android Programming Glossary: request.addproperty
How to call a .NET web service from android? [closed] SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty passonString Rajapandian SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty prop1 myprop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope..
Using Web Services in Android [closed] NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of.. NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the..
To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work? NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of.. NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the.. NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit 30 provide value here Declare the version of the..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android username password test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. username password test password hello request.addProperty req ie change to xmlstring and set namespace. share..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? ........ MY Data....... without these `tags soapenv ` request.addProperty req Element e new Element e.setName To e.setNamespace http
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty.. dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get.. i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get i .getQuestion..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty Name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty user user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope.. NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty user user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope soapenvelope new.. SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty userid user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope..
How to call a .NET web service from android? [closed] tv TextView findViewById call public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty passonString Rajapandian SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet..
How to call a .NET Webservice from Android using KSOAP2? R.layout.main tv TextView findViewById try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty prop1 myprop SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
Using Web Services in Android [closed] soap request add parameters SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. soap request add parameters SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope..
To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work? soap request add parameters SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. soap request add parameters SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. soap request add parameters SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit 30 provide value here Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope..
getting HTTP request failed, HTTP status: 404 in ksoap2 while passing xml data to soap1.2 android hello req.type String.class req.setValue hello username username password test123 password hello request.addProperty req SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
unable to get Response from HttpResponse when passing soap object (soap1.2) android? req.namespace NAMESPACE req.type String.class req.setValue ........ MY Data....... without these `tags soapenv ` request.addProperty req Element e new Element e.setName To e.setNamespace http 2005 08 addressing e.addChild Node.TEXT MyUrl Element..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question.. new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get i .getQuestion request.addProperty Answer.. request.addProperty dt for int i 0 i OnLineApplication.mParserResults.size i request.addProperty CompanyID 30 request.addProperty Question OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get i .getQuestion request.addProperty Answer OnLineApplication.mParserResults.get..
How to call a WCF service using ksoap2 on android? tv.setText sb.toString setContentView tv public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject.. tv.setText sb.toString setContentView tv public void call try SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty Name Qing SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.dotNet true envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application String user_id String password SoapPrimitive resultstring null SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty user user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope soapenvelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope.. resultstring null SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty user user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope soapenvelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 soapenvelope.dotNet.. http GetLogin final String METHOD_NAME GetLogin SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME request.addProperty userid user_id request.addProperty password password SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11..