android Programming Glossary: resolution
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask axis cgi mjpg video.cgi resolution 800x600 amp 3bdummy 1333689998337 requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE.. axis cgi mjpg video.cgi resolution 800x600 amp 3bdummy 1333689998337 mv new MjpegView this setContentView..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + animations of sliding 2. on making it work with all screen resolutions Its really easy and simple once you get some idea about Animations.. so that this sliding menu will work fine in all screen resolutions public void initializeFilterAnimations RelativeLayout filterLayout.. make layout adjustments so that it work across all screens resolution filterAnimation.initializeFilterAnimations filterLayout final..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? somewhere in the Android API for this android screen resolution inches share improve this question Use the following DisplayMetrics..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android create your own scheme. More on intent filters and intent resolution here . Here's a short example activity android name .MyUriActivity..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size bitmap when all you want is a smaller thumbnail or screen resolution image. The second step is to call Bitmap.createScaledBitmap.. to create a new bitmap to the exact resolution you require. Make sure you clean up after the temporary bitmap..
MVC pattern in Android? You define your user interface in various XML files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? Hmm it looks like a lot of new mobile devices have higher resolutions e.g. droid X is 854x480 . Is there any way to detect those.. I'm unable to say with any certainty. To target device resolution there is an example of link rel stylesheet type text css media.. type text css media screen and max device width 480px and resolution 163dpi href shetland.css Further reading W3 Candidate Recommendation..
Allow user to select camera or gallery for image have to create your own chooser dialog merging both intent resolution results. To do this you will need to query the PackageManager..
Converting pixels to dp and width given in pixels for a Pantech device whose resolution is 480x800. I need to convert height and width for a G1 device...
Android heap size on different phones/devices and OS versions of RAM on the phone No it tends to be based more on screen resolution as higher resolution screens tend to want to manipulate larger.. it tends to be based more on screen resolution as higher resolution screens tend to want to manipulate larger bitmaps so Google..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? using Adobe Photoshop. But I am unable to proceed as the resolution in Photoshop is set in pixels per inch where as the official..
Multiple screen resolution screen resolution I am developing the app in 320 480. How do make the app to.. sample hint to proceed. Thanks in advance android screen resolution share improve this question I have implemented my own way.. will help your layout to look good in almost every screen resolutions Here is a sample xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? don't really matter but correct ones are Screen Size 4.3 Resolution 480 x 800 RAM 1024 Density hdpi Buttons Hardware Hit Create..
Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8 setup to Target 4.0.3 API 15 4.1.0 API 16 SD card 300MiB Resolution 1280 x 800 set manually not the built in ones Device ram size..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution Sensation Real Resolution I have two approaches to get real resolution DisplayMetrics..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen coming with various device which having different Features Resolution and Screen size so while developing an Application which support.. Remember we do have Tablets of different Size and Resolution. I'm aware that Android Developer contains this information.. the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution don't use Built in generic sizes Set the device density to match..
Android : How to Create Android Emulator for Nexus10? configurations for Nexus 10 AVD. Screen Size 10 inches Resolution 2560 X 1600 Screen Size xlarge Screen Density Xhdpi Screen ratio..
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame float resolutionValue sensorEvent.sensor.getResolution nanoTtoGRate resolution.setText Resolution resolutionValue.. nanoTtoGRate resolution.setText Resolution resolutionValue float maximumRangeValue sensorEvent.sensor.getMaximumRange..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity items getRessources .getStringArray R.arra.resolution Resolution is an array of strings ListView lv ListeView findViewById
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask savedInstanceState sample public cam String URL http axis cgi mjpg video.cgi resolution 800x600 amp 3bdummy 1333689998337 requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE getWindow .setFlags WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN.. from onCreate to onResume sample public cam String URL http axis cgi mjpg video.cgi resolution 800x600 amp 3bdummy 1333689998337 mv new MjpegView this setContentView mv new DoRead .execute URL Then you simply recreate..
Android - How to make slide menu like facebook, spotify and Google + Menu Ready... I have Spent two days on it 1. on making animations of sliding 2. on making it work with all screen resolutions Its really easy and simple once you get some idea about Animations i have read some where its not sensible to re invent.. axis related so i gets the device width and will use that width so that this sliding menu will work fine in all screen resolutions public void initializeFilterAnimations RelativeLayout filterLayout this.filterLayout filterLayout filterSlideIn AnimationUtils.loadAnimation.. its has width 260 dp so work it across all screen i first make layout adjustments so that it work across all screens resolution filterAnimation.initializeFilterAnimations filterLayout final ViewTreeObserver findObserver findLayout.getViewTreeObserver..
Is there a way to determine android physical screen height in cm or inches? due to gravity in pixels per millisecond. Is there a method somewhere in the Android API for this android screen resolution inches share improve this question Use the following DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android with the data element filled out and you'll be able to create your own scheme. More on intent filters and intent resolution here . Here's a short example activity android name .MyUriActivity intent filter action android name android.intent.action.VIEW..
