android Programming Glossary: requestedx
Quick dialog using onclick search view in android mWindow.showAtLocation anchor Gravity.NO_GRAVITY xPos yPos Set animation style @param screenWidth screen width @param requestedX distance from left edge @param onTop flag to indicate where the popup should be displayed. Set TRUE if displayed on top.. Set TRUE if displayed on top of anchor view and vice versa private void setAnimationStyle int screenWidth int requestedX boolean onTop int arrowPos requestedX mArrowUp.getMeasuredWidth 2 switch mAnimStyle case ANIM_GROW_FROM_LEFT mWindow.setAnimationStyle.. of anchor view and vice versa private void setAnimationStyle int screenWidth int requestedX boolean onTop int arrowPos requestedX mArrowUp.getMeasuredWidth 2 switch mAnimStyle case ANIM_GROW_FROM_LEFT mWindow.setAnimationStyle onTop