer. use it with a broadcast receiver which also resets the alarms on phone wake. Now with code example Setting alarm..

How can I store images using sharedpreference in android?


displays my preferred name in a list view and also resets the android wallpaper to the image that I had set as a preferred..

how to turn speaker on/off programatically in android 4.0


AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL else Seems that this back and forth somehow resets the audio channel audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn..

Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat)


0 09 05 13 16 54.728 I some hardcoded tag 11279 0 09 05 13 16 54.728 I some hardcoded tag 11279 0 My new code also resets the buffer to 0 before reading in the latest stream thus the message handler only seeing 0 before I did this the log appeared..

How to reset default launcher/home screen replacement?


launcher that triggers this getPackageManager .clearPackagePreferredActivities getPackageName However this line only resets the preferred launcher if he has chosen my launcher. I need a snippet that clears the preferred launcher whatever it is..

How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate]


instance has the same ANDROID_ID. The below solution is not a good one coz the value survives device wipes œFactory resets and thus you could end up making a nasty mistake when one of your customers wipes their device and passes it on to another..

how can i get android list view selector items to remember their state off screen?


click vote up for example as soon as i scroll down far enough so that the list item i voted on goes off the screen it resets to the original un checked state image. here's my get view method public View getView final int position View convertView..

How to programmatically get the devices IMEI/ESN in Android


Set zoom for Webview


a zoom level for 1st url and then i go to 2nd url it should also have the same zoom level. Right now the zoom level resets for both. Thanks Farha android share improve this question use the webSettings class webview.getSettings .setDefaultZoom..

Android TranslateAnimation resets after animation


TranslateAnimation resets after animation I'm creating something like a SlideDrawer but with most customization basically the thing is working but..

Android app resets on orientation change, best way to handle?


app resets on orientation change best way to handle So I am making a basic chess app to play around with some various elements of..

Android Money Input with fixed decimal


works but it has some issues Every time the data of the field is altered in the onTextChanged handler cursor position resets to index 0 on the field which is a bit annoying to happen when typing in monetary values. It uses floats for formatting..

Android: Animation Position Resets After Complete


using an xml defined animation to slide a view off the screen. The problem is as soon as the animation completes it resets to its original position. I need to know how to fix this. Here's the xml set xmlns android http schemas.android.com apk.. one. Then I animate the view on top off to the left. As soon as it gets off screen and the animation is finished it resets its position back. android share improve this question The animations are working as expected. Just because you animated..

Save and restore expanded/collapsed state of an ExpandableListActivity


listState android state expandablelistview share improve this question Unfortunately the expanded state always resets whenever the focus is lost and onCreate is not called when it gets the focus again but onStart . So my workaround for now..

Stopping & Starting music on incoming calls


variable when the call is coming. The activity reads this variable and then pauses the music in its onPause method and resets is when the call is done and the activity resumes the music in its onResume method This works fine as long the activity..

Auto logout after X minutes, Android


x minutes. In every function where the user interacts with the app basically all event handlers call a method that resets the timer. I can't think of anything better than this myself but it's seems to be a huge pain even for a medium sized application.. don't. In every function where the user interacts with the app basically all event handlers call a method that resets the timer. That solution would be hard to maintain. You should have an IntentService demonstrating article here running..

Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time


any Activity pauses sounds simple enough but alas there's a security hole if that's all you use since that clock resets on reboot. To work around that Have an Application subclass or shared static singleton class with a global unlocked since..

fillAfter and fillEnabled not working in Android view animation XML


true android fillAfter true However the transformation does not apply after the animation is done ... it always resets. When I set it programmatically via code it does seem to work animation.setFillEnabled true animation.setFillAfter true..

How to run a service every day at noon, and on every boot


share improve this question Android alarmmanager is your answer. use it with a broadcast receiver which also resets the alarms on phone wake. Now with code example Setting alarm inside a method Intent intent new Intent context AlarmReceiver.class..

How can I store images using sharedpreference in android?


first activity it will call the second activity and second activity displays my preferred name in a list view and also resets the android wallpaper to the image that I had set as a preferred wallpaper in the first activity. For the second activity..