android Programming Glossary: reproducible
What to do on TransactionTooLargeException to do on TransactionTooLargeException I got in error track of an app TransactionTooLargeException. Not reproducible and never had it before. In the docs it says The Binder transaction failed because it was too large. During a remote procedure..
Ellipsize not working for textView inside custom listView share improve this question Ellipsize is broken go vote on the bug report especially since they claim it's not reproducible so you have to use a minor hack. Use android inputType text android maxLines 1 on anything you want to ellipsize. Also don't..
Can't get ellipsis to work on Android share improve this question Ellipsize is broken go vote on the bug report especially since they claim it's not reproducible so you have to use a minor hack. Use android inputType text android maxLines 1 on anything you want to ellipsize. Also don't..
onPageFinished not firing correctly when rendering web page well it looks like this isn't fixed. I think there's a race condition going on when loading the page but can't get a reproducible behaviour. I'm storing the HTML content of a webpage in a SQLite database for viewing when offline. I reload the content..
Runtime.exec() bug: hangs without providing a Process object execFailed int error errno write statusOut error sizeof int close statusOut exit error The child can fail for 2 reproducible reasons 1 child code is not running but the parent believes it is 2 child blocks on closeNonStandardFds statusOut androidSystemPropertiesFd..
Service not available in geoCoder throwing exception IOException Service not Available Last post on this thread ATTOW Probably it's periodically reproducible in android 4.0.x target API x As a workaround you can use Google Map Here is my GeocoderHelper class that provides a 'Google..