android Programming Glossary: request.callback
How to send a FQL query with the new Android SDK request new Request session fql params HttpMethod.GET new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response Log.i TAG Got results..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton Session.getActiveSession message new Request.Callback @Override public void onCompleted Response response showPublishResult..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? session.getAccessToken fields id name hometown new Request.Callback ... Version 2 protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package message message final Context context this Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response.. final Context context this Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response FacebookRequestError..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly new Bundle postParams.putString message messageToPost Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response.. message messageToPost Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response JSONObject graphResponse..
Post to facebook after login fails Android postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message status Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onMalformedURLException.. message status Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onMalformedURLException MalformedURLException e..
How to send a FQL query with the new Android SDK q fqlQuery Session session Session.getActiveSession Request request new Request session fql params HttpMethod.GET new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response Log.i TAG Got results response.toString Request.executeBatchAsync request You're..
Android - Facebook SDK 3 - How to login programatically without LoginButton String message kks uz nemam nervy Request request Request.newStatusUpdateRequest Session.getActiveSession message new Request.Callback @Override public void onCompleted Response response showPublishResult message response.getGraphObject response.getError..
When to request permissions with Facebook's new Android SDK 3.0? session me friends access_token session.getAccessToken fields id name hometown new Request.Callback ... Version 2 protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState Session currentSession..
Updated - Android Facebook api 3.0 error: Cannot call LoginActivity with a null calling package Session.getActiveSession Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message message final Context context this Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response FacebookRequestError error response.getError .. postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message message final Context context this Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response FacebookRequestError error response.getError if error null setVisibilityForRepublishButton..
Facebook sdk 3.0.1 is not working properly newPermissionsRequest return Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message messageToPost Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response JSONObject graphResponse response .getGraphObject.. return Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message messageToPost Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onCompleted Response response JSONObject graphResponse response .getGraphObject .getInnerJSONObject String..
Post to facebook after login fails Android session Session.getActiveSession if session null Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message status Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onMalformedURLException MalformedURLException e public void onIOException IOException.. if session null Bundle postParams new Bundle postParams.putString message status Request.Callback callback new Request.Callback public void onMalformedURLException MalformedURLException e public void onIOException IOException e public void onFileNotFoundException..