android Programming Glossary: rebuilding
Android NDK: custom WebView compiling from source This is certainly possible. The main difficulty in rebuilding android.webkit from source lies in the lack of a correct build..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) can anyone suggest a workaround other than debugging and rebuilding the support library myself Surely somebody must have overridden..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment never told it there was a project there. If that happens rebuilding the project solves the problem at least until it comes back...
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application as the source of the problem and start investigating 2 by rebuilding your old version and see if you have same problem again. If..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android I'm not sure what else I can do other than cleaning and rebuilding or restarting eclipse I have already tried all three . Does..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? options This question relates to troubles I am having with rebuilding the APK file once I have unzipped it and updated the custom..
Get back key event on EditText
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK pocketsphinx_wrap.o Error 1 I tried the recommendation of rebuilding the sphinxbase and pocketsphinx libraries and rebuilding with.. rebuilding the sphinxbase and pocketsphinx libraries and rebuilding with ndk build B but that didn't work. I then modified the jni..
Android SDK tools revision 12 has problem with Proguard => error conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 [duplicate] only library I use is jcifs . I have tried cleaning and rebuilding create a new project and reassembling and I believe I have done..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? deleting the error in the Eclipse UI deleting rebuilding the project restarting Eclipse etc. These things help temporarily..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet future. Here is a link to a guy who did a kernel patch if rebuilding the kernel is your thing and you really need to get UsbManager..
R.Java not generated many blogs and forums and tried many things like cleaning rebuilding creating project from existing source etc but still facing the..
Android: Manipulating voice in phone calls best solution would be to do this on a native call. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too. Are there any ways.. call audio stream except perhaps in speakerphone mode. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too. The last official.. of Android do have access to the in call audio stream rebuilding a telephone app is only possible if you are creating custom..
Android NDK: custom WebView compiling from source android c sdk compilation webview share improve this question This is certainly possible. The main difficulty in rebuilding android.webkit from source lies in the lack of a correct build environment. It was never intended to be built outside of..
reorder pages in FragmentStatePagerAdapter using getItemPosition(Object object) bugs or whether I'm doing something wrong. If they are bugs can anyone suggest a workaround other than debugging and rebuilding the support library myself Surely somebody must have overridden getItemPosition Object object successfully apart from setting..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment
“Parse Error : There is a problem parsing the package” while installing Android application not work then you can eliminate the name of the apk file as the source of the problem and start investigating 2 by rebuilding your old version and see if you have same problem again. If the problem does not exists with the rebuilt version of your..
NoClassDefFoundError - Eclipse and Android As all of the build scripts are generated by the Android tools I'm not sure what else I can do other than cleaning and rebuilding or restarting eclipse I have already tried all three . Does anyone know how I can amend this java android eclipse ant build..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? login details in APK file different for each user or other options This question relates to troubles I am having with rebuilding the APK file once I have unzipped it and updated the custom asset file. I am quite convinced I am missing something small..
Get back key event on EditText
Problems trying to build PocketSphinxAndroidDemo using NDK obj local armeabi objs debug pocketsphinx_jni pocketsphinx_wrap.o Error 1 I tried the recommendation of rebuilding the sphinxbase and pocketsphinx libraries and rebuilding with ndk build B but that didn't work. I then modified the jni.. pocketsphinx_wrap.o Error 1 I tried the recommendation of rebuilding the sphinxbase and pocketsphinx libraries and rebuilding with ndk build B but that didn't work. I then modified the jni pocketsphinx.i swig file to change the include for err.h..
Android SDK tools revision 12 has problem with Proguard => error conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 [duplicate] the Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1 the only library I use is jcifs . I have tried cleaning and rebuilding create a new project and reassembling and I believe I have done almost anything I can read in the Internet. Is this a new..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? aapt I've found a bunch of posts on this subject which suggest deleting the error in the Eclipse UI deleting rebuilding the project restarting Eclipse etc. These things help temporarily but as soon as I edit an XML file Eclipse gets borked..
Android Usb Host Problem with Samsung Galaxy 10.1 Tablet only ways around this atm. hopefully samsung will fix in the future. Here is a link to a guy who did a kernel patch if rebuilding the kernel is your thing and you really need to get UsbManager working. I have not tested but plan to eventually and will..
R.Java not generated my eclipse IDE it does not generate R.Java file.I searched many blogs and forums and tried many things like cleaning rebuilding creating project from existing source etc but still facing the problem.Some people mentioned that it is sometimes caused..
Android: Manipulating voice in phone calls from the microphone in real time during a phone call. The best solution would be to do this on a native call. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too. Are there any ways to achieve this with Android APIs also undocumented If not.. call. This is not possible. You have no access to the in call audio stream except perhaps in speakerphone mode. But rebuilding a telephone app no VOIP would be fine too. The last official word from Google 2010 the entire OS has no access to the in..