android Programming Glossary: reset
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength.. hit nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen readFully..
How to know my Android application has been upgraded in order to reset an alarm? know my Android application has been upgraded in order to reset an alarm I noticed that an alarm is disabled when the application..
Changing Locale within the app itself Activity will have custom locale set and it will not be reset on rotation and other events. I have also spent a lot of time..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? be to make sure you actually need your activity to be reset on a screen rotation the default behavior . Every time I've..
Android and MJPEG int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength.. nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen readFully..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured find on the web the command line adb kill server the DDMS reset ADB I started the emulator both before and after Eclipse and..
How do you use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to clear the Activity Stack?
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds When text changes set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size. @Override protected void onTextChanged final.. true Since this view may be reused it is good to reset the text size resetTextSize If the text view size changed set.. this view may be reused it is good to reset the text size resetTextSize If the text view size changed set the force resize..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] to look out for the static vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the main function. Also make sure..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget mStopListener layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener.. stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener.. resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? ev if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP reset return super.dispatchTouchEvent ev private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. alignment return returnLayout public void reset interruptFade false new GlowShrinker .execute scrollDistanceSinceBoundary.. scrolling but was at last check. Reset both graphics. reset Log.v CustomGlowListView.class.getSimpleName boundaryDistance..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? you are telling Android Please don't do the default reset when the keyboard is pulled out or the phone is rotated I want..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; option then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build Automatically option to On Reinstalling the Android Developer..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? To allow to connect to the web and pull down html files reset strict mode see http questions 8706464 defaulthttpclient..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] Android that need to be wiped in the Wipe Data Factory Reset way and then a new ROM installed with some additional apks...
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button IF EXISTS CERTIFICATES_TABLE onCreate db public void Reset mDbHelper.onUpgrade this.mDb 1 1 public DataManipulator Context..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview .chromium. videoViewCallback.onCustomViewHidden Reset video related variables isVideoFullscreen false videoViewContainer..
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 tap the upper right three dots vertically aligned press Reset app preferences and then finally press Reset apps . I think.. aligned press Reset app preferences and then finally press Reset apps . I think that should just about cover it all. EDIT 2 I..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 break Log.d Streaming Media Reset media player mPlayer.reset We need to link the visualizer.. 05 21 16 26 23.725 D Streaming Media 3921 Reset media player 05 21 16 26 23.725 V MediaPlayer JNI 3921 reset..
Unable to send ATZ command to ELM 327 after establishing connection with ELM327 in android sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATZ r dataRetriever.put Reset readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected..
How to attach back the Android emulator to ADB? 5554 device You can also do this via the mouse using the Reset adb option in the Devices view in Eclipse. It's also worth noting..
Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message the Device view of Android in Eclipse IDE. Then click the Reset Adb menu item on the device menu. Then run your application..
Perform a task on uninstall in android Android app. Now I want to perform a few operations i. e. Reset the settings etc.. at the moment the app gets uninstalled from..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android method I use when its time to breakdown the connection. Reset input and output streams and make sure socket is closed. This.. ready for use. False otherwise. private boolean connect Reset all streams and socket. resetConnection make sure peer is defined..
Android : Stop image scaling down bmLargeImage scrollRect displayRect paint Reset current scroll coordinates to reflect the latest updates so..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds @return public boolean getAddEllipsis return mAddEllipsis Reset the text to the original size public void resetTextSize if mTextSize.. this oldTextSize targetTextSize Reset force resize flag mNeedsResize false Set the text size of the..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView.. resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton setContentView layout private.. v mChronometer.stop showElapsedTime View.OnClickListener mResetListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mChronometer.setBase..
No space left on device - android to clean it up. To do this either issue a Factory Data Reset inside Android under Settings Privacy or start the emulator..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? over scrolling or under scrolling but was at last check. Reset both graphics. reset Log.v CustomGlowListView.class.getSimpleName..
How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive? .charAt 0 currChar if match false new match match true Reset search tmp.clear clear existing items tmp.add fruits i 1 ..
PreferenceActivity Android 4.0 and earlier
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException.. nfe nfe.getStackTrace Log.d TAG catch NumberFormatException hit nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen readFully frameData return BitmapFactory.decodeStream new ByteArrayInputStream..
