android Programming Glossary: requery
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes cursor listactivity share improve this question Call requery on the Cursor when you change data in the database that you.. not know about those changes unless you refresh it via requery . UPDATE This whole question and set of answers should be deleted..
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground
Filtering a cursor the right way? a specific condition in the ListView. I don't want to requery the db all the time. I just want to filter the Cursor I got..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern work notify my Activity that registered this Broadcast and requery again. I believe this last step is not on Virgill Conference..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? cursors following that contenturi to update and in turn requery and invalidate and redraw a ListView etc... It's very magical..
What is the use of private Content Providers? can in turn notify any relevant cursors which in turn will requery and cause the view to update. This is much cleaner than having..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor error java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor environment Linux Eclipse Dev for.. activity ... java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor at Method Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor at
Error: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView my program As long as my cursors remain open and i call a requery on them . Any insights into what I am doing wrong Upon request..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider given Cursor and when it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is destroyed all managed Cursors..
A few questions about SQLite database cursors in Android outside the method that populates the list. I need it to requery the database when something is deleted from it. But until a.. in the meantime Cause it will be active again when I call .requery again. Or the SimpleCursorAdapter is going to stop working because.. someone else can explain this. If you want really painless requery updates do check out the LoaderManager framework it's not only..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? the problems with managed cursors notably that they requery on an activity restart on the main application thread are still..
Android SimpleCursorAdapter doesn't update when database changes so the cursor is updated as well database android sqlite cursor listactivity share improve this question Call requery on the Cursor when you change data in the database that you want reflected in that Cursor or things the Cursor populates.. because you change the data in the database the Cursor will not know about those changes unless you refresh it via requery . UPDATE This whole question and set of answers should be deleted due to old age but that's apparently impossible. Anyone..
Inform Activity from a BroadcastReceiver ONLY if it is in the foreground
Filtering a cursor the right way? to filter a Cursor CursorAdapter to only show rows that match a specific condition in the ListView. I don't want to requery the db all the time. I just want to filter the Cursor I got from querying the DB. I have seen the question http
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern a BroadCastReceiver so when the service is done with its work notify my Activity that registered this Broadcast and requery again. I believe this last step is not on Virgill Conference but I'm pretty sure is a good way to go. RESTMethod class Takes..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? been changed. This serves two functions first it will cause cursors following that contenturi to update and in turn requery and invalidate and redraw a ListView etc... It's very magical the database changes and your ListView just updates automatically...
What is the use of private Content Providers? into the ContentProvider the CP can notify the CR which can in turn notify any relevant cursors which in turn will requery and cause the view to update. This is much cleaner than having to manually keep track of your views so you can invalidate..
Android error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: trying to requery an already closed cursor error java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor environment Linux Eclipse Dev for Xoom Tablet running HoneyComb 3.0.1 In my app I'm using the.. AndroidRuntime 4148 java.lang.RuntimeException Unable to resume activity ... java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor at 2243 at 599 at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main Native Method Caused by java.lang.IllegalStateException trying to requery an already closed cursor at 4337 at
Error: ArrayAdapter requires the resource ID to be a TextView I have no issues with my SimpleCursorAdapters elsewhere in my program As long as my cursors remain open and i call a requery on them . Any insights into what I am doing wrong Upon request here is my layout for the R.layout.location_row xml version..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider is stopped it will automatically call deactivate on the given Cursor and when it is later restarted it will call requery for you. When the activity is destroyed all managed Cursors will be closed automatically. If you are targeting HONEYCOMB..
A few questions about SQLite database cursors in Android being used is a class member variable because I need it outside the method that populates the list. I need it to requery the database when something is deleted from it. But until a record is deleted which is a user action and may take a while.. may take a while to happen should I deactivate the cursor in the meantime Cause it will be active again when I call .requery again. Or the SimpleCursorAdapter is going to stop working because the cursor is not active EDIT I just tested this one.. holds I've never used deactivate there's no deactive maybe someone else can explain this. If you want really painless requery updates do check out the LoaderManager framework it's not only for Honeycomb using the compat library you can use LoaderManager..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? can certainly use startManagingCursor on API Level 11 . However the problems with managed cursors notably that they requery on an activity restart on the main application thread are still there on older and newer Android versions. But does that..