android Programming Glossary: read_stream
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred new String user_about_me email publish_stream read_stream offline_access new TestLoginListener public class TestLoginListener..
Post to facebook after login fails Android Arrays.asList publish_stream read_stream and implement setSessionStatusCallback method of the Login button..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? this APP ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this where this is an Activity that implements..
Android Facebook Intent this APP_API_ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this @Override public void onComplete Bundle..
Facebook friends birthdays in Android final String PERMISSIONS new String friends_birthday read_stream offline_access Make sure that you gave permission for accessing..
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method facebook.authorize Login.this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH new DialogListener..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred than below code will be execute mFacebook.authorize MainActivity.this new String user_about_me email publish_stream read_stream offline_access new TestLoginListener public class TestLoginListener implements DialogListener public void onComplete Bundle..
Post to facebook after login fails Android After initializing set permissions on the LoginButton authButton.setPublishPermissions Arrays.asList publish_stream read_stream and implement setSessionStatusCallback method of the Login button widget authButton.setSessionStatusCallback new Session.StatusCallback..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? is unclear to me. Facebook facebookClient new Facebook facebookClient.authorize this APP ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this where this is an Activity that implements a DialogListener and APP ID is my Facebook application ID...
Android Facebook Intent new Facebook replace APP_API_ID with your own facebookClient.authorize this APP_API_ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this @Override public void onComplete Bundle values if values.isEmpty skip clicked if facebookClient.authorize..
Facebook friends birthdays in Android
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device Facebook friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists manage_friendlists this sToken mFacebook.getAccessToken..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method help me to solve this problem if facebook.isSessionValid facebook.authorize Login.this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH new DialogListener @Override public void onComplete Bundle values SharedPreferences.Editor..