android Programming Glossary: request.addheader
Check real internet connection httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters request.addHeader Content Type application json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android entity.writeTo out request.addPayload out.toByteArray request.addHeader entity.getContentType .getName entity.getContentType .getValue..
Android: HTTP communication should use “Accept-Encoding: gzip” encoded data e.g HttpUriRequest request new HttpGet url request.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip ... httpClient.execute request Check response..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps HttpGet url combinedParams for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue ExecuteRequest request url break case.. request new HttpPost url for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue if params.isEmpty request.setEntity..
How to set a Http header to retrive a json Object HttpGet request new HttpGet StaticURL.uMain resourceURI request.addHeader Authorization Basic auth HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout..
Send HTTP GET request with header key sendHeaders.keySet if request.containsHeader key request.addHeader key sendHeaders.get key .... code omitted .... share..
REST and SOAP webservice in android DefaultHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http ResponseHandler String..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android combinedParams add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue executeRequest request url break case.. HttpPost url add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue JSONObject jo new JSONObject if params.isEmpty..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? combinedParams add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue parameters 0 request parameters 1 url.. HttpPost url add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue if params.isEmpty request.setEntity..
Check real internet connection timeoutSocket create object of DefaultHttpClient DefaultHttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient httpParameters request.addHeader Content Type application json HttpResponse response httpClient.execute request get response entity HttpEntity entity response.getEntity..
Twitter update_with_media Via Scribe OAuth On Android TO UPLOAD ByteArrayOutputStream out new ByteArrayOutputStream entity.writeTo out request.addPayload out.toByteArray request.addHeader entity.getContentType .getName entity.getContentType .getValue catch UnsupportedEncodingException e e.printStackTrace catch..
Android: HTTP communication should use “Accept-Encoding: gzip” use http headers to indicate a connection can accept gzip encoded data e.g HttpUriRequest request new HttpGet url request.addHeader Accept Encoding gzip ... httpClient.execute request Check response for content encoding InputStream instream response.getEntity..
How to create Rest api,and how to consume the rest api with android apps else combinedParams paramString HttpGet request new HttpGet url combinedParams for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue ExecuteRequest request url break case POST HttpPost request new HttpPost url for NameValuePair h.. ExecuteRequest request url break case POST HttpPost request new HttpPost url for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue if params.isEmpty request.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params HTTP.UTF_8 ExecuteRequest request..
How to set a Http header to retrive a json Object userpwd .getBytes UTF 8 android.util.Base64.NO_WRAP HttpGet request new HttpGet StaticURL.uMain resourceURI request.addHeader Authorization Basic auth HttpConnectionParams.setSoTimeout httpParameters timeoutConnection client new DefaultHttpClient..
Send HTTP GET request with header
REST and SOAP webservice in android .....REST.......... HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http ResponseHandler String handler new BasicResponseHandler.. HttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpGet request new HttpGet wsdlURL request.addHeader company name abc request.addHeader getAccessNumbers http ResponseHandler String handler new BasicResponseHandler try result httpclient.execute..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android paramString HttpGet request new HttpGet url combinedParams add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue executeRequest request url break case POST HttpPost request new HttpPost url add headers for.. request url break case POST HttpPost request new HttpPost url add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue JSONObject jo new JSONObject if params.isEmpty for int i 0 i params.size i jo.put params.get..
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()? paramString HttpGet request new HttpGet url combinedParams add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue parameters 0 request parameters 1 url new CallServiceTask .execute parameters jsonData JSONObject.. Boolean rtnData 1 break case POST HttpPost request new HttpPost url add headers for NameValuePair h headers request.addHeader h.getName h.getValue if params.isEmpty request.setEntity new UrlEncodedFormEntity params HTTP.UTF_8 new CallServiceTask..