android Programming Glossary: reserved
How does Modem code talk to Android code into a memory address somewhere where the linux kernel has reserved the address space and does not touch it something like back.. like back in the old PC days when DOS booted up there was reserved addresses used by the BIOS I think its similar here the addresses.. the BIOS I think its similar here the addresses marked as reserved are occupied by the firmware in which the proprietary radio..
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad JavaVM pjvm void reserved gJvm pjvm cache the JavaVM pointer auto env getEnv replace with..
What characters allowed in file names on Android? by default the file names encoded as UTF 8. Looks like reserved file name characters depend on filesystem mounted http http wiki Filename . I considered as reserved private static final String ReservedChars ' share improve..
Why are these permissions being refused? not granted to third party application developers and are reserved only for OEMs. But I am surprised as a lot of level three permissions..
How to hide an item in a listview in Android view to gone it won't be displayed anymore but the place reserved for this item is still there. I also set android dividerHeight..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing into some problems. This is what I did I first tried the reserved product IDs for testing static in app billing responses. That.. that test user the primary account on my test device. The reserved product id's still work. Now comes the problem. When I use my..
In-App Billing Security and Design questions purchase information. RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS should be reserved for reinstalls or first time installs on a device. 3 Unfortunately..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call and I commend your efforts. Unfortunately there are some reserved internal privileges evidently such as SPN_STRINGS_UPDATED that..
Android app restarts automatically after a crash static void signal_handler int signal siginfo_t info void reserved kill getpid SIGKILL extern C jint JNI_OnLoad JavaVM vm void.. getpid SIGKILL extern C jint JNI_OnLoad JavaVM vm void reserved struct sigaction handler memset handler 0 sizeof handler handler.sa_sigaction.. static void signal_handler int signal siginfo_t info void reserved struct sockaddr_un addr size_t namelen socklen_t alen int s..
What should be the package name of android app? beginning of a Java name or if the package name contains a reserved Java keyword such as int . In this event the suggested convention..
How does Modem code talk to Android code from what I can tell is this the radio firmware is loaded into a memory address somewhere where the linux kernel has reserved the address space and does not touch it something like back in the old PC days when DOS booted up there was reserved addresses.. reserved the address space and does not touch it something like back in the old PC days when DOS booted up there was reserved addresses used by the BIOS I think its similar here the addresses marked as reserved are occupied by the firmware in which.. days when DOS booted up there was reserved addresses used by the BIOS I think its similar here the addresses marked as reserved are occupied by the firmware in which the proprietary radio library talks to it and since the library is running in the..
FindClass from any thread in Android JNI static jobject gClassLoader static jmethodID gFindClassMethod JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL JNI_OnLoad JavaVM pjvm void reserved gJvm pjvm cache the JavaVM pointer auto env getEnv replace with one of your classes in the line below auto randomClass env..
What characters allowed in file names on Android? filenames share improve this question On Android at least by default the file names encoded as UTF 8. Looks like reserved file name characters depend on filesystem mounted http wiki Filename . I considered as reserved private..
Why are these permissions being refused? flags 0x8444 Now for a fact I know level two permissions are not granted to third party application developers and are reserved only for OEMs. But I am surprised as a lot of level three permissions have been denied to me if not all . Hence my question..
How to hide an item in a listview in Android changing source data I tried to set visibility of the item view to gone it won't be displayed anymore but the place reserved for this item is still there. I also set android dividerHeight 0dp android divider #FFFFFF Without success. android listview..
Application Error : This version of the application is not configured for Market Billing a update for my application to implement this. But now I run into some problems. This is what I did I first tried the reserved product IDs for testing static in app billing responses. That works without problems. I uploaded a draft APK to the market.. I created a test user and reseted my device to make that test user the primary account on my test device. The reserved product id's still work. Now comes the problem. When I use my own product ID the one I added before see above a dialog is..
In-App Billing Security and Design questions must set up a database or some other mechanism for storing users' purchase information. RESTORE_TRANSACTIONS should be reserved for reinstalls or first time installs on a device. 3 Unfortunately at this time you're right. File a feature request In..
Sending DTMF tones over the uplink in-call improve this question You've taken an interesting approach and I commend your efforts. Unfortunately there are some reserved internal privileges evidently such as SPN_STRINGS_UPDATED that you aren't allowed to use as an app developer which more..
Android app restarts automatically after a crash trick helps me. Example #include signal.h #include unistd.h static void signal_handler int signal siginfo_t info void reserved kill getpid SIGKILL extern C jint JNI_OnLoad JavaVM vm void reserved struct sigaction handler memset handler 0 sizeof handler.. signal_handler int signal siginfo_t info void reserved kill getpid SIGKILL extern C jint JNI_OnLoad JavaVM vm void reserved struct sigaction handler memset handler 0 sizeof handler handler.sa_sigaction signal_handler handler.sa_flags SA_SIGINFO.. in android logcat you should use this signal handler static void signal_handler int signal siginfo_t info void reserved struct sockaddr_un addr size_t namelen socklen_t alen int s err char name android debuggerd namelen strlen name Test with..
What should be the package name of android app? a digit or other character that is illegal to use as the beginning of a Java name or if the package name contains a reserved Java keyword such as int . In this event the suggested convention is to add an underscore. For example share improve this..