Decoding bitmaps in Android with the right size that you do not consume excessive memory reading a large bitmap when all you want is a smaller thumbnail or screen resolution image. The second step is to call Bitmap.createScaledBitmap to create a new bitmap to the exact resolution you require... or screen resolution image. The second step is to call Bitmap.createScaledBitmap to create a new bitmap to the exact resolution you require. Make sure you clean up after the temporary bitmap to reclaim its memory. Either let the variable go out of..
MVC pattern in Android? mvc share improve this question It's already implemented. You define your user interface in various XML files by resolution hardware etc. You define your resources in various XML files by locale etc. You extend clases like ListActivity TabActivity..
Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld? through of some. Edited in response to comment from @Colen Hmm it looks like a lot of new mobile devices have higher resolutions e.g. droid X is 854x480 . Is there any way to detect those I don't think those are being handled with this query. I'm unable.. devices must be target able by @media queries but as noted I'm unable to say with any certainty. To target device resolution there is an example of link rel stylesheet type text css media screen and max device width 480px and resolution 163dpi href..
Allow user to select camera or gallery for image any help. android share improve this question You'll have to create your own chooser dialog merging both intent resolution results. To do this you will need to query the PackageManager with PackageManager.queryIntentActivities for both original..
Converting pixels to dp pixels to dp I have created my application with the height and width given in pixels for a Pantech device whose resolution is 480x800. I need to convert height and width for a G1 device. I thought converting it into dp will solve the problem and..
Android heap size on different phones/devices and OS versions recently. Is the heap size proportional to the amount of RAM on the phone No it tends to be based more on screen resolution as higher resolution screens tend to want to manipulate larger bitmaps so Google makes heap size recommendations that hopefully.. heap size proportional to the amount of RAM on the phone No it tends to be based more on screen resolution as higher resolution screens tend to want to manipulate larger bitmaps so Google makes heap size recommendations that hopefully device manufacturers..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? images I have started making graphics for my Android app using Adobe Photoshop. But I am unable to proceed as the resolution in Photoshop is set in pixels per inch where as the official Google documentation says Android will require images set in..
Multiple screen resolution screen resolution I am developing the app in 320 480. How do make the app to be run in 480 854 screen When i tried to run in 480 854 screen.. for each screen in android If so please provide me the sample hint to proceed. Thanks in advance android screen resolution share improve this question I have implemented my own way of Handling Multiple Screen Resolutions . You could certainly.. weights and define every View relative to other Views this will help your layout to look good in almost every screen resolutions Here is a sample xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 RelativeLayout xmlns android http apk res android..
Samsung Galaxy S II AVD (Android Virtual Device) Basic Settings? and RAM. We're going to override the contents so values don't really matter but correct ones are Screen Size 4.3 Resolution 480 x 800 RAM 1024 Density hdpi Buttons Hardware Hit Create Device then close the AVD Manager Open the file C Users user..
Android emulator failed to allocate memory 8 WXGA800 skin. I got it working by editing the virtual device setup to Target 4.0.3 API 15 4.1.0 API 16 SD card 300MiB Resolution 1280 x 800 set manually not the built in ones Device ram size 1024MB with MB added to the number Abstracted LCD 160 Here..
HTC Sensation Real Resolution Sensation Real Resolution I have two approaches to get real resolution DisplayMetrics dm new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen Skeleton to support multiple screen As we know Android coming with various device which having different Features Resolution and Screen size so while developing an Application which support multiple small and big screen there is an obstacle of size.. flow or architecture that one should follow to meet the requirement Remember we do have Tablets of different Size and Resolution. I'm aware that Android Developer contains this information but my view is from implementation. From my knowledge what I.. AVD Manager New configured with values for real devices Name the emulator for the real device it's emulating Specify Resolution don't use Built in generic sizes Set the device density to match the real device in the Hardware pane set Abstracted LCD..
Android : How to Create Android Emulator for Nexus10? for Nexus 10 using latest ADT 21 and SDK tools. Having below configurations for Nexus 10 AVD. Screen Size 10 inches Resolution 2560 X 1600 Screen Size xlarge Screen Density Xhdpi Screen ratio long RAM 1024 Let me know if i'm wrong in configuration...
Convert magnetic field X, Y, Z values from device into global reference frame Vendor sensorEvent.sensor.getVendor sensorEvent.sensor.getName float resolutionValue sensorEvent.sensor.getResolution nanoTtoGRate resolution.setText Resolution resolutionValue float maximumRangeValue sensorEvent.sensor.getMaximumRange.. sensorEvent.sensor.getName float resolutionValue sensorEvent.sensor.getResolution nanoTtoGRate resolution.setText Resolution resolutionValue float maximumRangeValue sensorEvent.sensor.getMaximumRange nanoTtoGRate maximumRange.setText Maximum range..
Android how to use adapter for listView without extending listActivity not working. Here's what I did so far for the listView String items getRessources .getStringArray R.arra.resolution Resolution is an array of strings ListView lv ListeView findViewById v.setAdapter new ArrayAdapter string this android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1..