android Programming Glossary: resolver
porting libcurl on android with ssl support support no with spnego TLS SRP support no enable tls srp resolver default enable ares enable threaded resolver ipv6 support no.. tls srp resolver default enable ares enable threaded resolver ipv6 support no enable ipv6 IDN support no with libidn Build..
Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate] it to the sdcard 1st before you give it to the content resolver for insertion. File newSoundFile new File sdcard media ringtone..
How do I add contact to a group on Android? this method public static Uri addToGroup ContentResolver resolver long personId long groupId ContentValues values new ContentValues.. groupId return resolver.insert uri values URI is not known Can someone tell me what..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore I know this can be done using the URI and content resolver but this seems to break on rebooting of the phone I guess MediaStore..
Android: change default Home Application flg 0x10200000 type null So it seems the resolver deletes the default entry. Am I doing something wrong or is..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? the column name the row id and the media type. The content resolver then acquires the file descriptor like so... Uri iconUri Uri.withAppendedPath.. android inputstream android contentprovider android contentresolver share improve this question The solution phreed gives in.. you do getContentResolver .openInputStream ... content resolver will go to your content provider and call its openFile method...
List all camera images in Android How android camera gallery mediastore android contentresolver share improve this question The Gallery app obtains camera.. The Gallery app obtains camera images by using a content resolver over Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI and filtering the results..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? contact's facebook id or url from native contacts content resolver How to get the facebook id or url of a contacts that's been..
Create Browser-Bookmark from app into the browser's bookmarks. However there is a content resolver for it which can be accessed android.provider.Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI...
Enable and disable auto rotate programatically? static void setAutoOrientationEnabled ContentResolver resolver boolean enabled Settings.System.putInt context.getContentResolver..
how can i read inbox in android mobile? android share improve this question Using the content resolver Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver.. inbox or sent items alone then you specify it in content resolver. Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms inbox Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? callType long start int duration final ContentResolver resolver context.getContentResolver If this is a private number then.. ci.person_id 0 ContactsContract.Contacts.markAsContacted resolver ci.person_id Uri result resolver.insert CONTENT_URI values.. resolver ci.person_id Uri result resolver.insert CONTENT_URI values removeExpiredEntries context return..
android youtube upload using intent sdcard myvideo.mp4 ContentResolver resolver getContext .getContentResolver Uri uri resolver.insert MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. resolver getContext .getContentResolver Uri uri resolver.insert MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI content ..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? on how to insert delete update using the content resolver. Search for the section Inserting Updating and Deleting Data..
porting libcurl on android with ssl support support no with krb4 GSSAPI support no with gssapi SPNEGO support no with spnego TLS SRP support no enable tls srp resolver default enable ares enable threaded resolver ipv6 support no enable ipv6 IDN support no with libidn Build libcurl Shared.. gssapi SPNEGO support no with spnego TLS SRP support no enable tls srp resolver default enable ares enable threaded resolver ipv6 support no enable ipv6 IDN support no with libidn Build libcurl Shared no Static yes Built in manual enabled libcurl..
Setting Ringtone in Android [duplicate] The solution is to get the resource file asset and write it to the sdcard 1st before you give it to the content resolver for insertion. File newSoundFile new File sdcard media ringtone myringtone.oog Uri mUri Uri.parse android.resource com.your.package..
How do I add contact to a group on Android? I can't figure out what URI use to insert to. I have prepared this method public static Uri addToGroup ContentResolver resolver long personId long groupId ContentValues values new ContentValues values.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.CONTACT_ID.. personId values.put ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID groupId return resolver.insert uri values URI is not known Can someone tell me what URI to use in SDK 2.0 android android sdk 2.1 share improve..
Get filename and path from uri from mediastore to load the image into a bitmap without having to copy it somewhere. I know this can be done using the URI and content resolver but this seems to break on rebooting of the phone I guess MediaStore doesn't keep its numbering the same between reboots...
Android: change default Home Application for Intent act android.intent.action.MAIN cat android.intent.category.HOME flg 0x10200000 type null So it seems the resolver deletes the default entry. Am I doing something wrong or is this a security measure What are the ideas behind this android..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? the data are named based on the content provider directory the column name the row id and the media type. The content resolver then acquires the file descriptor like so... Uri iconUri Uri.withAppendedPath Table.getUri cursor Table.ICON ib.setImageURI.. FileNotFoundException e e.printStackTrace return null android inputstream android contentprovider android contentresolver share improve this question The solution phreed gives in the bottom half of question is basically correct. I'll try.. basically correct. I'll try to add some more details here. When you do getContentResolver .openInputStream ... content resolver will go to your content provider and call its openFile method. This is how the openFile looks in public..
List all camera images in Android camera images of an Android device Is it through the MediaStore How android camera gallery mediastore android contentresolver share improve this question The Gallery app obtains camera images by using a content resolver over Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI.. android contentresolver share improve this question The Gallery app obtains camera images by using a content resolver over Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI and filtering the results by Media.BUCKET_ID . The bucket identifier is determined..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts content resolver How to get the facebook id or url of a contacts that's been synced to the native contacts app via Facebook sync adapter..
Create Browser-Bookmark from app bookmarks page. AFAIK there is no open API that ties directly into the browser's bookmarks. However there is a content resolver for it which can be accessed android.provider.Browser.BOOKMARKS_URI. Once you've resolved the provider you can manipulate..
Enable and disable auto rotate programatically? do the trick for you import android.provider.Settings public static void setAutoOrientationEnabled ContentResolver resolver boolean enabled Settings.System.putInt context.getContentResolver Settings.System.ACCELEROMETER_ROTATION enabled 1 0 Add..
how can i read inbox in android mobile? in android mobile via android application.Any one know this android share improve this question Using the content resolver Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms Cursor cursor1 getContentResolver .query mSmsinboxQueryUri new String _id thread_id.. will read both inbox and sent items.If you want to read the inbox or sent items alone then you specify it in content resolver. Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms inbox Uri mSmsinboxQueryUri Uri.parse content sms sent For reading your SMS..
How can I retrieve recently used contacts in android? ci Context context String number int presentation int callType long start int duration final ContentResolver resolver context.getContentResolver If this is a private number then set the number to Private otherwise check if the number field.. values.put CACHED_NUMBER_LABEL ci.numberLabel if ci null ci.person_id 0 ContactsContract.Contacts.markAsContacted resolver ci.person_id Uri result resolver.insert CONTENT_URI values removeExpiredEntries context return result Query the call.. ci.numberLabel if ci null ci.person_id 0 ContactsContract.Contacts.markAsContacted resolver ci.person_id Uri result resolver.insert CONTENT_URI values removeExpiredEntries context return result Query the call log database for the last dialed number...
android youtube upload using intent content.put Video.Media.MIME_TYPE video mp4 content.put MediaStore.Video.Media.DATA sdcard myvideo.mp4 ContentResolver resolver getContext .getContentResolver Uri uri resolver.insert MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI content share improve..
Trigger mediascanner on specific path (folder), how to? yourself and it should resolve the problem. Here is an explanation on how to insert delete update using the content resolver. Search for the section Inserting Updating and Deleting Data Edit There is a sample code in this answer . Check for the..