android Programming Glossary: request_enable_bt
android bluetooth can't connect private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter private int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 100 private ArrayList BluetoothDevice mDevicesList private BluetoothDeviceDialog.. startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else searchForPairedDevices mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog.. int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode REQUEST_ENABLE_BT if resultCode RESULT_OK Toast.makeText this BT turned on Toast.LENGTH_SHORT..
Enable Android bluetooth from documentation startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT I get an error at the REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part where Eclipse says.. enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT I get an error at the REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part where Eclipse says it cannot be resolved. What am I doing.. android bluetooth share improve this question The REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part is a request code that you should handle in your onActivityResult..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android to connect to the device connect device break case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT When the request to enable Bluetooth returns if resultCode..
How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT But this sort of code is not working in SDK 1.5..How can i do..
Toggling Bluetooth on and off? manifest file and variables like private final integer REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 1 and BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter.. startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else if hasBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled you should.. int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode REQUEST_ENABLE_BT resultCode RESULT_OK boolean isEnabling mBluetoothAdapter.enable..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android int REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE 1 private static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 2 Button mScan mPrint mDisc BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter.. startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else ListPairedDevices Intent connectIntent new Intent.. is replaced by progress dialog with thread break case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT if mResultCode Activity.RESULT_OK ListPairedDevices Intent..
android bluetooth can't connect MY_UUID UUID.fromString 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805F9B34FB private BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter private int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 100 private ArrayList BluetoothDevice mDevicesList private BluetoothDeviceDialog mDialog private ProgressDialog progressBar.. Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else searchForPairedDevices mDialog new BluetoothDeviceDialog this mDevicesList getFragmentManager private.. mReceiver @Override protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode REQUEST_ENABLE_BT if resultCode RESULT_OK Toast.makeText this BT turned on Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show searchForPairedDevices mDialog new..
Enable Android bluetooth from documentation Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT I get an error at the REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part where Eclipse says it cannot be resolved. What am I doing wrong android bluetooth.. BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT I get an error at the REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part where Eclipse says it cannot be resolved. What am I doing wrong android bluetooth share improve this question .. where Eclipse says it cannot be resolved. What am I doing wrong android bluetooth share improve this question The REQUEST_ENABLE_BT part is a request code that you should handle in your onActivityResult method. In that method you'll be notified whether..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android device m_BluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice address Attempt to connect to the device connect device break case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT When the request to enable Bluetooth returns if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Bluetooth is now enabled so set up a chat..
How to enable/disable bluetooth programmatically in android Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT But this sort of code is not working in SDK 1.5..How can i do the same in SDK 1.5. android bluetooth share improve this..
Toggling Bluetooth on and off? android name android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN in your manifest file and variables like private final integer REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 1 and BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter boolean hasBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter null.. on Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else if hasBluetooth mBluetoothAdapter.isEnabled you should really prompt the user for permission to turn the BlueTooth.. on prompt is caught in protected void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if requestCode REQUEST_ENABLE_BT resultCode RESULT_OK boolean isEnabling mBluetoothAdapter.enable if isEnabling an immediate error occurred perhaps the..
Bluetooth Printer issue in android protected static final String TAG TAG private static final int REQUEST_CONNECT_DEVICE 1 private static final int REQUEST_ENABLE_BT 2 Button mScan mPrint mDisc BluetoothAdapter mBluetoothAdapter private UUID applicationUUID UUID .fromString 00001101 0000.. Intent enableBtIntent new Intent BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE startActivityForResult enableBtIntent REQUEST_ENABLE_BT else ListPairedDevices Intent connectIntent new Intent Main.this DeviceListActivity.class startActivityForResult.. pairToDevice mBluetoothDevice This method is replaced by progress dialog with thread break case REQUEST_ENABLE_BT if mResultCode Activity.RESULT_OK ListPairedDevices Intent connectIntent new Intent Main.this DeviceListActivity.class..