android Programming Glossary: requesttoken
Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken() e e.printStackTrace So what works 1 I do get a requestToken and a requestSecret. 2 I do get the oauthUrl. 3 I am directed.. the reason Some people seem to have problems getting the requestToken but that just works fine. I wonder if it might be a problem.. and provider object. All you need to do is store the requestToken and the requestSecret. Luckily those are Strings so you don't..
How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application? Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken AccessToken accessToken null Log.i.. one just continues where you left off. After you get a requestToken you will need to launch a WebView and point the URL at requestToken.getAuthorizationURL.. you will need to launch a WebView and point the URL at requestToken.getAuthorizationURL . The user will then log in and choose whether..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server Twitter t new TwitterFactory cfg .getInstance RequestToken requestToken t.getOAuthRequestToken callbackUrl String tokenStr requestToken.getToken.. t.getOAuthRequestToken callbackUrl String tokenStr requestToken.getToken String tokenSecretStr requestToken.getTokenSecret SharedPreferences.. tokenStr requestToken.getToken String tokenSecretStr requestToken.getTokenSecret SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? after accessToken twitterConnection.getOAuthAccessToken requestToken editPinCode.getText .toString oHelper.storeAccessToken accessToken..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account Activity private static OAuthService service private Token requestToken private Verifier verifier private static final String PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL.. Token System.out.println Fetching the Request Token... requestToken service.getRequestToken System.out.println Got the Request.. here System.out.println service.getAuthorizationUrl requestToken Toast.makeText this Please authorize getString R.string.app_name..
Android LinkedIn Integration Error on Device And Emulator service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at oauth.signpost.AbstractOAuthProvider.retrieveToken..
Android OAuth: Exception on retrieveAccessToken() e e.printStackTrace catch OAuthCommunicationException e e.printStackTrace So what works 1 I do get a requestToken and a requestSecret. 2 I do get the oauthUrl. 3 I am directed to the browser page to authorize my app 4 I am getting redirected.. service provider failed null . Does anyone know what might be the reason Some people seem to have problems getting the requestToken but that just works fine. I wonder if it might be a problem that my app has also included the apache mime4j 0.6.jar and.. to others First of all you do not need to save the whole consumer and provider object. All you need to do is store the requestToken and the requestSecret. Luckily those are Strings so you don't need to write them to disk or anything. Just store them in..
How to Login twitter using Oauth from my android application? Twitter twitter new TwitterFactory .getInstance twitter.setOAuthConsumer Consumer key Consumer secret RequestToken requestToken twitter.getOAuthRequestToken AccessToken accessToken null Log.i Acces Token accessToken.getToken Log.i Acces Tokensec accessToken.getTokenSecret.. Number one is easier. Number two is more difficult. Number one just continues where you left off. After you get a requestToken you will need to launch a WebView and point the URL at requestToken.getAuthorizationURL . The user will then log in and.. just continues where you left off. After you get a requestToken you will need to launch a WebView and point the URL at requestToken.getAuthorizationURL . The user will then log in and choose whether or not to allow access to his her account. Next if he..
Problem with OAuth, Twitter and Android: fails in http-communication with the server CONSUMER_SECRET Configuration cfg Twitter t new TwitterFactory cfg .getInstance RequestToken requestToken t.getOAuthRequestToken callbackUrl String tokenStr requestToken.getToken String tokenSecretStr requestToken.getTokenSecret.. t new TwitterFactory cfg .getInstance RequestToken requestToken t.getOAuthRequestToken callbackUrl String tokenStr requestToken.getToken String tokenSecretStr requestToken.getTokenSecret SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences.. requestToken t.getOAuthRequestToken callbackUrl String tokenStr requestToken.getToken String tokenSecretStr requestToken.getTokenSecret SharedPreferences preferences PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences this Editor edit preferences.edit..
How to get user information from twitter in android app? Finally I got user information. use the access token you get after accessToken twitterConnection.getOAuthAccessToken requestToken editPinCode.getText .toString oHelper.storeAccessToken accessToken Log.i Access Token accessToken.getToken Log.i Access..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account android.widget.Toast public class loginexample extends Activity private static OAuthService service private Token requestToken private Verifier verifier private static final String PROTECTED_RESOURCE_URL http v1 people ~ connections.. OAuth Workflow System.out.println Obtain the Request Token System.out.println Fetching the Request Token... requestToken service.getRequestToken System.out.println Got the Request Token System.out.println System.out.println Now go and authorize.. System.out.println Now go and authorize Scribe here System.out.println service.getAuthorizationUrl requestToken Toast.makeText this Please authorize getString R.string.app_name Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Android LinkedIn Integration Error on Device And Emulator Communication with the service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at 2669.. Communication with the service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at Communication with the service provider failed https uas oauth requestToken 12 19 19 36 30.489 ERROR AndroidRuntime 11868 at oauth.signpost.AbstractOAuthProvider.retrieveToken