android Programming Glossary: realimage
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices in relation to the Exif tag. This is what I did Bitmap realImage BitmapFactory.decodeStream stream ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface.. ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase 6 realImage ImageUtil.rotate realImage 90 else if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION.. .equalsIgnoreCase 6 realImage ImageUtil.rotate realImage 90 else if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase..
How to resize image (Bitmap) to for examle 800x480 in code? improve this question Bitmap scaledBitmap scaleDown realImage MAX_IMAGE_SIZE true scale down method public static Bitmap scaleDown.. scale down method public static Bitmap scaleDown Bitmap realImage float maxImageSize boolean filter float ratio Math.min float.. boolean filter float ratio Math.min float maxImageSize realImage.getWidth float maxImageSize realImage.getHeight int width Math.round..
setRotation(90) to take picture in portrait mode does not work on samsung devices camera share improve this question I try to answer this in relation to the Exif tag. This is what I did Bitmap realImage BitmapFactory.decodeStream stream ExifInterface exif new ExifInterface getRealPathFromURI imagePath Log.d EXIF value exif.getAttribute.. exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase 6 realImage ImageUtil.rotate realImage 90 else if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase 8 realImage ImageUtil.rotate.. if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase 6 realImage ImageUtil.rotate realImage 90 else if exif.getAttribute ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION .equalsIgnoreCase 8 realImage ImageUtil.rotate realImage 270..
How to resize image (Bitmap) to for examle 800x480 in code? CompressFormat.JPEG 25 bos android monodroid share improve this question Bitmap scaledBitmap scaleDown realImage MAX_IMAGE_SIZE true scale down method public static Bitmap scaleDown Bitmap realImage float maxImageSize boolean filter.. Bitmap scaledBitmap scaleDown realImage MAX_IMAGE_SIZE true scale down method public static Bitmap scaleDown Bitmap realImage float maxImageSize boolean filter float ratio Math.min float maxImageSize realImage.getWidth float maxImageSize realImage.getHeight.. static Bitmap scaleDown Bitmap realImage float maxImageSize boolean filter float ratio Math.min float maxImageSize realImage.getWidth float maxImageSize realImage.getHeight int width Math.round float ratio realImage.getWidth int height Math.round..