How to know my Android application has been upgraded in order to reset an alarm? to know my Android application has been upgraded in order to reset an alarm I noticed that an alarm is disabled when the application which sets this alarm has been upgraded. Is that true..
Changing Locale within the app itself .getResources .getDisplayMetrics This code ensures that every Activity will have custom locale set and it will not be reset on rotation and other events. I have also spent a lot of time trying to make the preference change to be applied immediately..
How to handle an AsyncTask during Screen Rotation? share improve this question My first suggestion would be to make sure you actually need your activity to be reset on a screen rotation the default behavior . Every time I've had issues with rotation I've added this attribute to my activity..
Android and MJPEG public Bitmap readMjpegFrame throws IOException mark FRAME_MAX_LENGTH int headerLen getStartOfSequence this SOI_MARKER reset byte header new byte headerLen readFully header try mContentLength parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException.. parseContentLength header catch NumberFormatException nfe mContentLength getEndOfSeqeunce this EOF_MARKER reset byte frameData new byte mContentLength skipBytes headerLen readFully frameData return BitmapFactory.decodeStream new ByteArrayInputStream..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured 8 on a Windows XP machine. I've used all the tricks I can find on the web the command line adb kill server the DDMS reset ADB I started the emulator both before and after Eclipse and searched for ports being used by other programs. What is going..
How do you use Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP to clear the Activity Stack?
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size. @Override protected void onTextChanged final CharSequence text final int start final int before final int.. text final int start final int before final int after mNeedsResize true Since this view may be reused it is good to reset the text size resetTextSize If the text view size changed set the force resize flag to true @Override protected void onSizeChanged.. final int before final int after mNeedsResize true Since this view may be reused it is good to reset the text size resetTextSize If the text view size changed set the force resize flag to true @Override protected void onSizeChanged int w int..
Use FFMPEG on Android [closed] line parameters. It is rather cumbersome but works. You need to look out for the static vars defined in ffmpeg.c and reset them every time you invoke the main function. Also make sure you don't invoke the main in two threads simultaneously . ..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget new Button this stopButton.setText Stop stopButton.setOnClickListener mStopListener layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton.. Stop stopButton.setOnClickListener mStopListener layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton setContentView layout private.. mStopListener layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton setContentView layout private void showElapsedTime long..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? interruptFade true listViewGestureDetector.onTouchEvent ev if ev.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP reset return super.dispatchTouchEvent ev private RelativeLayout.LayoutParams getWideLayout int alignment RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT 0 returnLayout.addRule alignment return returnLayout public void reset interruptFade false new GlowShrinker .execute scrollDistanceSinceBoundary scrollDistanceSinceBoundary 0 private class ListViewGestureDetector.. scrollDistanceSinceBoundary 0 Neither over scrolling or under scrolling but was at last check. Reset both graphics. reset Log.v CustomGlowListView.class.getSimpleName boundaryDistance scrollDistanceSinceBoundary return false private boolean..
Why not use always android:configChanges=“keyboardHidden|orientation”? configChanges keyboardHidden orientation in your AndroidManifest you are telling Android Please don't do the default reset when the keyboard is pulled out or the phone is rotated I want to handle this myself. Yes I know what I'm doing Is this..
Unable to execute dex: Multiple dex files define Lcom/myapp/R$array; the project and rebuild Disable Project Build Automatically option then Clean and Build project then try to run. reset Build Automatically option to On Reinstalling the Android Developer Tools Reinstalling Eclipse updated to the latest version..
AsyncTask, must it take such a performance penalty hit…? super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main To allow to connect to the web and pull down html files reset strict mode see http questions 8706464 defaulthttpclient to androidhttpclient if android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT..
Wipe data/Factory reset through ADB [closed] Basically this is my problem I have 200 phones running stock Android that need to be wiped in the Wipe Data Factory Reset way and then a new ROM installed with some additional apks. Currently I've got everything automated except the Wipe Data..
nullpointer exception raises when i click on the button db int oldVersion int newVersion db.execSQL DROP TABLE IF EXISTS CERTIFICATES_TABLE onCreate db public void Reset mDbHelper.onUpgrade this.mDb 1 1 public DataManipulator Context ctx mCtx ctx mDbHelper new DatabaseHelper mCtx public DataManipulator..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview null videoViewCallback.getClass .getName .contains .chromium. videoViewCallback.onCustomViewHidden Reset video related variables isVideoFullscreen false videoViewContainer null videoViewCallback null Notify full screen change..
disable all home button and task bar features on Nexus 7 swipe down from the right side tap settings go to apps then tap the upper right three dots vertically aligned press Reset app preferences and then finally press Reset apps . I think that should just about cover it all. EDIT 2 I just realized.. go to apps then tap the upper right three dots vertically aligned press Reset app preferences and then finally press Reset apps . I think that should just about cover it all. EDIT 2 I just realized tested and you do NOT necessarily need the BOOT_COMPLETED..
