android Programming Glossary: reproduced
PorterduffXfermode: Clear a section of a bitmap someone please help me understand what exactly is going on and why I am going so terribly wrong Thanks. EDIT I have reproduced an example that confirms my suspicions. When adding this exact custom view but in a DialogFragment the underlying activity..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) don't need to implement that method. And the docs link to a very good example which I have reproduced below for your convenience. It does exactly what I speculated was the answer in my question if ...findFragmentByTag null..
Listener (or handler) for video finish emulator. I just would like to know if there's any listener or handler to detect the finish of the video that is being reproduced Update I have the following code now @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState..
Android and Layouts a little away from an edge. Gravity aligns the text within that TextView or button. Looking again I your diagram I reproduced it this way Start with a relative layout 'fill_content' that takes up the entire screen. Put in the short text and some..
Is android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED not required? TAG An alarm was received but there was an error e.printStackTrace I revisited this on the emulator and successfully reproduced the problem on Android 2.1 2.2 and 2.3. I get an ANR as expected since the emulator doesn't have the database my app queries...
How do you create a loadable kernel module for Android? . Here ™s how to do it First the original program was copied from http 2011 03 21 77 Or reproduced as follows android_module.c #include linux module.h #include linux kernel.h replace the with angular brackets int init_module..