MediaPlayer error (1, -1004) aka MEDIA_ERROR_IO trying to stream music on Samsung S3 break case 700 Log.d Streaming Media MEDIA_INFO_VIDEO_TRACK_LAGGING break Log.d Streaming Media Reset media player mPlayer.reset We need to link the visualizer view to the media player so that it displays something mVisualizerManager.. Extra code 110 05 21 16 26 23.725 D Streaming Media 3921 MEDIA_ERROR_UNKNOWN 05 21 16 26 23.725 D Streaming Media 3921 Reset media player 05 21 16 26 23.725 V MediaPlayer JNI 3921 reset 05 21 16 26 23.725 V MediaPlayer 3921 reset 05 21 16 26 23.730..
Unable to send ATZ command to ELM 327 after establishing connection with ELM327 in android HashMap String String dataRetriever new HashMap String String sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATZ r dataRetriever.put Reset readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATS0 r dataRetriever.put Space Control readDataFromOBD..
How to attach back the Android emulator to ADB? daemon started successfully List of devices attached emulator 5554 device You can also do this via the mouse using the Reset adb option in the Devices view in Eclipse. It's also worth noting the Console view has two modes DDMS and Android . You're..
Why do I get a emulator-5554 disconnected message
Perform a task on uninstall in android a task on uninstall in android I have developed an Android app. Now I want to perform a few operations i. e. Reset the settings etc.. at the moment the app gets uninstalled from the phone. Is it possible to reigster a listener or a function..
Disconnect a bluetooth socket in Android proper closing of the physical layer connection. Here's the method I use when its time to breakdown the connection. Reset input and output streams and make sure socket is closed. This method will be used during shutdown to ensure that the connection.. returns true if the connection has been established and is ready for use. False otherwise. private boolean connect Reset all streams and socket. resetConnection make sure peer is defined as a valid device based on their MAC. If not then do it...
Android : Stop image scaling down newScrollRectY displayHeight Paint paint new Paint canvas.drawBitmap bmLargeImage scrollRect displayRect paint Reset current scroll coordinates to reflect the latest updates so we can repeat this update process. scrollRectX newScrollRectX..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds ellipsis to text that overflows at the smallest text size @return public boolean getAddEllipsis return mAddEllipsis Reset the text to the original size public void resetTextSize if mTextSize 0 super.setTextSize TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_PX mTextSize.. listener if registered if mTextResizeListener null mTextResizeListener.onTextResize this oldTextSize targetTextSize Reset force resize flag mNeedsResize false Set the text size of the text paint object and use a static layout to render text..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget mStopListener layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton setContentView layout private void showElapsedTime.. layout.addView stopButton Button resetButton new Button this resetButton.setText Reset resetButton.setOnClickListener mResetListener layout.addView resetButton setContentView layout private void showElapsedTime long elapsedMillis SystemClock.elapsedRealtime.. mStopListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mChronometer.stop showElapsedTime View.OnClickListener mResetListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v mChronometer.setBase SystemClock.elapsedRealtime showElapsedTime..
No space left on device - android a new emulator or doing a factory default reset in the emulator to clean it up. To do this either issue a Factory Data Reset inside Android under Settings Privacy or start the emulator from the command line android list avd emulator avd My_Avd_Name..
How can I change the OverScroll color in Android 2.3.1? else if scrollDistanceSinceBoundary 0 Neither over scrolling or under scrolling but was at last check. Reset both graphics. reset Log.v CustomGlowListView.class.getSimpleName boundaryDistance scrollDistanceSinceBoundary return..
How to sort alphabetically while ignoring case sensitive? i Log.d Comparing fruits i .charAt 0 currChar if fruits i .charAt 0 currChar if match false new match match true Reset search tmp.clear clear existing items tmp.add fruits i 1 Log.d Started new list fruits i 1 else tmp.add fruits i 1..